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pryoski last won the day on October 10 2013

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    YTWB,QLD Australia

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  1. @akatham, thank you very much! That works.
  2. Hi, first of all I'd just like to say that the TorqueSim BN-2 Islander is an immaculate simulation, and I absolutely LOVE it. My mother-in-law used to manage the airfield in Bialla (Ewase) PNG back in the '70s and the family have many fond recollections of the aircraft. It flew in regularly, so of course I had to have this plane! However, I've recently begun crashing to desktop when loading the Islander. All my other X-Aviation products load well, so the problem doesn't appear to be a general one at first glance ... but I'm no expert lol! Please find my logfile attached, and thank you for your attention ( and for making the plane in the first place! ). Cheers! Log.txt
  3. Looking forward to it! The pictures on FB look absolutely amazing ... will be more than happy to pay for it.
  4. Beautiful plane and a favourite. Downloading now. Thanks for all the hardwork guys, you deserve more!
  5. Hi Cameron or John, just a quick question about the EULA considering I have XP10 and XP11 installed concurrently on my machine. I have applied the SMP installation against my XP11, and want to know if I would require an additional license in order to use it in 10 as well? It's not a huge problem if that's an issue as I have SMP 3 which I can apply quite happily to XP10. Cheers!
  6. Thanks Cameron, I bought and installed this yesterday. Very, very happy with how SMP + RWC looks and performs on my system and love how easy it is to go through the purchasing process on X-Aviation. Winning combination!
  7. SkyMaxx Pro + RWC with the latest updates ... is still the best cloud and weather presentation addon for X-Plane and worth every brass penny! Thanks guys, for such a quality addon that gives me awesome skies and increased fps. I see lots of attempts to enhance X-Plane skies but none of them come close to the degree of technical professionalism, precision and artistry of SkyMaxx pro (and I do try those others on a separate X-Plane install just to see what's out there). Simply amazing. With the influx of people taking up X-Plane these days, I tell everyone I can; if you want awesome skies in X-Plane then it's SkyMaxx Pro ... period. Nothing else compares.
  8. Thanks Cameron. Worked a charm.
  9. Well done and heartfelt thanks to all involved. Excellent job on a top plane!
  10. The implementation of camera shake in IXEG 737 is glorious! Wishful thinking I know, but it'd be great if it could be implemented in the SAAB! Tbh, the IXEG 737 is the *only* jet/tube that has managed to lure me away from my beloved turboprops (SAAB, MU-2), small piston GA (REP Carenado C210) and bush planes (Pete's Beaver & the Carenado 185). Yes I have the FF767 but flying her is a bit like going on a date with a pretty girl .. but missing some indefinable quality ... with the IXEG 737 I'm re-experiencing my MU-2 moment .. my LES SAAB 340A moment. True love <sighs>. So, I give thanks to the X-Plane team for providing the environment, Cameron and the X-Aviation team for being the hub of the majority of my must have planes over the years, Ben for Gizmo; it's so freaking awesome, and last but not least the IXEG team (& I know that means some of you get thanked twice lol). P.S. Trying to put my finger on that elusive quality that turns a sim hobby into something living ... and it's soul. The subjects of my gratitude above are imbued with soul. It's there. In spades.
  11. SAAB update? Love the LES SAAB! Best turboprop, best regional flyer and up there rubbing shoulders with best planes for X-Plane ... period.
  12. Any plane by the LES team will be an auto-buy from me. They set the bar so high for the SAAB ... it still rules the roost; now alongside the IXEG 737 as far as I'm concerned. Looking forward to the Citation .. good times to be flying X-Plane.
  13. Really encouraging to hear all the praise for IXEG. I've purchased the plane, but can't download it yet as I'm still interstate. Flying home tomorrow (RW - Airbus unfortunately lol)... can't wait to try out this beauty!
  14. Fabbseh, frustrating as hell I know but X-Aviation have absolutely no say on that side of the transaction. Best advice given was to check with your financial institution (and check it's not a company firewall if you're doing this from work). Good luck though, it would be a major bummer not to get your hands on the 737 as I have a feeling it's going to wind up being the "essential" plane to get in X-Plane. P.S. Cameron, my dosh will be coming through this coming pay day lol. Been looking forward to this bird for a looong time (though I'm generally not a tube flyer, I'll be making an exception in this case!).
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