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Problems since EXIG 737 update..


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Apple Imac 5k. X-Plane 11.4

A few issues since installing the EXIG update a few hours ago.  (Sun 24th May 11am)

Exact same test flight that Iv'e done 5 times now. Identical settings and flight plan.

After takeoff at 90% unable to reduce throttle.. engines stuck at 90%

LNAV no longer works or lights up at all.

Autopilot is activated but will nothing will deactivate or disengage.. various control buttons stop working completely.. followed by total autopilot malfunction.

Steering square disappears from screen.. unable to control plane at all.

Resetting the entire flight in X-Plane does not reset the EXIG 737 to a zero state.. what ever the control and autopilot settings were at during previous flight

are loaded into the new fresh flight scenario... meaning when I loaded a new plane and appeared on the runway even the throttle was still at 90%!

Only way to clear everything is to load a completely different plane and then reloaded sim again with the EXIG 737.

Just out of curiosity I selected A.I Flies Your Aircraft" to see if it would bring the planes autopilot under control.. in a heartbeat the plane is suddenly vaulted to 28,000 feet,

A.I. switches half the avionics off and A.I and is taking us on a wild roller coater ride like a drunk albatross. (video 2)

He rapidly descends from 28,000 feet and tries to land on some runway in the Iraqi desert.. but then changes his mind and ploughs us into a neighbouring village.. (video 3 and 4)

I have never had so much fun and excitement in X-Plane before.. :D




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Ok, several things going on here, and looking at your videos I would think that they are mostly user error.

I would love to, but I really don´t have the time to teach you how to fly a 737 step by step, so here is an idea: Try to fly the tutorials I have made for this aircraft, you can find them here. You can probably avoid a lot of frustration and slowly learn to operate this aircraft.

These videos are a bit outdated, but will still mostly hold true.

Cheers, Jan

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Very easy and quite condescending say that and simply dismiss everything that's going on here. 

Control square vanishing from the screen and nothing being clickable in the autopilot and fresh plane loading on runway at almost full throttle, neither is the update crashing the entire Simulator down to not can be and attributed to pilot error as much as you may wish it to be..  that's just ridiculous.

I have already seen and followed the training videos properly as you say, step by step word for word thank you. All went perfectly.

It's not rocket science.. I came from the Zibo mod prior to this such such a huge learning curve.

Things only went crazy after the update..

I removed the updated EXIG-737 and reverted back to original.. and guess what.. everything is working normally again.

Same flight, same settings, same procedures, (6th time now..) I have not done a single thing differently. flawless.


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And pray tell which part of pilot error could this be?

When switching views from outside the plane to back into the cockpit (shift+7) all the LCD panels are dead and blackout out.

You have to then hit the 'W' key to bring them back to life.

I must have missed your video lesson on in flight faulty avionics repair...B)


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Hmm, ok -  have no idea what is going on there. I am sure it isn´t your fault. I will collect these reports, I am sure other customers will report the same soon and then we can narrow it down.

In the meantime you could try and (just for testing) disable all other plugins you have, and also make sure you install with the "stable" gizmo version (there is a choice when you run the patch installer).

Please also post your Log.txt (from the X-Plane directory) here so we can maybe get some further insight.

Thanks, Jan


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Chi, I think you have something more sinister going on.  There are many factors that influence the controls and typical culprits in such super strange behavior as you're describing would be other plugin or hardware interference/settings of some kind and would be a suitable starting point for diagnostic debugging.  Also, you might try the experimental flight model in 11.5b as another data point in your troubleshooting efforts.  As of now, unfortunately, you are quite alone in seeing this kind of behavior.  I'd start by clearing out plugins,  backing out to just your mouse possibly (remove all hardware),  even going so far as reinstalling the 737 (less you had some miniscule file corruption on install), etc....and finally restarting the computer after all those changes, etc.  I know debugging isn't fun, we do it daily, trying to find source of issues...but I think a bit it in order here.  As Jan mentioned, we'll want to start with the Log.txt file.


Edited by tkyler
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Thank you very much Jan and Tkyler for your comments and help..

I did back out as to almost the cabin door and still no control square.. I then jumped outside to rear tail view and still not there.

I'll do as you suggest and clear all plugins of which there's just the Gizmo64, GroundHandling, Goodway, Xchecklist, Aitab, Better Pushback and Terrain Radar..

