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Shameful conduct & censorship

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Hi all,

I wanted to give some feedback about what I feel is truly shameful and unacceptable behaviour by Cameron, from X-Aviation.    It concerns his blatent deleting of reviews and posts about his products, and I am under no illusion that this post will probably also be deleted.

I was under the impression that this forum was set up due to censorship and politics on .org but the actions and behaviours of Cameron are worse than anything I've experienced on that forum.

Firstly, let me say that I love X-Aviation's products and I have no history or nothing against Cameron.  I 'take as I find', and my first dealing with Cameron was when I purchased the "Florida" product from X-Aviation.   I had major issues installing the product and when I dared to talk about these on this forum, Cameron posted mis-information, stating publically that I had received email support from him, but had still made a post about the issue on the forum. This was wholly incorrect; I merely requested support by email, and made a post about my issues on the forum before I'd received Cameron's email response, in case they were common problems and other users could help.   Cameron was exceptionally rude by email and communicated with me in a way I've never been treated as a paying customer.

Further posts of mine on his sub-forum (none of which were rude or unfair) were deleted by Cameron.

More seriously, I completed a fair and objective review of the "Florida" product, on the X-Aviation website.  My review was immediately published (as all reviews are), but the following day was deleted by Cameron.

The review was fair and balanced.  It did not reach a particularly favourable conclusion regarding the product, but remained fair and balanced throughout.

If you read the reviews of the excellent aircraft available at X-Aviation, you will see they are all favourable. (Most deservedly so).   However if you look at the scenery products available at X-Aviation, you will see no reviews at all.   No doubt because, like mine, all reviews that contain even constructive criticism are deleted.

Cameron, you have a very heavy handed approach to running your business and in how you treat your customers.   I have purchased 4 products to date from X-Aviation, and LOVE three of them.  But it is unacceptable to provide what you present as a free and objective reviewing system on the website, if you are then going to delete the reviews that you don't like.

Please, prove me wrong in this case and do not delete this post

Censorship of this type is bad for X-Plane, bad for developers and bad for us all as hobbyists.

Cameron, I have just left a 5 star, very positive review for the CRJ on the X-Aviation website, but I did state that the only area for potential improvement was in the sound;  are you going to delete this review too?

If you do decide to "make this one go away" too, by deleting this post, people will know you have done so, as it's also referenced here:-  http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=52585

I don't know you Cameron and you may be a nice guy in some regards, but your actions towards me have been the actions of an arrogant bully, and well... bullies are out of fashion these days.


David Rogers

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What you say is pretty "lose" hearsay...

Everybody says X-A has the best support in the X-Plane scene? What your saying is you got treated like crap.

I know of ONE review of our Duchess that got deleted which blatantly deserved to be deleted. Thats the only one I know of and it was completely off base. To get something deleted round here, you must be very badly stirring the pot with unjustified statements.

I would recommend you post a copy of the afore mentioned emails before you make such wild and baseless accusations.

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'Lose Hearsay' = would be things like "I hear Cameron did such and such".    

I am giving a first hand account of how I've been treated by this person, consisting of facts. Actual things that happened, all of which I can prove.  (How about I re-post the review of the Florida product and we'll see if it sticks around this time huh?).

It's very strange that you jump to such defensive and baseless assumptions yourself.  Why do you assume that what I am saying is not true?    Are you suggesting that I never placed the Florida review and have invented this ?  ???

That's pretty unlikely don't you think.

You are simply exacerbating the perception that a lot of people have that the X-Plane community is (a) unfriendly, (:) a 'closed door', and a © clique.  (I know these aren't true, but that is a lot of people's perception of it.  Just because you don't know me does not mean I am 'stirring trouble' or making baseless accusations.   All of what I said above is FACT.

I am not stirring, I am exposing an unacceptable case of censorship.  Why provide a reviews system if you're going to delete reviews.    Don't assume new people on this forum are trolls; I was a AVSIM Staff Reviewer for 6 years, if you search the reviews section under my name you will see my reviews, most of which were for high profile add-ons, such as the Level D 767 for FSX.   I am only making this point because you seemed to feel it appropriate to talk down to me and baselessly suggest I was stirring for trouble.

The fact remains; I placed a fair and objective review, and it was deleted.  That is bad behaviour for everyone.

Ooh, and a -1 Karma from TheoGregory. Ouch!...how childish.  That's right, you just keep up the censorship and try to crush anyone that speaks out against the BULLYs here....    :)

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With all due respect, your post is extremely generalized.

