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Everything posted by carthorse

  1. This is true, i was merely trying to show them side-by-side even though the xplane pic has older gauges. Older gauges were often larger due to the size of the gyro. I'm not very familiar with all the old gauge sets, i have no idea how large/small they were made, so my question was mere curiosity. Either way, i think the modernized panel in my pic above would require a much lower field of view for most users.
  2. 1. Makes sense - NAV1 and ADF1 (pilots side). Nav2 and ADF2 (co-pilots side). 2. Thanks for checking 3. I think it's probably that older gauges were larger? See image comparison below. 4. Thanks - that will work for me. 5. Excellent!
  3. Hello Goran, I have a question about this mod: 1. Doesn't the mod do the same thing as simply releasing the tailwheel-lock with the lever? Or does it do something else? Also, what Andre is referring to is adverse yaw. This DC-3 can perform coordinated rolls without even using the rudder pedals. A real DC-3 takes quite a bit of rudder pressure even at cruise to perform a coordinated roll. If infact you have modeled the correct aileron deflections, then i would say it's an issue with how x-plane models induced drag on the aileron. Thanks!
  4. First of all, thanks for such an amazing model! I've put about 12 hrs on her so far and I have to say it's the best model i've ever flown. I have had the opportunity to fly a real DC-3 once in Alaska for about an hour and a half, and i'm finding this model to perform much like the real thing. Questions: I see that i can set the ADF Frequencies, but where is the ADF indicator? The fuel tank selectors don't seem to function. I'm always burning off all 4 tanks simultaniously. The scale of the instruments seem rather large. Is this by design for smaller monitors? The transponder code is extremely difficult to input with a mouse. Is there another way? I use x-squawkbox when flying, is there a text command that lets me set the xponder? Are there any plans to implement the auto mixture feature that some DC-3's have?
  5. Nice documentation. Just read the whole thing. Very exciting!
  6. Yeah, Me too. I've been so satisfied with the first version, and I see that the second version is almost a new plane as far as effort goes.
  7. James, what i wonder about is x-plane. In a piston engine aircraft. YOu can sit on the ground and watch the prop blown about by the slightest breeze. It's as if it's a turbine engine. I don't think x-plane models piston engines correctly when it comes to compression stopping the prop...having said that, it might cause a lot of problems for developers when it comes to fully feathering...what do you think?
  8. Textures are amazing. Thanks for the screenshot!
  9. carthorse

    X-Aviation Begins Orders for X-Plane 10

    Carlos, For what it's worth, I would highly recommend buying through x-aviation.com. In my opinion, their customer service is first class.
  10. Richie, I flew a DC-3 once and took a bunch of interior pics. If they would help at all, i'd be glad to zip them and send them to you somehow.
  11. Beech 18 would be great...or any old round engine freight aircraft
  12. Very Nice! I learned to fly in northern california. Did most of my cross countries to the coastal areas like Ft. Bragg. Looks just like i remember
  13. I've been experiencing Crashes every once in a while. Every time i've been using xSquawkBox and flying on vatsim. I don't know where the fault is, but attached are my logs. Please advise how i can help test further. Thanks for such a great plane! SPECS ------------------ x-plane version 9.62 nearest weather: PANN 261953Z AUTO 07007KT 10SM CLR 22/05 A2968 RMK AO2 SLP055 T02220050 TSNO phase of flight: cruise. tracking FMS with autopilot. Dual ATI Radeon 5850 (not crossfired) i7 950 intel processor 12gb RAM plenty of Hard Disk space. (x-plane runs on a different disk than the OS) crash_log.txt Log.txt
  14. It does work with TrackIR. You can click and hold and move your head around while you are manipulating the knob just fine.
  15. Ok, no prob, in the meantime, i'll see if we can start examining how x-economy works, and get information ready so that when the time comes, we can tackle this one...as i'm sure fixing this will boost some of your sales. Cheers.
  16. Phillip, is the total fuel load increasing at any point in time on the CRJ? Any idea how we need to modify the x-economy plugin? If you can give us an idea of how your xplane workaround works, maybe I can suggest a modificaiton to the x-economy developer.
  17. Great Model! I noticed that the aircraft on the artificial horizon is all black. it dissapears during a descent since the bottom half of the background is also black. maybe a white aircraft with a black stroke? Thanks.
  18. I like it!
  19. Visual modlelling would be really cool. Worth their time in my opinion since x-plane is pretty realistic with icing. So, there really isn't any documentation that would explain the values is there? I tried looking through the SDK but i couldn't find a dataref pertaining to icing other than whether or not the anti-icing/deicing systems were on/off. Nothing about ice accumulation.
  20. I like to see the datarefs that relate to aircraft icing so that i know when i have encountered ice. However, i don't know what the values indicate. In the image below, what does the value of 0.097 inidcate? Pounds? Kilograms? Thanks!
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