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Everything posted by sqrt(-1)

  1. As I said in other threads about this, I would be in for the entire chain of islands. *patiently waiting for release announcement*
  2. Having been in a real P180, I look forward to this one!
  3. Thank you for stating the obvious. However, it is rare that a company will invest in additional full-time personnel before the actual (not projected) sales revenue justifies their expense. Hence, Laminar's current model using contractors.
  4. So, you picked a couple of good ones!
  5. I'm sure Laminar has a handle on their human resource allocations. They are already trying to stretch what they have by using contractors. Full-time employees are more expensive than you think. Do you want to help pay for them so they may grant your other wishes?
  6. Or, you could peek into the "X-Plane>Extra Aircraft>Aircraft From Previous Versions>Heavy Metal" directory in the latest build of X-Plane 10 and find a free 777 there.
  7. I came back to Windows as well. And that was after over 7 years of giving it my best shot for personal use. TBH, is was Vista made me switch to the "Dark Side." As a trader for nearly 3 decades and a fund manager, I need a reliable platform and have yet to see a single trading floor or prop desk anywhere with even a single Mac on it. I build my own machines now and install a clean copy of the OS on them. It's the prebuilt machine with all the preloaded BS on them that give most the bad taste. Before I built my own machines, I learned to simply bring the prebuilt machine home, format the drives and start over. I had much better results that way. As with PhM's experience, I can't remember the last time any of my equipment crashed. Believe me I would remember, because it would have been an incredibly expensive event. The kernel panics and SBBOD's on the Mac were no less annoying.
  8. If that's the case, I owe Ben my apologies.
  9. Ben, my comment had absolutely nothing to do with yours. Perhaps my friendly warning to larjeet was misunderstood. Lighten up.
  10. Careful there, my friend. You may end up rekindling the age-old OS jihad.
  11. I bet you have a fonder memory of those two minutes in the Falke than the time in all the other aircraft combined.
  12. Excellent screenshots of a great aircraft. Might just have to add that one to my hangar as well...
  13. 1. I get to Hong Kong once or twice a year on average. Perhaps the next time I'm in town, we'll make arrangements to hook up. Talking to your parents about this won't be the top priority, though. There's plenty to do in HK. 2. That point has been made countless times in countless blogs and forums. Add-on support for different X-Plane versions is what it is and, for better or worse, solely the discretion of the add-on developers. After all, it's their effort and time. 3. I'm just excited about Chris's work on Toronto and look forward to reading about its progress. Let's call it quits on this, okay?
  14. 1. Never is a pretty strong term. Will you ever move out of your parents home when you get older? 2. Put them on the line then... Given #1 above, why are you still here grousing about it?
  15. *Flushing sound*
  16. Suit yourself...
  17. Well, you have to admit that XP is a pretty old OS. Microsoft has already issued End-of-Life status to XP. It won't be long before you won't even get the security updates. Time to update to at least Win7 perhaps?
  18. It is evident, then, that they realized that producing two versions is too much work just as Chris did. Perhaps this is a sign for you to move on [to XP10] as well.
  19. Make sure objects in Rendering Settings is set to anything greater than "None." See what happens then...
  20. Five stars is not enough! A truly excellent piece of work.
  21. sqrt(-1)

    DMax Releases Blackshape Prime

    Autopilot? Schmautopilot... Frankly, I would love to see the variant of this aircraft with the available analog avionics package. IMHO, a small sport plane like this begs to be flown old-school. (See page 20 of the actual Blackshape Prime brochure)
  22. I'll take one of these, especially in TWA livery.
  23. This completely neuters the purpose of what I thought would become an excellent centralized reference for those wishing to update their aircraft to 64-bit compatibility. It's too bad you are letting your personal experiences [biases] with the Org get in the way. That said, I offer the following suggestions: 1. Ask the moderators to edit the title of this thread to include "except those available exclusively at the Org" so that we'll know in advance the list will be incomplete. or 2. Add an indication to items in your list stating exclusive availability at the Org and let the readers decide for themselves.
  24. I'm in for the entire chain...
  25. Let me see if I have this correct... You really like the 777, enough to threaten buying it, but you insist upon refusing yourself the pleasure of flying it for what is essentially a political reason? Why not simply move on and enjoy yourself? Why give them the satisfaction of ruining your day?
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