You have made statements without any kind of quotes from any emails between you and Cameron.

Theo is not calling you a liar.  But it is definitely possible that emotions through email can get grossly misinterpreted.  What you THOUGHT was rude may have been simple, curt and concise responses.  It's hard to know because you haven't shown any emails.  And before you start posting ONLY Cameron's responses, please post the entire correspondence.  Then we can all get a clearer picture of what was going on.

Next, the "post and review deleting" accusation you have made concerns me.  Cameron will never delete posts in these forums unless they are spam.  As Theo said, 1 review was deleted from the Duchess review section.  That person gave a 1 star out of 5.  Kind of ridiculous when there are 2 pages of 5/5 stars.  Usually people give bad reviews when they can't get something working.  In their frustration, they smite the product as much as possible before exploring all avenues of support.

From reading your original post, it seems you jumped the gun a little bit before sorting out your issues.  Your frustration is evident as I have also seen this exact post over at the org.  Why post over there?  To provide a service to everyone over there?  To warn them about us?  Even before Cameron has had a chance to respond to this post.  Kind of unfair, don't you think?  Shall we talk about the 11 days I had to wait for support from the org?  And when I finally got it, I was asked why I was causing so much trouble.  I made 3 posts.  Dan Klaue apologized for the delay.  Nicolas Tereaux did not.

To prove my point that you were jumping the gun, you made an accusation that Theo dropped your karma to -1.  It wasn't him that did this.  I do know who it was but it is against forum rules to reveal this information.

If you have problems with what you purchased, openly slamming the product, developer and distributor before sorting out your issues is not really the way to go.  

By all means, post your review here.


I seriously doubt it will get deleted.

Calling us "bullies" is not really helping you.  And I personally take offense to this because I was a victim of bullying.

Have a nice day.  :)

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Yes, hearsay. Cos that's exactly what it is without any proof. I'm going with what seems logical. X-Aviation has the best support out of any commercial vendor. You make wild accusations with no proof just like you did against me smiting you. Sorry dude, wasn't me and you've just reinforced our points.

It may have been taken down amid some confusion. It might have been server trouble. Hell, you might not have posted it properly. Who knows...

But to come here make accusations with no offer of proof? This is sure to go down badly, yes?

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Hi Goran,

Thanks for your constructive post, and I do hear what you're saying.  (Unlike Theo's post which has no reasonable basis and is simply a case of "hey you, don't you speak up against the amazing support of x-aviation!! ... it's just not possible you got treated crappy and the support was poor!".....)  :)

All emails I send to Cameron's support channel are ritually ignored (despite having no offensive or rude content whatsoever), despite my being a paid up customer of X-Aviation.  So you see I can't confront the situation with Cameron behind closed doors or less publically as suggested.  The last email I sent to Cameron suggested we'd got off to a bad start and to wipe the slate clean. It was polite and well-intended; but went without reply.   Although you've made the statement "I doubt your posts will be deleted"; that is exactly what happened, but as Cameron and I are the only ones that truly know that is the case, I doubt the truth will become transparent here.

This is clearly a 'closed room' and Cameron is obviously revered here, as equally as he is castigated over on the .org forum.   Fair enough, if this is Cameron's protection zone, then obviously I have no place giving any feedback whatsoever that goes against the 'wonderful support' he offers.

It seems to me that Cameron is one of those guys who is polite, nice, and appreciative when all the feedback, praise and views are going his way.   But come some negative feedback, BANG, it's the delete button.    You clearly believe otherwise but my experience is genuine; based on deleted forum posts (none of which were what most people would deem unacceptable in term or manner), and deleted reviews, which again were just honest and balanced.  

Regarding the Karma; it really is a pathetic system don't you think? ... purely based on those who speak out getting castigated and publically humiliated.  And equally, those "in the club" look after eachother and get some sort of pleasure from their double digit Karma score.   :)   .....it's hard to argue that it's not a silly, childish system, that encourages the very bullying and stone throwing that you say does not go on here.   I'll stick with my -1 .... in the knowledge that as a paramedic, and voluntary counsellor for victims of abuse, that my real 'Karma' is hopefully a little higher than my 'X-Pilot' Karma.  :-[ ;D

I won't upset your close group any further by contributing in this forum. It seems few new posts are made here daily so (and I'm genuinley not flaming here), I would have thought you would be more open-minded, and welcoming, and less quick to judge and dismiss people's genuine feedback.  Otherwise all you will have here is a closed door and a declining rather than growing community.

