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  1. Hello, IXEG pilots. After almost a year of development, I am close to finishing beta-testing of my iOS application for this great plane - iGoDispatch for IXEG's B733. This is a planning tool that includes a range of options, such as : creating a flight plan and uploading it to FMC as a co-route; estimating the required fuel taking into account X-Plane winds aloft (the first release will take into account winds aloft in US and the update is intended to include the grib wind data to be available in X-Plane 10.50) ; loading the plane with passengers, cargo and fuel; estimating and dynamically adjusting the CG offset during the flight; monitoring the flight on the map; creating a report on your flight performance; adding in-flight public announcements in 7 languages. I intend to release the iPad version of the application by end of summer. Versions for iPhone and iWatch are expected to be released later this year. Hope it will be a valuable addition to this plane!
  2. Hello, I have a respectful request for an update. I attached a screenshot which includes my zoomed cockpit view, native x-plane data out onscreen text, and the IXEG plugin window interface. The text in the plugin IXEG interface windows is close to unreadable for my eyes on my 4K monitor. I've noticed responses in previous threads stating that this issue is a subject that few raise concerns about. I would like to politely disagree. I don't think that silence is indicative that the people are satisfied. I have waited years before I went to the effort to start a thread. 4K is currently a widely adopted display format, I think it is reasonable to kindly ask that some resources be devoted to updating this and other effected products. I have licenses for several of your products. This text size issue undoubtedly reduces the frequency that I use them. Thanks for your attention.
  3. Updated September 2023, Version 1.5 Hi everyone. While it seems to be the economically "smart" thing to do to NOT talk about the shortcomings of your product (and then sometimes to just ignore the complaints after you cash in the money), we are trying to run things a bit differently here at IXEG. I would therefore like to share a list of things that will NOT be in version 1.5, and also give a little background of why, and wether we are planning to add it later. I will try to make this list as encompassing as possible, if I forget something, please don´t sue me! I will add/remove from this list as warranted. Aircraft visual 3D model Ancilliary vehicles (catering, fuel truck, loading crew) - this is now accomplished by using the XP11 native ground vehicles, the docking locations for those are correctly added in planemaker. Cockpit keypad entry mechanism Omitted due to security reasons. Deployable emergency slides.Omitted due to time constraints, planning to add later. Deploying oxygen masks. Omitted due to time constraints, planning to add later. Sound effects/visual model for passengers and their (assumed) behaviour. Too complex a simulation off it´s own, most likely won´t be added for fear of having something repetitive or cheesy. Cabin crew voice interaction. You can communicate via menues that are invoked by pressing the cabin call button, though. FMS Pilot entered HOLDS. While we have database-inherent holds (like at the end of a missed approach), we won´t feature the HOLD page where you could enter all sorts of HOLDS. Omitted due to time constraints, definitely planning to add later. RTA feature. Omitted due to time constraints, planning to add later, but low priority. OFFSET feature. Omitted due to time constraints,planning to add later, but low priority. ABEAM points (after shortcutting route, for example). Omitted due to time constraints, definitely planning to add later. You CAN enter stuff in the FIX page, and "find" a PBD point that way (enter a fix, enter a radial and a distance to see the green radial and distance-circle) Entering descent wind forecast (normal wind entry on PERF INIT page possible). Display of "RTE DATA" on EHSI/map, i.e. showing ETA and restrictions next to waypoint. You can see that on the LEGS page, for now. Omitted due to time constraints, definitely planning to add later. Automatic entry of performance data (weight, etc.). We might include that for the "ready to fly" scenario, not decided yet. For now it must be entered manually, if FMS performance assistance is desired (not mandatory). Fully working