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Everything posted by Andyrooc

  1. I hadn't considered Christchurch or Auckland as "...short hop cargo bush pilot stuff...", but I guess if you're a New Yorker or something, they may seem less city and more bush...?
  2. Ah, that's most excellent. http://www.alpilotx.net/ http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10922 (Nelson) http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=2920 (Bush Strip) http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=6551 (Queenstown) and theres a few more too
  3. Is this in XP9 or 10? Try SHIFT-F1
  4. BC is an avid Alaskan bush pilot: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=13325 http://www.unex-planedapps.com/
  5. It's back online Unexpectedly long maintenance outage apparently.
  6. I doubt it. I was using it when it went down, and it looked very much like a web server failure of some kind. Hopefully not a raid controller failure - every second person I talk to is getting them at the moment.
  7. It's been down since about 1:00PM GMT (about 10 hours now)
  8. What area of the world, or what type of airports are you looking for cchiozza? There are plenty, probably thousands, of airport scenery packages available online - even right here at x-pilot.com. Most are freeware too. Check here: http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/files/category/14-dsf-scenery-packages/ or use google to find some.
  9. The only problem with the CRJ-200 and it's FMS for me is the inability to load a flight-plan that you've designed in a flight-planning tool. Every other aircraft (jet) seems to have an ability to load a .fms file, which means you can use any flight-planning tool that can output a .fms file. The other thing to look at is the difference between cockpit realism and screen usability. This is dependent upon your system and controllers and your comfort with moving about a 3D cockpit. One thing about a jet is it's really good to have a decent checklist. I've lost count of the number of times I've forgotten to put the seatbelt sign on!
  10. Yeh, but it re-writes the settings file, so it might help.
  11. You might be better off installing X-Plane into the new location, then copying scenery/plugins etc to the new location. Or maybe, delete the output/preferences in the new location and try restarting X-Pane.
  12. Yeh, it's was freakin' me out man! Still, your backup worked, and that's an achievement - well done!
  13. Andyrooc


    The gate will automatically dock with your aircraft when you stop your engines/stop fuel. This is provided you use a 'known' aircraft (B7xx, A3xx) The aircraft must also have a couple of attributes defined - the ICAO code, and measurements to the front door location.
  14. Google spotted planes?....surely this is a little interesting: ...and when I was doing ZULS - Lhasa Gonggar, I found this... - how did they get the plane there?
  15. Now I'm jealous.
  16. It looks like that library handles North American METAR info, but not the international standard. Odd. It'll need a bit of re-working to get it to handle WMO standards properly. BTW, this is a nice little tool for reading Metar data: http://www.metarreader.com/
  17. Build and operate an airforce: http://games.defencejobs.gov.au/#/games/battleCommand Arcade F-35 http://games.defencejobs.gov.au/#/games/strikefighter
  18. I'm surprised you wouldn't expect me to fill the blanks using a little of my own imagination Anyway, time to move to a [insert name of Notebook PC that doesn't break down here] immediately (if not sooner)!
  19. I'm surprised a 2nd hand HP computer from a school would experience problems.
  20. 12,000 what? Rupee?
  21. @mj, I think the whole point is to 2 drives....or do you mean 2 x 2TB drives?
  22. Temperature is mostly static methods, so you can't create an instance of the class.
  23. You'll need to change your ftp server to: ftp://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/data/observations/metar/stations/ (in metar.properties)
  24. The MetarRun.java has all the code you need in it: This bit here will allow you to get temperature for example: MetarFtp metarFtp = MetarFtp.parse(station); metar = Metar.parse(station, metarFtp.getObservation(), metarFtp.getObservationDateAsString()); if (metar != null) { //here you can use the metar object to get temperature, ie: Temperature temp = metar.getTemperature(); if (detailValue.booleanValue()) { System.out.println(metar.getFormattedMetar()); } else { System.out.println(metar.toString()); } }
  25. Marginal made a nice plugin that simulates boat/ferry traffic. Worth getting.
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