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ATTENTION: To use this aircraft, you must own a X-Aviation product, to get Gizmo plugin. If you don't own one, please don't download this aircraft!

P.180 Avanti II for X-Plane 11 - CURRENT VERSION: 2.3.0 (uploaded at: February 25th, 2020)

If you want to support P.180 Avanti development, please donate here: PAYPAL

v2.3.0 Main Features

  • Compatible only with EXPERIMENTAL FLIGHT MODEL (11.40+), capable of flying up to M.67 at altitude.
  • Terrain Radar operation via PFD/MFD buttons.
  • Tablet for aircraft loading (engines must be off and the aircraft stationary), and access to AVITAB.
  • Librain Support.
  • See Change Log for more!


If you don't have Gizmo already installed in your X-Plane copy, there is an version of Gizmo in the folder extra files. Put the Gizmo.plugin folder in you X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins folder.

If you already have Gizmo, DO NOT SUBSTITUTE the existing one with this. MIGHT BREAK OTHER GIZMO ADDONS!!!

If you find reflections too high, in the extra files folders are textures to change that. Copy the low reflections texture into the objects folder, and replace the existing one! 




NOW VR COMPATIBLE with the help of SimVRLabs!

Official Bug tracker: https://bitbucket.org/iliastselios/p180_avanti/issues?status=new&status=open


Support Forums: 




As you might already know this aircraft is based on X-Plane's default P.180 Avanti , originally designed for X-Plane 8, was included in X-Plane 9, and from that point has been overhauled to Avanti II version. This is aircraft is totally FREE! It is a "return" to the X-Plane community that supported us those last 4 years that we exist as a development team!

This aircraft main features are:

  1. High quality visuals, cockpit all new 3D model and textures, including PBR materials.
  2. Simulated: a. startup and shutdown procedures b. engine controls and operations c. autopilot controls and operations d. partially operation of the electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic, fuel systems.
  3. Emulation of Proline 21 avionics suite. Currently there is only one layout that will allow you to operate the aircraft in all scenarios. Many improvements will come in the future.
  4. Installation in the 3D cockpit of the default X-Plane 11 FMC.
  5. Improved flight characteristics.
  6. Internal custom lighting.

Of course Avanti development is not stopping here! Actually the overall development will be continuous, and the aircraft will always be in beta stage. Updates and upgrades will be available frequently!

Main planned future upgrades are:

  1. Adding more functionallity to Proline 21 avionics suite, heading from an emulation to a simulation.
  2. Custom NAV maps.
  3. Custom FMC.
  4. Fully simulation of all systems.
  5. New 3D model from ground up.
  6. Improved flight model.
  7. Avanti EVO.

Special thanks to: Austin Meyer for giving his permission to use parts of the Avanti on this project and X-Plane by Laminar Research that gave us this magnificent simulator!

The team that originally developed Avanti for X-Plane, Robert Pearson (aerodynamics), Massimo Durando (cockpit & 3D cockpit), and Javier rollon (External Model. JRollonPlanes www.jrollon.com) for his fantastic 3D work. @Hueyman for the propeller 3D model and the prop disc images.

Ben Russell of Gizmo64 for his support and that made available to us that powerful tool (aka Gizmo), and Cameron Son of X-Aviation for the support.

And of course X-Plane community for the interest in that project and patient to wait to be realized!


Edited by airfighter
Added note tha tyou must own a XA product to use this aircraft.

What's New in Version 2.3.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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Ben Russell


  On 1/19/2018 at 3:44 AM, OzWookiee said:

Hey no argument here and I wasn't being nitpicky or unappreciative of this fantastic freeware. But it's a little annoying that I have to close Gizmo64 everytime I use X-Plane even though I have no planes that require authentication. Now if Gizmo64 actually has the ability to not prompt for user/password everytime that would be fantastic :)


Noted. But no promises.

  • Upvote 1


  On 1/16/2018 at 12:59 AM, airfighter said:

Currently no, because I'm planning in the future to redo the whole 3D from scratch. If I find some time in the next days, I might do something for the current layout.


Thank you for your answer, I'm waiting for



I'm getting poor fps in the cockpit less than 20



  On 1/29/2018 at 10:55 PM, jerwal said:

I'm getting poor fps in the cockpit less than 20


If this is a problem, then the description is too vague to help you. Post your machine specs, settings, when this is happening, etc. In comparison, runs a bit better than Laminar's 738 with Zibo mod.




I justy made a fly and used VNAV for the descent and it perfectly worked. Just some strange noise (a click) about 2 per second until target altitude.

I just missed the ILS approach I don't know why. It was locked on the locator and suddendly turn left, right, left,etc... and missing the GS.

I went back and retried and it was ok ... strange.

Something strange alos when we set the target climb altitude on floor. if it's the cruise altitude, the value jumps from cz alt - 600 to cz atl + 400.

Is it an expected behavior?




  On 2/17/2018 at 12:45 PM, AlainBo said:


I justy made a fly and used VNAV for the descent and it perfectly worked. Just some strange noise (a click) about 2 per second until target altitude.

I just missed the ILS approach I don't know why. It was locked on the locator and suddendly turn left, right, left,etc... and missing the GS.

I went back and retried and it was ok ... strange.

Something strange alos when we set the target climb altitude on floor. if it's the cruise altitude, the value jumps from cz alt - 600 to cz atl + 400.