Mods*: Feel free to delete this thread.   And we can all go back to our happy closed views on what does and does not go on around here.

*Go on Cameron, you know you want to!

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I personally look forward with extreme curiosity to see how many people chime in on this thread to support you and your "outing" of your allegations.

Please, all who have grievances, speak now or forever hold your peace.

Let this be the bitch thread of all bitch threads against X-A. Put up or shut up.

We bitch about the Org enough, I look forward to an X-A picnic.

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Heres my two cents,

Ive never personally come into contact with Cameron but from my experience with X-A, the service is excellent.

Theres always a chance your points are true, but unless we have SOLID EVIDENCE e.g. e-mails, personal messages etc. then there is no basis for us to believe your allegations.

If, however you produce these e-mail logs then I will stand corrected, but until that point, these are false accusations and you are simply trolling the forum for attention.

As for the whole name change/karma system abusing thing.... seriously? I don't think that self-righteous, protesting behaviour is needed here.  At the end of the day, if you don't like it and your not going to produce evidence, there are other X-Plane forums around. 

No one is begging you to stay.


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I have to say that I found it funny that when I mentioned to Cameron about the .org staff group only having one star, the next day Ben had one star. After a few months Ben was back at 5 stars. A couple of days ago I put my little note under my username and today I see that he is back at one star...

Not sure why all the games about it. If Cameron want's the .org staff at one star, it's ok with me, but don't try to be sneaky about it when I call you out on it.

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I have to say that I found it funny that when I mentioned to Cameron about the .org staff group only having one star, the next day Ben had one star. After a few months Ben was back at 5 stars. A couple of days ago I put my little note under my username and today I see that he is back at one star...

Not sure why all the games about it. If Cameron want's the .org staff at one star, it's ok with me, but don't try to be sneaky about it when I call you out on it.

Stars are based on forum section more than Karma, they're dumb and broken imo.

If you go read my posts in the Gizmo forums you'll see I have five green stars.

If you read my posts in most other places on the board I have 1 star.

Broken(by design) forum feature, nothing to see here.

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I'm taking a snapshot of the first post in the thread to ensure that it's not messed with.

Hi all,

I wanted to give some feedback about what I feel is truly shameful and unacceptable behaviour by Cameron, from X-Aviation.    It concerns his blatent deleting of reviews and posts about his products, and I am under no illusion that this post will probably also be deleted.

I was under the impression that this forum was set up due to censorship and politics on .org but the actions and behaviours of Cameron are worse than anything I've experienced on that forum.

Firstly, let me say that I love X-Aviation's products and I have no history or nothing against Cameron.  I 'take as I find', and my first dealing with Cameron was when I purchased the "Florida" product from X-Aviation.   I had major issues installing the product and when I dared to talk about these on this forum, Cameron posted mis-information, stating publically that I had received email support from him, but had still made a post about the issue on the forum. This was wholly incorrect; I merely requested support by email, and made a post about my issues on the forum before I'd received Cameron's email response, in case they were common problems and other users could help.   Cameron was exceptionally rude by email and communicated with me in a way I've never been treated as a paying customer.

Further posts of mine on his sub-forum (none of which were rude or unfair) were deleted by Cameron.

More seriously, I completed a fair and objective review of the "Florida" product, on the X-Aviation website.  My review was immediately published (as all reviews are), but the following day was deleted by Cameron.

The review was fair and balanced.  It did not reach a particularly favourable conclusion regarding the product, but remained fair and balanced throughout.

If you read the reviews of the excellent aircraft available at X-Aviation, you will see they are all favourable. (Most deservedly so).   However if you look at the scenery products available at X-Aviation, you will see no reviews at all.   No doubt because, like mine, all reviews that contain even constructive criticism are deleted.

Cameron, you have a very heavy handed approach to running your business and in how you treat your customers.   I have purchased 4 products to date from X-Aviation, and LOVE three of them.  But it is unacceptable to provide what you present as a free and objective reviewing system on the website, if you are then going to delete the reviews that you don't like.

Please, prove me wrong in this case and do not delete this post

Censorship of this type is bad for X-Plane, bad for developers and bad for us all as hobbyists.

Cameron, I have just left a 5 star, very positive review for the CRJ on the X-Aviation website, but I did state that the only area for potential improvement was in the sound;  are you going to delete this review too?

