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Jakob Ludwig

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Everything posted by Jakob Ludwig

  1. You guys promised to report, once the issue is resolved. I've read nothing official yet from Sundog/X-Aviation/HotStart.
  2. Just uncheck this option within the FSGRW installer and finish the installation. Once FSGRW is running and activated you can assign the XPlane installation within the FSGRW settings. Than select XPlane as target for weather transfer and it should be working. That must be done after you have selected the type of weather (static, historical, dynamic). There's a little drop down menu on the lower right in FSGRW.
  3. I guess you are in contact with the devs from FSGRW. I read on their forum and over at the org, that many user are experiencing the same. Could you just point that out to the developers? Thank you.
  4. Hey there, just installed SMP 4.7 and RWC 1.1 + updated FSGRW to build 403. Dynamic WX is updating well but temps and pressure never do. I always have 29.92 and 15°C (on ground). RWC is configured as per manual. Some observations - On X-Plane start with CAVOK preset selected, I always clouds around and it rains a bit. - When selecting a custom metar.rwx file within X-Plane and picking the "MAXX_METAR.rwx" instead, temp and pressure is as per METAR within FSGRW. My procedure is: Start a new flight with WX preset CAVOK. One on the ramp, open FSGRW, pick dynamic wx, trasfer wx to X-Plane. Clouds load fine, but temp and pressure is stuck. Regards Jakob
  5. Autorouter charts are working fine...
  6. Interesting. Haven't experienced this sofar. Could you make a short video of your observation? Do you wear the headset placed on the front right seat?
  7. I cannot speak for PE, but it works fine on Vatsim. Sure you have your transponder to ALT mode? I see both traffic targets on the navigational map and on the TAWS page. Check also the range on that page, as it's very short by default. You should also test by setting the operating ALT mode to "unrestricted" on the TAWS page. Thus you will see also traffic which isn't an factor to your aircraft and thousands of feet below or above.
  8. Thx.. wasn't aware its available that way too.
  9. if you have an android phone, look for TBM performance on the Play store. Otherwise you could check simbrief for an available model.
  10. hmmm. do you guys have some hardware setup for the AP? like Saitek panels or so. Maybe there are conflicting somehow.
  11. I guess that more or less a recommendation. I prefer (if traffic and departure restriction allow and how heavy the a/c is) to climb out with 124 at first, than speed up to 140-150 and from FL240 upwards to continue with M0.4 to FL300/310. But if you like to get fast onto cruise level, keep it at 124. If wx allows to turn off the inertial separator quickly after departure, you have enough power to climb even with 170 til your final cruise altitude.
  12. Whoo. Thats kind of cool artifact. Have you played around with the nvidia control panel or you having an ATI card? I don't see this in 11.30 with nvidia.
  13. I guess he means some sort of indirect light. Maybe the bulps on the roof, which arent adjustable in intensity yet. Think we have discussed this on discord a while back @Goran_M With the current light setup it's really hard to sport some switches at night (especially ECS and Anti-Ice). For the time I turn on the cabin light and illuminate to far back roof light spots. This gives a bet light casting onto the panel, making some switches better to bee seen.
  14. Would you mind making a screenshot of the keys/button assignment for the reverse?! Should be "toggle thrust reverse" as I quite remember.
  15. The TBM looks to block something with the Terramax licence check through Gizmo. Ticket opened... Hopefully seeing a quick solution.
  16. Ticket had been opended a few hours back than... Hope it's sorted out soon. Just enjoyed flying around with autumn textures...
  17. Will do. Thanks for the quick look at.
  18. Hey there, since installing and flying around with HotStart's TBM 900, TerraMax is occasionally changing seasons, despite I have unchecked the auto switch mode. I can't really figure what triggers this, but it only happens if flying the TBM. See attached logs. Log.txtGizmoLog.txt Cheers Jakob
  19. Finally a real masterpiece for all GA pilots out there. High and fast... Go Toto go! And nice to see a fine collaboration with Goran.
  20. Terramaxx has an installer. Just pick your X-Plane root directory during installation. Urbanmaxx shall be placed unzipped withing the custom scenery folder of X-PLANE. XPlane/Custom Scenery/...
  21. Great addition. Looks fantastic. Same opinion. Post processing is tuned fine...
  22. Really looking forward to this. One of the most fascinating aircraft types flying around Europe these days.
  23. Woohoo. Great stuff. Can you give us an Outlook on the aircraft!? Will it be still freeware? I guess not, looking on the items you are working at. Will it be study level to the last switch and system? And no, I am not asking for a possible release date.... Duck and cover :-)
  24. Got it. Set it to dense particles and now the effect is nearly invisible. Is there anything than can be done about in future updates?
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