I'm doing a first high level flight and I'm finding I can't come close to the torque numbers specified in the PoH.
I'm at FL240 at -30C which is approximately +2 ISA and according to the ISA Recommended Cruise power table (PoH 4-32) at 96% Prop RPM I should hit the 650deg EGT limit at about 72% Torque and with 11,500lb hits airspeeds of 1939 KIAS and 270 KTAS.
Obviously I'm going to get something a bit less than those figure because temp is slight above ISA, but in reality I can only get 54% Torque before hitting the EGT limit which corresponds to 170 KIAS and 247 KTAS. Even if I ignore the EGT and push the throttle all the way forward I can still only get to 58% Torque - well short of the PoH value.
Has anyone else tested their performance against the PoH and had better luck, in which case do you have suggestions for what I'm doing wrong with the engine or maybe how I'm misreading the PoH ?