If you do decide to "make this one go away" too, by deleting this post, people will know you have done so, as it's also referenced here:-   http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=52585

I don't know you Cameron and you may be a nice guy in some regards, but your actions towards me have been the actions of an arrogant bully, and well... bullies are out of fashion these days.


David Rogers

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Please, all who have grievances, speak now or forever hold your peace.

I for one seem to have trouble using the contact us support from at X-A.  Resorted to e-mail.  Those got lost in transit (nothing sent to spam box).  Time from first filing to finally activating MU-2: March 22 to April 2nd.

There could be any number of reasons for this, I'm not sure what happened.  Cameron was professional in his responses.  My MU-2 was activated.  I'm a satisfied customer.

But I do feel a certain bit of sympathy when people post saying their requests for support via the X-A contact us forms were not answered.  And then everybody says, "No, X-A customer service is the best.  This is not possible."  It just might actually be that they in fact did use the appropriate contact form.  Hostile responses escalate the situation.

Grievance aired.  World still turns.  Where did I put my big boy pants again?

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I personally find this stuff about XA customer service and support extremely uncomfortable and offensive.

Here's the reason why.

I know for a fact that Cameron makes it a priority to serve his customers to the best of his ability.  So much so that Saab development has suffered because it took a back seat to primarily, CRJ support but also T-28C support.  In the meantime, I've had to field questions from other simmers (MANY other simmers), my wife, my mother, my father, even my daughter and some of my friends about "When is the Saab going to be ready??!"  "Is the Saab ready yet??" "How much longer for the Saab??"

I made a conscious choice NOT to bug Cameron about Saab coding because I know he handles most, if not all support queries and the CRJ was huge.  On top of support, he makes newsletters himself, maintains the XA site, maintains THIS site, answers PM's and replies as much as he can to support issues in these forums.  He is also doing what he can to secure these forums from a flood of spam that has been hitting.

There were times he has worked for 24 hours+ NON STOP on CRJ installers and Saab stuff.  

So, in saying all that, here are my suggestions:

Before posting a scathing complaint in public about not getting a response from Cameron, PLEASE check your spam folder.  I don't mean assuming XA emails don't go to spam.  I mean thoroughly check it.  If you're on a network, in most cases, XA support emails will not get to your inbox because some servers and even ISP's are very sensitive to what appears to be spam.

Set up an exception for everything coming from @x-aviation.com

PLEASE be respectful to the developers and the distributor.  We are people with feelings and we work VERY hard to bring you some high quality products.  When we spend over a year making something only to be told you want your money back without exhausting all support options and throwing in some insults for good measure, it kind of annoys us.  NO ONE likes to be walked on and insulted and coming off as arrogant or rude will get you nowhere fast.  Yes, you paid good money, but there is nothing wrong with being courteous and polite, and we will do whatever it takes, no matter how long it takes, to get your issues solved.  If you send us an email and say "THIS SHIT DOESN'T WORK, I WANT MY MONEY BACK!", you can be assured the support you receive will be minimal unless you settle down and start being rational.

Use the support ticket system on X-Aviation.  It's been set up for XA product support.  If you don't get a reply within 24 hours, check your spam folder in your email.  If it still isn't there, send an email to support@x-aviation.com.  If you STILL don't get a response, then post a polite reminder in the developers support forum.  If Cameron doesn't see it, the developer will and if all options have truly been exhausted, the developer will contact Cameron personally.  

If you send him a PM that says things like "I bought the MU-2 and still haven't got the update?", rest assured, he will most likely ignore you.  Use the support section and be as explicit as possible.  He doesn't really have time for small talk or vague problems people may be experiencing.  Be detailed and explicit.  Provide as much information as you possibly can.  Copy and paste your invoice that was sent to your email.  This is your receipt and will drastically cut down on support time.  Help us out with as much detail as you can and we'll help you out and get you flying again a LOT quicker.

The key thing we ask you all to have is patience.  We are not huge companies and some of us have other jobs.  Considerring other development companies, we do exceptionally well with support turnaround time.  PMDG ask that you give them 3 days for them to get back to you.  XA's support turnaround time is, on average, 11 minutes.  Pretty damn good if you ask me.

Cameron is FAR from a bully.  He's probably the most rational and calm person I have ever met.  

Hope this helps people to understand things a little better.

