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Wycliffe Barrett

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About Wycliffe Barrett

  • Birthday 02/23/1954

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  • Location
    EGFF, Cardiff Wales
  • Interests
    Merlot, Single Malt Whisky, Cooking, Learning and Developemnt. Computer, Tech Aviation Fllight Simulation, VATSIM ATC

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  1. 15 bucks, an extremely reasonable upgrade price to this excellent aircraft.
  2. Dont ask me why but I am in flight after taking off from EGFF and I am happy to report that all the Line select keys of the FMC are working, I have no idea why but it worked fine for the first time since the update.
  3. My issue is one the flight plan page. I will load up now and check all the FMC buttons as I feel sure its not just that one causing problems. At the moment its making the plane unflyable for me as I cant input a plan. Wycliffe
  4. I have just tried to plan another flight and unfortunately the issue persists, I cannot program a flight plan as Line Select key left 2 will not function. It prevents me form inputting airways and then on the per init page I cannot input anything that requires that LSK. Any resolution on this will be most welcome. The workaround for Better push back works perfectly. Wycliffe
  5. Sorry Cameron Perhaps I made to many assumptions thinking that you or pilots would understand the acronyms I was using. I was specifically talking about the Line select Key on the FMC on the left hand side of the FMC. Line select Key Left handside Key 2 from the top. I have done a 3rd install and as I suggested it certainly was 3rd time is the charm and all seems to be working as it should and better. There is just the Better Pushback error which of course there is a workaround for which I will now initiate. Wycliffe
  6. After reinstalling the IXEG 737 again the problem now is that I am having some issues with LSK on the FMC, predominantly LSK L2. This has not been one of the best install experiences. Lets hope third time is the charm. Wycliffe
  7. this is sorted now I uninstalled the IXEG and reinstalled selcting the stable non beta Gizmo and all is good. I will wait for the new stable Gizmo which i am sure will not that far away. Tonight we fly form EGTE to EGPF
  8. Hi Cameron< I only use Windows defender I will have another look in the morning, time for bed.
  9. I have updated my ixeg and I get an error on activation stating that I dont have licences for my other xaviation products. This picture shows you exactly what is happening or not. wycliffe
  10. Loving the analogue readouts
  11. @david, I agree with you here this one is the one we have all been waiting for. I have been closely following this aircraft for the past 3 years at least (since converting to xplane in 2012) and I know these guys are obsessed with perfection. My credit card is virtually leaping out of my wallet on its own. Time to get out my Mike Ray 737 check ride manual. Wycliffe Barrett Xplane Dedicated www.facebook.com/groups/xpdeddicated www.youtube.com/wycliffeb www.twitch.tv/the_xpd (edited to add clarity to my comment)
  12. As a few others have noted it has been a pleasure being a member of the beta team. Reading all the positive comments about SMP v2.1 just confirms that the testers did a good job in bug smashing and pushing and cadjolling Frank and John into creating the best product it can be. What is even more pleasure is to see Frank come into Xplane Dedicated's live streams. XPD is based in the UK and even with time differences Frank and John will pop in to see us. last night we even had ramzzess join us for a while. How cool is that. Wycliffe
  13. I'm sure I see a couple of my screenshots there. Regarding the OC depending on how you have it set it looks amazing. One thing I will say and this isn't hyperbole, but literally very flight is a visual and screen shotters delight. The number of images I take on every flight has increased by a factor of 10. You can't help taking shots. I have to delete all my screen shots on a weekly basis as my xplane folder us just to full lol. I promise you when you get this you will spend more time wiping the drool from your keyboard, so make sure you have wet wipes and tissues handy. Wycliffe beta tester
  14. yes city pollution theme
  15. john asked if some of us would post images here. Here are three from last nights flight EGFF LIMC
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