Is it an expected behavior?



VNAV system for now is what X-Plane is giving by default. I'm 99% sure that X-Plane uses vertical speed dial to control the rate of descend, when in VNAV mode. Through FMOD, a click sound it is attached to the VS wheel, so that might be the source of the sound.

I had no such experience so far, and currently I'm "travelling" the world with Avanti with IVAO IFR World Tour, to find out any problems that need fixing. But, there are a few loose threads around that need fixing. I have in mind a couple of situations that the AP modes annunciator are not correct. Also the symbology between flying a RNAV approach and an ILS approach are the same now (wrong), and will be differentiated in the next update(s).

Have you seen that?




Great Aircraft but its unflyable in the cockpit 17fps the most 30s on the outside Is there a version with lower textures?



It look amazing from inside !!!! Any plans for VR support ?

I hope I can fly it one day ...



  On 6/13/2018 at 9:15 PM, jerwal said:

Great Aircraft but its unflyable in the cockpit 17fps the most 30s on the outside Is there a version with lower textures?


Performance in general is a result of many factors. To understand why you get  low fps, please post a screenshot with the fps counter at lower fps, settings, and yours machine specs. In my low end i5-4440/GTX760 @1080p, I get a slightly better performance when compared to zibo 738. 

  On 8/29/2018 at 3:56 PM, cercata said:

It look amazing from inside !!!! Any plans for VR support ?

I hope I can fly it one day ...


Yes...but in the future, without setting any specific date.




just updated from 2.1 and  noticed lack of many sounds:

roll, gear up/down, flaps....

Pretty strange , isn't it?

All sliders max.



OK, deleted FMOD folder.


Another thing: is it possible to see the flight plan on the map?




My sounds work well. I see that at more than 300 IAS, the speed indicator is reset to zero. It can be fixed?.
Thanks for keeping this aircraft, airfighter.



  On 11/23/2018 at 10:24 AM, marpilot said:


just updated from 2.1 and  noticed lack of many sounds:

roll, gear up/down, flaps....

Pretty strange , isn't it?

All sliders max.


I will have a look at it. 



This is a great addon and I hope you will be continuing with this project!

  • Like 1


Thanks for the update push, absolutely love flying this in XP11.

  • Like 1


Has anyone installed this on Steam for Mac? I can't point the installer to the user library folder (where the Steam folder is contained). Any tips on how to install the Avanti II???



  On 1/6/2019 at 7:05 PM, Jextron said:

Has anyone installed this on Steam for Mac? I can't point the installer to the user library folder (where the Steam folder is contained). Any tips on how to install the Avanti II???


Have you finally manage to install it? 



Hello and thank you for this bird

In the last version, throttle doesn't move with my Hotas Warthog. Only with the mouse. Is it the VR ? May I desactivate it and how or may I use an older version ?

Thank you



  On 4/11/2019 at 6:05 PM, MarcusParis said:

Hello and thank you for this bird

In the last version, throttle doesn't move with my Hotas Warthog. Only with the mouse. Is it the VR ? May I desactivate it and how or may I use an older version ?

Thank you


I'm assuming that you have mapped your thrittles to Throttle 1 and 2 respectively, and rightfully you did so.

I didn't see coming, since I have 1 throttle, which works fine, mapped on the Throttle command (still only for the forward part, reverse thrust can be achieved only with mouse).

The solution for now  is:

  1. Duplicate your joystick profile and named it Avanti and assign it only to Avanti.
  2. Map one of your throttles to "Throttle" command (at the very top on the list).
  3. Now you will control both power levers with the one throttle.'
  4. Go to: https://bitbucket.org/iliastselios/p180_avanti/issues?status=new&status=open and create a new issue, with all possible details. If it not their, there is a possibility to miss it when I work again on Avanti.

I know that is not the proper way, but because of the extreme customization, and the effort to be as much compatible with everything exists, unforeseen things will occur.

Thanks you for bring it up, cause is valuable lesson for me to have it in mind, ahead of my payware projects.



Looks amazing. Wish I could fly it but I can't manage more than 2 fps with it. Managing up to 50 fps with the C172? 



  On 4/11/2019 at 6:05 PM, MarcusParis said:

Hello and thank you for this bird

In the last version, throttle doesn't move with my Hotas Warthog. Only with the mouse. Is it the VR ? May I desactivate it and how or may I use an older version ?

Thank you


I have the same issue. Also the displays do not seem to be working if you turn them on/off then reload the aircraft for me.


Posted (edited)

I've scrolled through the entire thread before posting and could not find any mention on the inability to reverse thrust using "toggle thrust reversers key". i tried assigning multiple keyboard commands without luck. IF however I click and drag the throttles move to reverse BUT then its difficult to put it back to idle which causes the plane to veer off the runway. If no one is experiencing this then its on my end.

Edited by deltapilot90


  On 8/12/2019 at 9:35 AM, deltapilot90 said:

I've scrolled through the entire thread before posting and could not find any mention on the inability to reverse thrust using "toggle thrust reversers key". i tried assigning multiple keyboard commands without luck. IF however I click and drag the throttles move to reverse BUT then its difficult to put it back to idle which causes the plane to veer off the runway. If no one is experiencing this then its on my end.


It is a known problem and will be fixed in the next release.




Does anyone know if there is a way to disable the throttle window popup whenever there is a change in thrust?  Thanks in advance.

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