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Hi everyone,

I had a question for those of you who own headsets. As I'm building hours (currently have 50+ hours) and with my birthday coming up in a month I've been searching to buy a headset. I've never bought one before (always used the ones at my flight school) so I decided I'd ask the X-Pilot community for advice. I'm looking for something that works well for 350USD or less.

I'd appreciate any advice I can get



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Hi, Oliver,

I know this defies your price budget, but I highly do suggest the Bose A20. They run more expensive, but you WILL appreciate your investment if you plan to stick with flying. Odd as it may be, on longer flights they also help with fatigue. There are many other noise cancel headsets out there, some cheaper, but I have found Bose to be the best in selection. No, I'm not a Bose "fanboy."

Considering your budget, Bose has a nice no-interest program, and it is NOT credit or a credit card. They are simple monthly payments that don't require any kind of application or acceptance into the program, and because it's not a form of credit it does not require a credit check or affect your credit score at all.

Looking at their site right now, they have two options. The lowest option is $91.33/month for 12 months. By the end of your payments, you end up paying the exact same amount you would have if you pre-bought at the regular price (well...kind of...it's a one penny difference).

You should definitely check this out if you're serious about keeping your flying career going for the foreseeable future! They'll last you a very long time!

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Thanks for the descriptive advice Cameron! I'm going to look at the Bose no interest program, because those A20s sure look nice  :) . I definitely plan on following my aviation carreer! I'm actually going to visit the Air Force Academy next winter because I'm very interested in joining if I get accepted! My hours are building, I'm due to have roughly 30 more hours by the end of the summer!

Thanks again for the advice  :P

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For what its worth, I have the David Clark H10-13.4 and its a fantastic headset.  Thing I like about it the most is its lightweight (13.4 oz) and doesn't become a burden on your head while you're flying.  On the downside, it doesn't have any noise canceling, which is quickly becoming an industry standard.  Most of the military used or still uses DC headsets, and c'mon who DOESN'T want to be spotted with that distinctive green flashing from within the cockpit!?  :)

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Well, yeah, the A20 is like the best headset you can get, period. nothing out matches it, and if you have the thousand dollars to spend on it, that is what you get. Now if you cant aford that, or perhaps if the people buying you your present cant afford that, any DAVID CLARK headset is what you want.

I have a David Clark, and what i love about it so much is when i watch movies, i can see my headset on all the pilots.

So really, there is only two heads sets out there in my mind, the David Clark and the Bose A20.

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So really, there is only two heads sets out there in my mind, the David Clark and the Bose A20.

We have three Telex ANR's & one David Clark with no ANR. I'm a Telex fan (Stratus 50 Digital). The grey colored Telex's match my grey leather seats..  :)


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  • 5 months later...

This October I purchased my first headset for my PPL training, and I got myself an ASA headset.

Sure it is the cheapest, but to be honest I can buy ten of them for each Bose, so the value is there. Besides that, my instructor let me try out his Bose headset, and I found the ASA to be much more comfortable, which he can also attest to as his backup headset is also an ASA...

Edit: In the future I might buy a David Clark, but so far I have no complaints about the ASA, regardless of what the different aviation store salesmen will try and tell you, buy a Sennheiser its worth the $1100 lol...

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Yeah, I used to have a Nav Data, which was the cheapest I could find. I flew with a friend's LightSpeed Sierra for 2 weeks and absolutely loved it, so I decided to get myself an early Christmas present. Definitely worth the money, the noise cancelling is absolutely incredible!

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Seeing the words Bose and Best on the same page gives me the creeps, so you can imagine how I feel to see them on the same line!

Spent over 30 years in the audio industry--much of it at some pretty high levels. Never meet anyone in the industry that used a Bose product. Not one person, not one product.

While they are also above your target price, you might check out LightSpeed Zulu--I've seen then for $750-$775.

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Seeing the words Bose and Best on the same page gives me the creeps, so you can imagine how I feel to see them on the same line!

Spent over 30 years in the audio industry--much of it at some pretty high levels. Never meet anyone in the industry that used a Bose product. Not one person, not one product.

While they are also above your target price, you might check out LightSpeed Zulu--I've seen then for $750-$775.

I tend to agree. The sounds quality on the Bose is on par with any other headset I've used. I've rented ASA's and David Clark's from my flight school, and they are all the same when it comes to sound quality. Besides, what do you need stereo quality for, when the majority of the time your listening to a mono feed anyway?

The ASA I got has a selector for mono or stereo, and the only reason that there is even an option is because people have started jacking their iPod's through the intercom system so they can listen to music while on longer trips...

The other thing I hated about the Bose was the way the headband ratchets itself onto your skull, it is just way too tight for my liking. I will admit that the noise cancellation is an interesting feature, but I prefer to be able to hear outside noises, especially the engine because it gives me non-visual cues as to the status of various phases of flight.

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Seeing the words Bose and Best on the same page gives me the creeps, so you can imagine how I feel to see them on the same line!

Relax. This had nothing to do with sound quality and everything to do with noise reduction and comfort. As someone who has flown many hours with various headsets, I can still attest to this...and I own MANY different brands of pilot headsets.

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