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Everything posted by azpilot

  1. What are you using for your night lights/city lights? Real Terra Haze?
  2. Any plans on releasing whole state packages with higher resolution than your AZ such as PC Aviator's Megascenery does for the Flight Simulator series? Have been wishing for high quality photoscenery of AZ, NV,NM and CA for X Plane.
  3. Great angles on your cockpit shots of the 767.
  4. Thanks for the list. I would have liked to see the 3D pilot's added to the exterior view and opening windows and doors. Will look forward to them in the future.
  5. Thanks for the information.
  6. Thanks, that's what I thought but was not sure if you were referring to something else.
  7. Post where?
  8. Great news. Looking forward to the release.
  9. Hope they are nearing completion soon. It looks fantastic.
  10. Excellent work. Looking forward to Detroit.
  11. Looking good!
  12. Looks great! Looking forward to it.
  13. Excellent work! Really looking forward to it.
  14. Excellent work! KDTW has been needed for a long time. Would also be nice to see KMSP.
  15. Nice shots of the DC-3.
  16. Great work on your new dawn texture!
  17. Cameron and John, Great job on the previews of SkyMaxx Pro V3. Am looking forward to purchasing the upgrade for existing customers and wanted to say thanks for all of the past FREE upgrades to SkyMaxx.
  18. Really looking forward to this airport.
  19. Nice paint on the 10. Hope to get a VC sometime.
  20. Interesting.
  21. Have also been waiting for Aerobridge Studio's version. It looks excellent.
  22. Nice Oliver. I am also going to purchase it soon.
  23. Nice shots! Hope JAR Designs makes an A380!
  24. Also hope Seattle is converted.
  25. Thanks. Was thinking of purchasing Maxx-FX.
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