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    Eagle River, AK

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  1. I know, old thread, but I'd start by turning Vsync off. Your PC should be screaming in the 50-60+ FPS region. Vsync will halve that.
  2. We'd love to have you at Walker! https://walkerair.us/
  3. Would also appreciate a way to adjust voice volume.
  4. Only things to solve low fuel temp in flight... increase speed, change altitude, and or deviate to a warmer air mass to achieve a TAT equal to or higher than the fuel temperature limit. TAT will increase approximately 0.5 to 0.7°C for each .01 Mach increase in speed. In extreme conditions it may be necessary to descend as low as FL250.
  5. Hello all, I am looking for the modification below: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ImH8MOyGWZcJ:https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php%3F/files/file/67871-les-saab-340-cockpit-enhancement-package/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us It looks like the download was taken off of the Org site, unsure as to why... if anyone has v2 uploaded in February, please PM me! Thank you.
  6. Prop face, front and back at night with no lights on and no ambient lighting around the aircraft is very bright, would be great if this could be fixed. Thanks all!
  7. I like it, the epitome of a retrofit.
  8. You're such a nice guy, Goran!
  9. On the top menu, choose: Plugins - TBM900 - Tutorials
  10. I haven't had any time to continue working on this or even fly for that matter sadly... so if anyone wants what I have so far, let me know... otherwise I'll work on it again as soon as I can.
    Absolutely beautilful, Dhruv!
  11. Yep, it does have something to do with it... just disabled HDR and all was well.
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