PROGRESS page - we started to code it, but much of the things shown are placeholders. We expect this to be one of the first things we will add soon after release. Full VNAV functionality for descents with speed and/or altitude restrictions. The FMS gets confused by changing the cruising altitude while enroute and multiple descent restrictions and restrictions of a certain type. Basic unrestricted descents work, though. GUI Dedicated flight-planning software. We feel that this is not necessarily within the scope of our add-on. We model the plane like you get it after delivery from Seattle (+ free lifetime fuel!). There are plenty of flight-planning solutions out there, we include a basic "ballpark" fuel calculator. Complex and visually appealing load+trim software. We feel that clicking empty seats to fill them and pulling sliders to load cargo is fun for a few times - but really all you get is a weight and a center of gravity. And you might just as well set those directly in the gui. We have simple sliders and click-buttons for that (or you can use the default X-Plane menus). No way to output any CDU, EADI or EHSI onto an external device like iPad or such. Would like to have that (especially for cockpit builders), though. Exception: it is possible to use AirFMC, available at the Apple App Store. No pop-out 2D displays of flight instruments/CDU/EFIS to make reading or entering stuff easier, no hiding of yoke to not obscure view. We feel that the ergonomics (or lack of) an airliner cockpit is an important part of the experience, so we don´t want to "help" too much. We have "preview pop-ups" of the EHSI when making changes on the EFIS control panel to help you see if you have the right setup. Other systems Wxr radar returns can only be displayed on the left EHSI/map. Omitted due to time constraints, definitely planning to add later. Terrain colour display can only be shown on the left EHSI(map. Omitted due to time constraints, definitely planning to add later. Operating circuit breaker (CB). We decided that most CBs will never be moved in normal operation. We will add moveable CBs with the yellow collar later (to be used in abnormal situations), and possibly some others as well (standby altimeter vibrator!). Automatic startup/shutdown "macros". Won´t add that. This plane is about realistic operation (it´s not hard!). If not desired, just select "ready to fly" or "turnaround-state". IRS using "false" position. It is not possible to deliberately enter a "false" position and have the IRS align to that. The entry will be rejected unless reasonably close to the real position. In the real plane the GPS would also "correct" your wrong entry (if close enough) or warn you. A position far from the old "shutdown" position would be rejected once. A wrong latitude would be detected during the alignment process...It would be a lot of coding effort to maintain a "wrong" position with the corresponding effects (map-shift, etc.) A dedicated way to fly the same plane together in multiplayer. Note that SmartCopilot has made great progress in making our plane flyable with a crew of 2, and while not perfect yet, it is working very well, going by user reports: http://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/9714-smartcopilot-first-attempt/?page=1 Volume control for radios/navaid ident checking. We have implemented a better volume (more loud), but it can not be adjusted yet. We are trying to be as upfront about the shortcomings of our model as possible. I have myself bought many aircraft for flight-simulations boasting great things, only to be disappointed. I want to avoid that for everyone, so if you find a "must have" feature on this list, I encourage you to hold off on purchase until we added your feature in a later patch. I could make a feature list of things we have that would take you hours to read, but instead you can assume that our plane can do everything that the real one does, except for the things noted above. Cheers, Jan
  4. I just got the IXEG 733 for xp12 today and for some reason the audio is sped up, eg callouts, trim. I think it also cause the audio to produce a static sound as it is unbearable on high speeds during TO and landing. I've tried reinstalling the aircraft multiple times.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Complete texture for the (MSN) 29206, that will fly in Brazil under the registration of PS-BPA. To install, just place the folder under the "Liveries" folder of the mais aircraft directory.
