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X-Aviation KTTF Scenery FPS


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Today I purchased the X-Aviation KTTF Custer scenery. I had read the reviews and thought my system could handle it. I guess I was wrong. Here are my system specs: I7 7700 4.5GHz processor, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 1080Ti 11GB video card. Up until today I had all of the graphics settings all the way to the right as high as they would go and everything has been running smoothly. I have payware scenery for KDEN, KPHX, KABQ and other airports. No scenery stutters. But with the X-Aviation KTTF scenery I get bad stutters when turning over the town. I tried lowering the graphics settings but even on mid settings the scenery stutters. So I'm looking for recommendations from anyone who may have this scenery on what settings they use because right now I'm thinking I may have just wasted my money.

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1 hour ago, jfwharton said:

Today I purchased the X-Aviation KTTF Custer scenery. I had read the reviews and thought my system could handle it. I guess I was wrong. Here are my system specs: I7 7700 4.5GHz processor, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 1080Ti 11GB video card. Up until today I had all of the graphics settings all the way to the right as high as they would go and everything has been running smoothly. I have payware scenery for KDEN, KPHX, KABQ and other airports. No scenery stutters. But with the X-Aviation KTTF scenery I get bad stutters when turning over the town. I tried lowering the graphics settings but even on mid settings the scenery stutters. So I'm looking for recommendations from anyone who may have this scenery on what settings they use because right now I'm thinking I may have just wasted my money.

Are you using an SSD (Solid State Drive) or more traditional hard drive?

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Full right is really a terrible use of your rendering settings. It's unnecessary, and even Laminar Research would tell you that's a waste of computer resources.

The biggest killers will be shadows and reflections. I'd be willing to bet that reflections are playing a very big role in your FPS reduction. Trying to compare airport sceneries to a region scenery like this is not a good measure of your computers ability.

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2 hours ago, jfwharton said:

Thank you for your comments.  I have unchecked draw shadows on scenery and move the reflections down to medium.  It is better but there are still some hesitations.

KTTF is demanding but can be run on mid level systems very smoothly. I'm curious as to what aircraft you are flying...Same one for all of your tests or multiple? Ortho4xp for the entire area? screenshot of your settings would be helpful. You have a pretty good machine, much better than my old beater. I get very good performance and am wondering where the hold up is. A log txt would be helpful as well. Thanks and hope to get you running smoothly soon!


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Interesting information.  Currently textures are set to uncompressed.  I will try changing that.  I have several payware aircraft.  Carenado B1900D, 500S, PA34 Seneca, Alabeo Titan C404, RW Designs B60 Duke and DHC-6, and the X-Aviation MU-2.  Interesting enough that the scenery performs best with the MU-2.  Then the C404.

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When I was adjusting the texture setting I noticed XP11 shows the size of the textures loaded.  Flying over Custer I get anywhere from 9.500 MB to 10,500 MB of textures loaded.  Wow.  I have an 11G video card and 16G of RAM.  So where do all of these textures load?  Would upping my RAM to 32G help any?

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Most of those textures are going to load to your video card. The 16GB RAM could be upgraded to 32 and help you out quite a bit too. RAM is never a bad thing.

I'd be willing to bet a great deal of your "slow" down was due to the uncompressed setting. There's really no sense in flying your sim that way. It's a waste of resource for little return.

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  • 5 months later...

Having issues as well.

FPS are very unsteady and jump from 50 FPS to 15 FPS within a second. My system is powered by

  • i7 7700K
  • GTX 1080 
  • 16 GB DDR4 3200 MHz CL14
  • SSDs Only (NVMe and SATA, with seperate drives for XPlane and Windows)

Even with the default Laminar C172 analog gauges its unflyable for me. I own many sceneries but haven´t had such issues with any scenery before. Even Drezwecki Design New York XP & Airports is smoother than this. Pretty disappointed tbh.

I use XP 11.11 and run a 1440P display. Settings are below.



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/1/2018 at 11:05 AM, beHaind said:

Having issues as well.

FPS are very unsteady and jump from 50 FPS to 15 FPS within a second. My system is powered by

  • i7 7700K
  • GTX 1080 
  • 16 GB DDR4 3200 MHz CL14
  • SSDs Only (NVMe and SATA, with seperate drives for XPlane and Windows)

Even with the default Laminar C172 analog gauges its unflyable for me. I own many sceneries but haven´t had such issues with any scenery before. Even Drezwecki Design New York XP & Airports is smoother than this. Pretty disappointed tbh.

I use XP 11.11 and run a 1440P display. Settings are below.



I have been running KTTF without any issues on my old gtx 680 classified with an i7 7700k...This scenery is very close to Detroit with it's incredible amount of autogen. I would recommend turning down world objects a notch and bumping down you AA a notch. My tester is getting 50fps+ consistently with your exact settings. If you would like me to look more into this matter please send me a pm and we can get to work on solving this issue. -Steve

Edited by Attitude
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Ok, so I went out and bought a 1080 to see how KTTF runs on the gpu. I made this airport for the next gen simulation hardware. It will run just fine on my 680 with mid level range settings in x plane, with the 1080 we usually want to boost the slider all the way right but since there are 100's and 100'd of custom objects and very dense trees it takes a big hit with full right sliders. I got my best run with AA 2 sliders down from what you have now and reflections all the way left. Try that and let me know If it improves. You will need to restart x plane after you change these settings. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Steve,

I identified the culprit: When I load up KTTF, the VRAM gets hammered with 9804 MB of textures. Since the GTX 1080 "only" has 8 gigabytes, it just stutters like crap. Good news is that turning on texture compression allowed me to keep all the other settings while only loosing about 5 FPS but gaining fluid simulation. 

Anyhow, if you could provide a version with less dense textures / trees I´d be more than happy to try it out!


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@beHaind, looking at your settings, Anti-aliasing is extremely high, not needed specially since you are running X-Plane in a very high resolution. By setting this one about the middle, you'll get great performance without loosing quality.  In simple terms, the 8x means that X-Plane renders each frame at a resolution 8 times larger than the monitor's resolution, before downsize to native resolution to create smooth edges. 

Also you should always have textures compression on. Almost all of the scenery textures are pre-compressed (.dds files), and not using it, it is just lost of performance without any gains.

Here is a video about anti-aliasing.


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