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Everything posted by Andydigital

  1. Lol I may as well use a weather theme rather than fly in the day with night weather, no thanks.
  2. Or Saso could just re-enable the TTS voices had active during his dev streams before he pre-recorded the voices.
  3. Yes please I have a 9 payware SAPI voices, I would love to be able to use the for Pilot and Co-Pilot Checklists.
  4. As real as it gets with no pilots onboard lol.
  5. Is there any support for Activesky's Historical weather features, or are we destined to only fly in real-time with this aircraft due to its advance features? Not all of us want to fly at night and with a persistent aircraft you don't really have much choice without a feature like this.
  6. That's because Flightsim.to is a MSFS only focused website at this time. They say they are going to start hosting X-Plane 12 content when it's released, but until then you won't find any XP stuff on there.
  7. I've only tested this with CCP 1 (the one you open with by clicking the screw) but if you resize the popup panel the click spots get messed up and don't work. If it's just resized without popping out it's fine, but if you pop it out to another monitor and resize it breaks.
  8. Can we have read write datarefs for all the values of the FCP IO. An FCP/ALT dataref value of 0 is actually 10900 feet where I tested. Another option is writing them to the defaults and allowing hardware users to set them directly with hardware too. Being writable is important as we can manipulate acceleration ourselves with our own variables to suit the hardware encoders used. Thanks.
  9. I thought this was releasing on the 7th, its actually 02:00UTC Jan 8th according to your countdown timer.
  10. HUD yes EVS not yet from what I gathered in the dev streams I watched, it can’t be simulated to the devs satisfaction in X-Plane 11. Fingers crossed that XP12 may change that, who knows.
  11. Do you have a joystick profile assigned for every other airctaft other than the TBM?
  12. Sorry please ignore me I was half asleep when replying, I’ve got two knobs assigned on a hardware panel that uses default xplane altitude commands and they allow me to change the selected as I mentioned above. I’d forgotten that the TBM only had a single altitude knob.
  13. There are two knobs, one (inner) adjusts in 100 feet increments and the other (outer) 1000ft.
  14. Andydigital


    Hermann just so you know for future reference, X-plane has a nasty habit of not actually quitting properly after a crash, if you get another crash open task manager and have a look for x-plane running, its quite likely it still is running and this would be why you had problems trying to reinstall the TBM.
  15. 1. Is because you turned off one of the special effects performance tuning options in the TBM settings menu. Sorry I forget which one, but its to do with the windshield, it also removes the visors because of a limitation in X-plane. 3. The ground handling model was tuned because many people were having problems controlling the aircraft during the take-off and landing roll out (not me lol).
  16. Andydigital


    Yes you can set minimums, I do it regularly in the HS TBM.
  17. Remove Pitot Covers in the payload page. You can only do this from the payload page when on ground with engines off. Or you can step outside with engine on and remove them manually with mouse clicks, lol. I had to do this yesterday because I for got to remove them during an FSE (FS Economy) flight. I use X-Camera to step outside and use a gamepad to control my movement.
  18. It’s not modelled in your other aircraft more likely, the TBM likes to go the whole way when it comes to systems modelling.
  19. Make sure you have selected the com 1 or com 2 radio on the left side audio panel, you need to select the mic 1 there too.
  20. You can use the first stage of flaps at 150 knots quite safely and then gear down at 140, at 1000 feet around 120 knots then flaps full, 500 feet 90 knots and hold that down to the threshold where you should be at about 85 as you cross, then at 30 feet then bring power lever to idle. Ideally you should be stalling just as the mains touch at around 75ish, winds permitting.
  21. Two flights for me so far also without issue today, on version 11.33.
  22. No problem Goran, I'll just forego that part of the checklist for now
  23. No Goran, its off. Whole aircraft only has 33 hours or so on it. Very well looked after and flown by the book.
  24. The Standby alternator is wearing out just from doing the checklist, I had to replace the alternator in the previous flight because it had failed. And just now after checking it after a 1 hour flight its showing as VERY WORN. All I did was turn it on for about 5 seconds during the checklist to confirm it was working. It only had a load of about 48 amps during the test and it seems this was enough to almost kill it. Just a small tip, an alternator cannot reach EOL just because it is providing its full capable load, it also cannot possibly provide more than it's rated output. In this situation it just wont provide enough power to charge the battery and the battery will eventually lose its charge. The alternator will still continue to output its maximum rated output even with a fully discharged battery. It will reach EOL sooner if run at max output continuously, but I can assure you its life is longer than an hour.
  25. I'm too old for boxers now, I like my comfort too much lol.
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