And then do a full removal and clean reinstall..

I already chose the "stable" gizmo version but will do the whole process again to eliminate any possible conflicts..

Thank you for your time.. and patience. :ph34r:


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Hi Chi,

I am still not sure what you mean with the "control square" - are you flying with a mouse? When you click into the square to fly with the mouse, it disappears and now your mousemovement will control the flight controls. You can not engage the autopilot while you have them deflected. Could that be part of the problem?

Cheers, Jan


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Yes.. I have been flying with just a mouse and keyboard in FSX and X-Plane for 20 years give or take a few breaks.

I remember to unhook the mouse from this square  leaving the plane in a stable condition before trying to do anything else.

The problem is not engaging the autopilot.. it's disengaging it.


Ok so I deleted uninstalled the entire IXEG 737.. removed all the plugins except terrain radar and AviTab.

Downloaded a fresh copy and installed it with all liveries. Rebooted computer (Imac) Started up X-Plane and placed the IXEG-737 started up on a runway at Gatwick.

So far so good..

I created a flight-plan but did not follow it as I wanted to follow your simple first flight video with a manual circuit of the airport and test the autopilot.

I climb manually to 10,000 feet at runway heading.. I then enable the autopilot to hold this heading and altitude at a speed of 240.. all good.

That's when strange things start happening.. instead of this speed being held the throttle just increases and the plane accelerates... all the way up to 350, I can't stop it.

As it over speeds all the alarms and bells go off and up the nose goes up.. I try to hit the speed button too off so I can control thrust manually.. that does not work.. plane now at 90% throttle.. I switch off every control the autopilot including both flight director switches.. still cant gain control. I hit the DISENGAGE switch.. still no good as it flips itself back on again as if spring loaded..

Mouse control and steering is nigh on impossible now as plane is tipping nose up at now 390.. while at the same time the plane dropped to 4,000 feet..

At this point I just give up.

As I tried to say before I bought the 737 three days ago.. Iv'e been flying with day and nigh non stop.. Iv'e been following your videos in order one at a time. The only small issues I had was realising that you have to refuel with the Ground Services and not in X-Planes system.. and the issue of converting ,fms files into ,fpl files and getting them into the FMC.

Apart from that I have had all successful operations in this plane with each of your tutorials..take off, landings, navigation, FMC input..and even the autopilot was a dream.. I have used it to fly from Milan to Kabul in Afghanistan in 4 complete sections averaging 3 to 4 hour flights..all good except a few times running out of fuel.. i have clocked up about 12,000 miles in this plane..

Until I did the update this morning.. now I can barely fly in a straight line for more than 5 minutes.

Where do I find the log file?

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Look at this one.. I completely quit that last attempted flight and started a whole new flight in a different part of the world and even a different time zone.. Chose Baghdad International airport.. selected a new IXEG-737

and yet instead of it giving me a fresh and ready to fly plane it gives me the previous one with all the alerts and alarms flashing..

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Ok, try to post a little bit longer video of how it doesn´t work (when climbing straight ahead and turning on the autopilot), please. Try to catch the point where it starts to accelerate and you can´t stop it from going too fast and then everything goes downhill.

Thanks, Jan



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Hi Jan.. just tried the exact same flight with the default 737 in X-Plane...  same identical issues with the autopilot. It seems to be happening with every jet that has this type of autopilot and an FMC.

Or... I have been at this since 7am this morning.. (11 hours straight) scouring the internet forums for possible solutions. and my brain is reaching saturation point.. But I did just come across this, it could all be down to trim.



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That could explain why the autopilot keeps disabling itself after about a short while into every flight.. after the initial 3 to 4 for take off the trim keeps increasing all the way up to 10 which kills the autopilot.

But does not explain the throttle maxing out by itself and being impossible to reduce.. 

How can one disable this auto trim increase? because until I can these planes are no flyable for me.

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51 minutes ago, Chi said:

That could explain why the autopilot keeps disabling itself after about a short while into every flight.. after the initial 3 to 4 for take off the trim keeps increasing all the way up to 10 which kills the autopilot.

But does not explain the throttle maxing out by itself and being impossible to reduce.. 