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I wanted to give some feedback about what I feel is truly shameful and unacceptable behaviour by Cameron, from X-Aviation.    It concerns his blatent deleting of reviews and posts about his products, and I am under no illusion that this post will probably also be deleted.

Absolutely ridiculous assessment. I do NOT delete reviews about products on XA just because they are bad, and there ARE blatant, bad reviews seen on there. As long as the review has to do about the PRODUCT the reviews always remain. After all, the reviews system is for and about the PRODUCT.

I was under the impression that this forum was set up due to censorship and politics on .org but the actions and behaviours of Cameron are worse than anything I've experienced on that forum.

I'm not sure what you are talking about, David. To me this is complete hogwash. You and I have had ONE instance of interaction here, and that was when I replied to you in a thread regarding your support request. You sent me an e-mail stating your distaste for my response, and at your request (which is rare I might add), I edited my post to your favor. How was this bad? Looking at our support e-mail interaction I also see nothing out of line.

Cameron was exceptionally rude by email and communicated with me in a way I've never been treated as a paying customer.

I was exceptionally rude by email? Well, I guess we better make our e-mails public then:

My first ever email from you:


I ordered the "Florida" scenery package yesterday and I am having major problems with the download system, to the extent that I genuinely believe I'm not ever going to be able to download what I've bought!

The first problem is that the downloader in constantly 'dropping out' (every 10 minutes), causing me to need to watch it constantly to restart it. I have calculated that with this problem, and the rate it's downloading (31kbps!), it would take WEEKS to download the full package.

More serious is the fact that the downloader is now showing "FAIL: ACCESS DENIED" for 4 of the zip files in the Florida package; Everglades, Fort Lauderdale, Gainesville, and Jacksonville. These downloads never completed but the downloader will not resume them, giving the above error message.

I knew this was a large package and expected a long download; but I also expected a reliable and reasonable quick download. At this rate this is going, with the speed, the errors, and the constant disconnection, I feel I will never get the package installed into X-Plane and that my first purchase with yourselves, has been a disappointinmg and frustrating experience.

I love the aircraft and other products on your site and had hoped to make many more purchases (I'm knew to X-Plane from FSX).

Can you help?


David Rogers

My first ever email response to you - total response time: 8 minutes


Your download key has been reset.

As for the speed:

Please be sure that after you begin your download you move the download throttle in the upper middle-right of the download application full right. This will maximize your download speed and connection to the server. By your description, it sounds very much like your download throttle is NOT full right and is causing slow speeds.

Best Regards,


Your email response to this:

Hi Cameron,

The throttle was full right, but when I turned on the downloader this morning, the speed has gone up to a respectable 200kbps, so happy with that.

Also the downloader is no longer 'dropping out' now so that's good too.

So I'll try restarting the downloader, entering my key etc and see if the 'failed' items will restart.

Thanks for the fast response.

David R

I don't know about you, but it sure as heck doesn't look like you were rudely met in support emails nor even suggested so in them. I find this very awkward of you to claim here!

You then sent me the following e-mail:

Email from David about forum posting (topic in question here: http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php?topic=2617.0 ):

Wow, Cameron, maybe I do jumpt the gun a bit fast, but heck so do you!

I did NOT place that forum post, after I received your support response, as you have stated on the forum post!

I sent the support mail.... I did not know how fast you were going to respond or even if we are in the same time zone! ....so the forum post was to see if any users knew how to resolve the issues.

What a stange way to treat a brand new customer;   chill out !  (maybe I caught you on a bad day).

I will say again, I give you my word, I did not place the forum posting after I got your support mail....   I placed it beforeI got your support mail.

to prevent me (unfairly) looking like an idiot, please correct your post on the forum, to reflect the above.


David Rogers

Which you then shortly followed up with before I had a chance to reply:

Another consecutive email from David


The downloader for Florida is constantly dropping out again, meaning I have to enter key etc regularly again.

Just telling you because I will no doubt need another 'reset' at this rate.

I have to say Cameron, this is the worst commercial download / installation experience I've ever ahd in 20 years of flight simming, as a customer.

I am having to babysit my PC for days to get this software downloaded.

PS... Re: Your forum post, there is nothing wrong with my broadband / download capabilty whatsoever at this end.

I am at a loss as to why you seem to want to alienate and castigate a new customer of yours, with such speed.


David Rogers

My reply to the above two emails were:

Reply from Cameron


1. The downloader is coded to auto resume when it gets a connection again. Re-entering the key will diminish your download attempts and cause the FAIL message.