  6. IXEG 737-400F (RG MOD) | Braspress Air Cargo | PS-BPA View File Complete texture for the (MSN) 29206, that will fly in Brazil under the registration of PS-BPA. To install, just place the folder under the "Liveries" folder of the mais aircraft directory. Submitter ygor_ma Submitted 04/28/2024 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-ixeg-737-classic-plus-p-243  
  7. Today I downloaded the 1.5.2-installer and installed the Ixeg B737. On first start of the Ixeg I filled out the licensing form and got the reply "Your License has been updated". But after a restart of X-Plane and even after rebooting the pc I always get the licensing issue: I already tried a reinstall, removed all plugins but nothing seems to help. Can you help me please? Find attached the log.txt. Windows 11, X-Plane 12.0.8, IXEG 737 version 1.5.2 Thank you and best regards, Christian Log.txt
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Modern Logistics is a Brazilian freighter airline based at Viracopos/Campinas (SBKP/VCP) and actually they have a fleet of 737-300 (YBC-YBD)/-400 (YBB)/-800 (YBF). - Windows Cover Mod Required
  9. Modern Logistics - PP-YBC | PP-YBD View File Modern Logistics is a Brazilian freighter airline based at Viracopos/Campinas (SBKP/VCP) and actually they have a fleet of 737-300 (YBC-YBD)/-400 (YBB)/-800 (YBF). - Windows Cover Mod Required Submitter vinileite Submitted 10/06/2023 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-ixeg-737-classic-plus-p-243  
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Buffalo Airways, established in 1970 and based in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada, has garnered attention and admiration from aviation enthusiasts and history buffs alike for its distinctive operational model, prominently featuring a fleet of vintage, piston-powered aircraft like the Douglas DC-3 and Curtiss C-46. These venerable aircraft not only serve as operational assets but also as flying monuments to a bygone era of aviation, reliably serving remote northern communities with essential passenger and cargo services. The usage of these classic planes, appreciated for their durability, reliability, and the capability to be maintained in-house, is driven by both practical and sentimental motives, including the preservation of a tangible, functioning piece of aviation history. In a compelling blend of historical and modern operational approaches, Buffalo Airways recently integrated a Boeing 737-300 freighter, registration C-FBAE, into their fleet, marking a substantial upgrade in their cargo transport capabilities. Formerly registered as EC-LJI, the addition of this jet-powered aircraft not only signifies an expansion in the airline's capacity and service scope but also symbolizes a convergence of the classic and the contemporary in aviation. This strategic incorporation ensures that Buffalo can continue to proficiently serve the remote and isolated communities of northern Canada while also exploring new avenues and opportunities in the cargo and charter sectors across extended distances. This livery is compatible with both the IXEG 737 Classic (X-Plane 11) and IXEG 737 Classic Plus (X-Plane 12). For best results, use alongside the RGMod (currently only available for the XP11 version at the time of writing), or the window plug mod by Recreation (compatible with both). Using this livery with the RGMod will also provide an under-wing registration mark along with the reg placarded on the panel.
  11. Buffalo Airways C-FBAE - IXEG 737 Classic (Plus) View File Buffalo Airways, established in 1970 and based in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada, has garnered attention and admiration from aviation enthusiasts and history buffs alike for its distinctive operational model, prominently featuring a fleet of vintage, piston-powered aircraft like the Douglas DC-3 and Curtiss C-46. These venerable aircraft not only serve as operational assets but also as flying monuments to a bygone era of aviation, reliably serving remote northern communities with essential passenger and cargo services. The usage of these classic planes, appreciated for their durability, reliability, and the capability to be maintained in-house, is driven by both practical and sentimental motives, including the preservation of a tangible, functioning piece of aviation history. In a compelling blend of historical and modern operational approaches, Buffalo Airways recently integrated a Boeing 737-300 freighter, registration C-FBAE, into their fleet, marking a substantial upgrade in their cargo transport capabilities. Formerly registered as EC-LJI, the addition of this jet-powered aircraft not only signifies an expansion in the airline's capacity and service scope but also symbolizes a convergence of the classic and the contemporary in aviation. This strategic incorporation ensures that Buffalo can continue to proficiently serve the remote and isolated communities of northern Canada while also exploring new avenues and opportunities in the cargo and charter sectors across extended distances. This livery is compatible with both the IXEG 737 Classic (X-Plane 11) and IXEG 737 Classic Plus (X-Plane 12). For best results, use alongside the RGMod (currently only available for the XP11 version at the time of writing), or the window plug mod by Recreation (compatible with both). Using this livery with the RGMod will also provide an under-wing registration mark along with the reg placarded on the panel. Submitter Deceiver Submitted 10/01/2023 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-ixeg-737-classic-plus-p-243  
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Airwork is an aviation business based in Auckland, New Zealand. The Airwork Group is New Zealand's largest general aviation company. It focuses on fixed wing maintenance, leasing, and operations working with private and public entities on aviation operations, with a fleet of 737 freighters. It operates freight services in Australia for Toll Priority, Qantas and FedEx. It operates night postal services for New Zealand Post and Freightways through a joint venture agreement. Its main fixed wing base is Auckland Airport in New Zealand. The Australian freighter fleet has its headquarters at Brisbane Airport, with operational bases in Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, and Darwin. Airwork owns a fleet of 15 Boeing 737 Classic, 3 of which are the -300 variant. ZK-TLE joined Airwork in 2010 and was originally painted in the Toll Freight livery, in which it operated right up until 2020 when it was stored due to the COVID-19 pandemic's effect on the aviation industry. It re-joined Airwork in 2022 and was repainted in an all-white livery. ZK-FXK joined the fleet in late 2019 and has operated with Airwork since then in the original colour scheme it had under the previous owner, Bluebird Nordic, albeit with the logos removed. ZK-FXJ is also formerly owned by Bluebird Nordic and joined Airwork alongside FXK in September 2019. It has also retained the original colours, though at the time of writing it had been through a hard life and had recently been photographed wearing one all-white engine cowling (right side), and one half-blue half-white cowling (left side). This is how it has been painted here for some variety. The paints are compatible with the IXEG 737 Classic (v1.3 XP11) and Classic Plus (v1.5 XP12). For a cargo appearance, you may use the RGMod (available elsewhere) or this window-plug mod by Recreation - the liveries are compatible with both, though the RGMod (only available for v1.3 at the time of writing) will provide the reg on the underside left wing and placarded on the panel.