How can one disable this auto trim increase? because until I can these planes are no flyable for me.


if trim goes all the way up on its own, the most common cause would be you may have some hardware assigned to trim axis in xplane. Please double check


is there any way you can record a full video starting when you load the aircraft, to see all configurations you perform, etc. until you get airborne and the aircraft comes crazy to fully understand what may be happening?

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33 minutes ago, mmerelles said:


if trim goes all the way up on its own, the most common cause would be you may have some hardware assigned to trim axis in xplane. Please double check


is there any way you can record a full video starting when you load the aircraft, to see all configurations you perform, etc. until you get airborne and the aircraft comes crazy to fully understand what may be happening?

The first thing is the trim I just mentioned... it goes from zero to 10 every by itself rapidly and disables the autopilot... I have been watching it for the last hour and have to rotate it back to zero manually each sometimes every few seconds as it disables the autopilot.

If I don't stay in the cockpit doing this non stop the plane will turn off course and dive.. I must have done this 40 times in the last hour of flight.. the only reason plane is able to fly is because I'm sitting here resetting it on stop.

I don't have any hardware assigned to auto trim.. I have just keyboard and mouse..

It's a little difficult to film as I'm doing it holding my phone in my left hand while trying to fly with my right... below you can see just how fast this repetitive this  disabling is taking place.


It seems to be triggered by the yoke yanking back.. which is odd as I have not touched the yoke since taking off an hour ago.. but you can see it in the 1st clip below.



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All of the above is just simply trying to hold altitude and heading and only manageable if I watch it like a hawk

if I enable the flight directors, auto throttle and engage the FMC and LNAV things get really crazy and I will not be able to regain any control at whatsoever..

If I can stop whatever is causing this trim to wind itself up to maximum I think all problems will be solved.

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In the last 2 videos i have seen there are a number of issues.

-You are at high altitudes flying very slow, even slower than minimal clean flap speed.

-Your FDs and A/T systems are completely off. The aircraft will be unable to control speed, vertical and lateral navigation under this scenario.


What i just observed is the plane basically falling from the sky, impossible to maneuver. I would like to know how you put the aircraft in that condition in the first place.



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23 minutes ago, mmerelles said:

In the last 2 videos i have seen there are a number of issues.

-You are at high altitudes flying very slow, even slower than minimal clean flap speed.

I have already stated that as soon as I got off the ground and to a certain altitude I as no longer able to accelerate.. the plane gets stuck at that slow speed or it rockets and full speed... again I can not control it.

-Your FDs and A/T systems are completely off. The aircraft will be unable to control speed, vertical and lateral navigation under this scenario.

Again I already stated I deliberately in that did not use any kind of FMC navigation and I stated that I did not use FD's or A/T.. just free flight to see if the plane would simply hold altitude and speed manually and with autopilot. it did not. I'm trying to isolate the problem.

What i just observed is the plane basically falling from the sky, impossible to maneuver. I would like to know how you put the aircraft in that condition in the first place.

Although I did not use a flight plan that was in fact the altitude of one I looked up on Simbrief.. I just did it manually..

Seems you you have not read the thread..




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You will be please to know I am paying attention.. after following your first flight tutorial one time and despite all the issues faced above I was able to fly manually 650 miles form London to Prague with no flight plan at night in the rain, find an airport and land the plane with all visual approach with my keyboard and a finger on the trackpad. At least that's one positive thing for me this day..






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In order to the FDs, A/T, A/P, LNAV and VNAV to work you must program the FMC entirely and properly. It is not just flipping up or pushing the MCP buttons for the systems to work and the aircraft control speed, vertical and lateral navigation on its own. All the programming on the FMC needs to be done and arming/engaging each system in a timely manner is also required.


congrats on your achievement, be adviced (on your latest posts) you are testing, attaching videos and images over a 737-800NG aircraft that has nothing to do with the IXEG 737-300CL these  support forums are for. So i would presume you will not receive support from the developers for a product is not from them.

I would suggest you always do the testing and content sharing based on the ixeg 737-300 aircraft when asking for support here

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He is just posting these to show that he is indeed a great simulator pilot. I can not assess his skills enough to confirm or deny this.

This in turn proves that the problems he has with the IXEG are not his fault, but because the update 1.3 is genuinely defective. I do not believe so.

I have resorted to taking note of his bug reports - and once I can confirm them on my end or get more reports of the same kind - will set about fixing those with the utmost dedication and tireless tenacity.


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