2. I apologize that you're getting this as your first experience, however, we have thousands of customers using this system and this error is not only relatively rare, but crops up generally when customers do not adjust the download throttle.

The download system has been tested over and over again for years. If you're having this problem, I can say without a doubt that this is something on your end causing this (either net connection type, or some form of firewall/other configuration), and the only thing I can do is be here to assist in resetting your key or offer you to purchase the DVD shipping. These servers are premium servers and should not have bad download speeds. I've just even tested it on my end and am getting 2048 down, which is extremely fast in my eyes. It's probably important for you to know that the RealScenery products are also the only products delivered by this method. All other aircraft products are direct download.

Regarding the forum post:

I never said a WORD about your broadband or download capability. I suggested that the wrong setting within the application was set.

This is the second time you are now bringing up your distaste for the forum post, yet you have no need to do so since the post was rectified at your request within 3 minutes of your request to do so.

Best Regards,


To which you replied with this last, and final e-mail between the two of us:

Email from David

Hi Cameron,

Ok, let's just forget this crap and start again huh?   If you look your records you'll see I've ordered another product this afternoon, and plane to buy all the aircraft available over the next few days.  

We got off to a bad start;  my Florida download completed this afternoon so all is resoved now.   Yes it wasn't a good experience but I'll live and get over it   ;o)

The only issue I was really unhappy about was your statement (assumption) on your the forum that "I had posted, after having received your support response".   That wasn't the case.    But DROPPED as far as I'm concerned.

Hopefully the next time we chat (on the forums or via your mailbox), it'll be a more pleasant vibe for us both.  :)



That was the LAST correspondence I have ever had with you, and the LAST e-mail you ever sent in to X-Aviation. I don't believe I was rude.

Further posts of mine on his sub-forum (none of which were rude or unfair) were deleted by Cameron.

Why are you saying posts? As in plural? You mean POST? As in singular? Yes, that is correct. Your subsequent POST (singular) was deleted. Why? Simple:

1. You started a new topic to post a response to an already locked thread. This is a basic forum etiquette no-no.

2. You requested to me through e-mail that I retract my own forum post, and in a very rare moment, I actually obliged to YOUR request to do so within minutes (literally). After doing so, you posted a rather ridiculous new thread as a response to the locked thread regarding your want to rebut my response...yet by the time you had made such a post I had already obliged by your request to edit my own so that your name was not felt to be slandered on this forum. Where again was this rude?

More seriously, I completed a fair and objective review of the "Florida" product, on the X-Aviation website.  My review was immediately published (as all reviews are), but the following day was deleted by Cameron.

1. You're assuming it was me. You have no proof.

2. Your posted review had much more to do along the lines with the sense of this posting and your failure to still be sentimental towards the posting on this forum rather than a product review of Florida. People had to read through a whole bunch of 'crap' before getting to your very small review. Sorry, but this was not a product review.

That said, yes, it WAS me who deleted it. However, you are wrong in stating that it was deleted the following day. You published on the 16th. It was removed on the 22nd. That's six days, not one. Furthermore, I do not delete reviews even if they are bad so long as they stay on task, and when I do I always contact the author. I did not get around to doing so to you just yet due to being on travel in airplanes. Up until this one, the only time I've ever had to delete one is:

A) When it's a double posted review (so one of the two still remains from the same author)

B) When the author was using it for support instead of for writing a review

C) At the request of the author

If the reviews are about the product then I have no objections. That's what the review system is for. If you want to go back and write a review that hurts the product and can keep it to being about the product, by all means, do so!

The review was fair and balanced.  It did not reach a particularly favourable conclusion regarding the product, but remained fair and balanced throughout.

Kind of like your post here riddled with false information?

If you read the reviews of the excellent aircraft available at X-Aviation, you will see they are all favourable. (Most deservedly so).   However if you look at the scenery products available at X-Aviation, you will see no reviews at all.   No doubt because, like mine, all reviews that contain even constructive criticism are deleted.

More like none were ever posted. I do believe there are many posted for the "Enhanced" series of products though (Oahu and Reno). It's no mystery that the Legacy scenery packs are not our better line of products, however they are offered there because there is no alternative and they still serve a purpose! Florida falls into that 'Legacy' category.

Cameron, you have a very heavy handed approach to running your business and in how you treat your customers.   I have purchased 4 products to date from X-Aviation, and LOVE three of them.  But it is unacceptable to provide what you present as a free and objective reviewing system on the website, if you are then going to delete the reviews that you don't like.