  13. Airwork B737-300 Fleet Pack View File Airwork is an aviation business based in Auckland, New Zealand. The Airwork Group is New Zealand's largest general aviation company. It focuses on fixed wing maintenance, leasing, and operations working with private and public entities on aviation operations, with a fleet of 737 freighters. It operates freight services in Australia for Toll Priority, Qantas and FedEx. It operates night postal services for New Zealand Post and Freightways through a joint venture agreement. Its main fixed wing base is Auckland Airport in New Zealand. The Australian freighter fleet has its headquarters at Brisbane Airport, with operational bases in Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, and Darwin. Airwork owns a fleet of 15 Boeing 737 Classic, 3 of which are the -300 variant. ZK-TLE joined Airwork in 2010 and was originally painted in the Toll Freight livery, in which it operated right up until 2020 when it was stored due to the COVID-19 pandemic's effect on the aviation industry. It re-joined Airwork in 2022 and was repainted in an all-white livery. ZK-FXK joined the fleet in late 2019 and has operated with Airwork since then in the original colour scheme it had under the previous owner, Bluebird Nordic, albeit with the logos removed. ZK-FXJ is also formerly owned by Bluebird Nordic and joined Airwork alongside FXK in September 2019. It has also retained the original colours, though at the time of writing it had been through a hard life and had recently been photographed wearing one all-white engine cowling (right side), and one half-blue half-white cowling (left side). This is how it has been painted here for some variety. The paints are compatible with the IXEG 737 Classic (v1.3 XP11) and Classic Plus (v1.5 XP12). For a cargo appearance, you may use the RGMod (available elsewhere) or this window-plug mod by Recreation - the liveries are compatible with both, though the RGMod (only available for v1.3 at the time of writing) will provide the reg on the underside left wing and placarded on the panel. Submitter Deceiver Submitted 09/29/2023 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-ixeg-737-classic-plus-p-243  
  14. Version 1.0.3


    American Airlines Old Livery (N678AA) Simply drop inside the liveries folder Enjoy
  15. Hello everyone, I am looking to fly with people in a shared cockpit environment (flight deck connection) P3D or Xplane! Let me introduce myself and speak a bit about my simulation wish; My name is Alex, I am 25, I am an aviation enthusiast ❤️ . I live in Switzerland. I started flight simulation with FSX and the 737 PMDG, more than 10 years ago. In real life, I worked in the aviation industry as a Flight Coordinator, a Technical Flight Instructor, and a cabin crew. I initially started with IVAO as an ATC and Pilot 10 years ago, and I moved to VATSIM 2 years ago, as a pilot mainly. I've always been very "into it", I am always looking to be "as real as it gets", I love to be "role play" with my sessions... printing OFPs, flying real schedule, trying to fit into the Captain/FO role of the airline I am flying (making announcements, briefings, looking out for the airline real-life special operations...). I even avoid flying airlines where I know they won't recruit me in real life because I don't speak the local language or my english isn't good enough (ex. US airlines) haha... yes call me crazy . But I am also a gamer, and I really enjoy the simulation for what it is offering; be as realistic as you can. I learned SOPs, FCOMs, QRH... I have very good knowledge of CPL and PPL stuff as I flew in real life as a private pilot too. I speak French, English, a bit German, and a bit Russian. I am very concern and entusiast about CRM (Crew Ressource Management), I am very concerned and enthusiastic about CRM (Crew Ressource Management), I am reading a lot of aviation accident and incident cases about it.I am reading a lot of aviation accident and incident cases about it. I would love to find peoples who are interested to fly "as real as it gets", online (in VATSIM), with the Aerosoft series P3D (I