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Everything posted by maub

    What a beauty! Thank you!
  1. Looks alright now, thank you!
  2. @tkylerOw...at night with the lights off it reverted to the black labelling. I'm gonna check with your uploaded files.
  3. And looking into the objects textures I've found the culprit. It's the "B733_mcp.dds", just make it white and voilá.
  4. Yep I'm seeing this as well. With the light switch off the MCP panel labelling should be white not black. Maybe some alpha channel/masking thing.
  5. It seems that 1.3.1 improved things on this matter. At least on my end. Will test further, but it's definitely smoother now.
  6. Exactly the same on my first flight with 1.3.1 I've tried to load the plane again to deboard the passengers and it CTD again.
  7. He is not the only one, I have the same issue (~10s fps sutters), but didn't have the time to test the suggestions yet. I can't say it's not texture paging, I trust Cameron of course, but this is the only aircraft on my fleet that stutters like described. I'm planning to record some videos to better illustrate what I'm seeing once I have time.
  8. This is all I have on my plugins folder, any clues? I might say that on the plugin admin window I can't see anything suspect acting up.
  9. Understood Cameron, thanks. Well I have to live with this for a while then. A new GPU is very far on the horizon.
  10. Sorry for hijacking the thread, but I'm happy I'm not alone on this one. Below you can see more or less the fps dynamics on a 1 minute interval. My fps are good, but it stutters like described by the OP. I have a 1080Ti on a i9 9900K running stable at 5.0Ghz for 2 years now (as a test I've tried lowering to 4.8 with the same result).
  11. This is really odd, I've being using VFLC for the climb without issues. What is the prefered method IRL?
  12. Landing weight are different between the two.
  13. Hi, please disregard. I'm using this website to convert: http://mye6b.com/Fuel/
  14. Looking great! I'm all in for this one! I'm tired of all these G1000s.
  15. I honestly don't mind some compromises here and there for the sake of usability. I don't see this as an "easy-mode" but simply a matter of covering the absensce of tactile feedback on the sim world, IF it's the case.
  16. Great update! Ground handling solved! So many improvements with this one! Thank you guys!
  17. On my computer, I'm pretty confident this behavior is due to the new "ground handling" from the 1.1.6 update. As another user have reported, rudder authority on ground seems to be way off at landing and takeoff speeds (70 to 90kts). At the start of takeoff roll all is fine, as the speed increases the rudder becomes too sensitive. It seems we have full steering and rudder at the slightest touch on the rudder, making the airplane almost uncontrolable. I've tested without any plugins, apart from gizmo, reseted all my hardware assignments, etc...
  18. Yeah, I've noticed this as well.
  19. +1 But I'm afraid isn't implemented yet.
  20. Yeah, computers... I'm experiencing the same. Before the 1.1.6 update ground handling was much better on my end, sure not THAT smooth, but manageable. Now after the update my takeoffs and landings are all over the place. Can't get the airplane to follow the centerline at all.
  21. Exatly that, I was using 10% for drag and 8% for fuel bias (cruise and hold). I will do some more tests and release the "final" profile, in the hopes of some more talented person to make a better profile. Unfortunately I don't have the time to edit the charts as I like. This would be a real "flight test" work.
  22. Nice. Yes, altough the profile is straight from the POH charts, it needs lots of work. I'm close to given up because apart from the Normal Cruise (which I can create a template with fuel and drag bias to overcome the difference), it doesn't match and is quite off. The Long Range and Max Cruise are way off unfortunately. Yesterday I did some flights on the LRC and MAX, and indeed the fuel predictions doesn't match. The simulated aicraft is meant to be used on the "normal range" I guess. An X-Plane limitation perhaps.
  23. maub

    PFD glitch?

    I'm on 1.1v and still seeing this during low light conditions.
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