Read above.

Please, prove me wrong in this case and do not delete this post

If you really had to post that line then you surely have not been here long enough. Go have a gander around the Rant forum especially. You're off base, David. I don't delete posts. Yours was the exception, not the rule, and with good intention. Your deleted post made YOU look like an ass because mine had already been edited at YOUR request. Think about that for a moment....

Cameron, I have just left a 5 star, very positive review for the CRJ on the X-Aviation website, but I did state that the only area for potential improvement was in the sound;  are you going to delete this review too?

No? Just like I haven't deleted the ultra unfavorable review in that same product review page by Michael O' Brien? Come on, David. This isn't rocket science.

... bullies are out of fashion these days.

Should you continue this rather ridiculous, baseless crusade you will be too. We don't hide things around here, including the very few (4) bans ever done in the existence of X-Pilot.

All emails I send to Cameron's support channel are ritually ignored (despite having no offensive or rude content whatsoever), despite my being a paid up customer of X-Aviation.  So you see I can't confront the situation with Cameron behind closed doors or less publically as suggested.

Well obviously that just got slammed, didn't it? Read above and you'll see EVERY email you and I have ever had. Either you have a very short memory that your e-mails were responded to within usually minutes of sending them in, or you just figured "Eh, Cameron didn't keep the emails, lets bash him." Sorry, I do not delete ANY customer emails. Ever.

The next time you want to post slanderous remarks you should probably back it up with facts (like emails) as I have done here to prove otherwise for the forums members. People can come to their own conclusions.

Thanks for reading, posting, and sharing your concerns! It's always good to clear the air! :)



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'Fair and Balanced' is a phrase thrown around too loosely these days...  ;D

I have purchased a handful of XA goods over the years. I would say that service has been about as good as one guy busting his ass could provide.

I waited for a week or two to hear back on some activation issues I was having, but that was only because Cameron was big-time busy putting out fires with the biggest and most important file release for X-Plane to date. My patience began to wear thin. I posted a thread on the forum basically saying "I want this fixed!". I did not know that while I was typing that post, Cameron had replied to my querie in a disarmingly polite way. I removed the post immediately and sulked in the embarrassment of knowing that I had lost my cool because one guy was trying to move mountains, and didn't get back to me like now.

I'm not some mindless 'Cameronite'. I know he's not perfect. He's one guy for pete's sake! Through my last experience with XA service, I have learned that Cameron wants to fix your problem. An angry customer does him and the devs he publishes no good. But some customers are just going to be angry. Anger doesn't always lead to rational behavior.

So please consider the scope of what Cameron is trying to do here. It could be really big. It currently IS really big for a one man operation. Give him some room and your patience; he wants you to be in happycamperland.


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Please guys.........stop this.

I am also in for a laugh ,so, thank you.

On the other hand , I am administrator on several flightsim-forums and I must frankly say this does not happen there.

A forum like this is really not the place to make a fight about things which should be handled on a vendors-forum or by mail.

This really needs a lock.

This needed a lock from post one.

Leen de Jager

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Please guys.........stop this.

I am also in for a laugh ,so, thank you.

On the other hand , I am administrator on several flightsim-forums and I must frankly say this does not happen there.

A forum like this is really not the place to make a fight about things which should be handled on a vendors-forum or by mail.

This really needs a lock.

This needed a lock from post one.

Leen de Jager

That's what makes this forum great! You can pretty much say whatever you want. It can be rough though...

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What a stunning rant. I do take issue with any reviews being deleted from the store, but after all that I don't know what to believe now!

Yes, sometimes XA has teething problems, but they always do their best to fix them and give us much more personal service than I've ever seen.

Thanks for changing your forum name David, I've done it too!!

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Ok, all,

This topic has definitely ran it's course now. Topic closed.

David said his peace, and my official answer back to him is here: http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php?topic=2675.msg25010#msg25010

There were some obvious, blatant lies in his postings, and this should be easily evident with all the email correspondence I have now publicly posted with him.

As my suggestion to him, he has also now re-posted his negative review, this time keeping the review on topic and pertaining to the product instead of a personal bash. For this, his review can remain just like anyone else who posts a negative review. I think it's important people see others' honest take on products to assist not only customers in buying products, but also for us to improve on what our customers feel needs improving on.

Thanks for reading and chiming in.


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