fly the Fslabs, but the Aerosoft have the flight deck connection feature), the Dash Q400 Majestic Software P3D, the B737 IXEG Classic in Xplane with Smartcopilot or the Zibo 737 in Smartcopilot. You must have a good and unrestricted internet connection to be allowed to connect ourselves (this is the only true requirement). I don't care if you are just 14 or 24 years old, experienced or not... As long as you are an enthusiast like me, willing to role-play, and be realistic. Feel welcome to contact me I am also happy to "teach" or "train" you if you feel more like a curious beginner and of course I will be happy to meet you I love to talk and discover people Cheers, Alex
  16. Version 1.1


    Southwest Desert Gold livery for the Boeing 737-300 Reg: N648SW
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Remember the good old Orbit Airlines livery one could find in FS2004? If you missed it in X-Plane, here it is. I have changed some things to make it a little more "smooth". Have fun and happy landings! Only tested with X-Plane11, should work with X-Plane 10 too.
  18. Version 1.1.0


    Remember the good old American Pacific Airways livery one could find in FS2004? If you missed it in X-Plane, here it is. I have changed some things to make it a little more "smooth". Have fun and happy landings! Only tested with X-Plane11, should work with X-Plane 10 too.
  19. Version 1.0.0


    Remember the good old SOAR Airlines livery one could find in FS2004? If you missed it in X-Plane, here it is, altough it has never been a default livery for the 737-400 in FS2004. I have changed some things to make it a little more "smooth". Have fun and happy landings! Only tested with X-Plane11, should work with X-Plane 10 too.
  20. Version 1.1.0


    Remember the good old World Travel Airlines livery one could find in FS2004? If you missed it in X-Plane, here it is. I have changed some things to make it a little more "smooth". There are two versions. One ,which can be seen in the screenshots, with a saturated red tone, and one, with the red tone taken straight out of the FS2004 livery. It looks like tamato soup in X-Plane, hence a saturated version. Have fun and happy landings! Only tested with X-Plane11, should work with X-Plane 10 too.
  21. Version 1.0.0


    Remember the good old Landmark Airlines livery one could find in FS2004? If you missed it in X-Plane, here it is. Left Colosseum inverted as in the original FS2004 livery. Have fun and happy landings! Only tested with X-Plane11, should work with X-Plane 10 too.
  22. AlbaStar IXEG Boeing 737-300SF EC-LKB View File Avion cargo 737-300SF EC-LKB *Este aviones un 737-400SF originalmente pero al no estar el mismo disponible para simular se ha optado por usarlo como un 300 Creado por AlbaStar Virtual (España) http://albastar-va.eu/ Submitter victorewik Submitted 04/30/2018 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For http://forums.x-pilot.com/?app=core&module=system& X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 10 & 11  
  23. Hi everyone, I just installed the IXEG 737 into my PC, using the auto-installer. I followed the instructions, and selected the main X-Plane 11 folder. The installation process went well, however, the plane and/or developer does not show on the planes/developer menu. I have tried reinstalling the airplane, restarting the PC, but nothing seems to work. Any suggestion will be more that welcome. Cheers,
  24. Hello, I'd like to ask you a question about the ixeg 737 ! When I have XPUIPC running on xplane 11 it is locking my throttle levers on the idle position and the only way for me to make them move is by engaging the auto-throttle. Do anyone have an idea on what to do about that ? Thanks a lot for your answers all. Have a great day !
  25. Hello! Please help me!So now i downloaded the ixeg 733 and when i want to start a flight it crashes.In 1 out of 10 crashes the plane loads one second and crashes again.Only on the ixeg.I dont have problems with the zibo or 747 or something else.I would like to resolve this problem Log.txt
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