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Everything posted by Matchstick

  1. That's great - there are options in the GTN config to allow use of the redundant space on the screen to show extra data blocks instead so no display real estate need be wasted
  2. That's sounds very cool Do you have a feel for a timescales for the changes yet ?
  3. The Mu-2 does have support for the RealsimGear G500 software so if you've got that you can use it to control the VS speed as you'd expect.
  4. Hi, is there a way to select which NAV radio feeds the AP/FD when using the OEM version ? Cheers
  5. I'm doing a first high level flight and I'm finding I can't come close to the torque numbers specified in the PoH. I'm at FL240 at -30C which is approximately +2 ISA and according to the ISA Recommended Cruise power table (PoH 4-32) at 96% Prop RPM I should hit the 650deg EGT limit at about 72% Torque and with 11,500lb hits airspeeds of 1939 KIAS and 270 KTAS. Obviously I'm going to get something a bit less than those figure because temp is slight above ISA, but in reality I can only get 54% Torque before hitting the EGT limit which corresponds to 170 KIAS and 247 KTAS. Even if I ignore the EGT and push the throttle all the way forward I can still only get to 58% Torque - well short of the PoH value. Has anyone else tested their performance against the PoH and had better luck, in which case do you have suggestions for what I'm doing wrong with the engine or maybe how I'm misreading the PoH ?
  6. Honestly I'm quite happy now with the way the throttle is at the moment
  7. Personally I use the switch at the bottom of the left throttle axis as the beta toggle and finds that works take well for me, not least because I always know what the position is the physical throttle lever is when switching. The reversed direction in beta mode is a little odd but didn't take much practice to get used to it.
  8. If I may be entirely selfish for a moment what I'd personally like to see are Emergency Stop On/Off events (or a Toggle with a dataref to show current state) that can be use to move the Prop levers from Taxi to Emergency Stop and vice versa. That way on my Honeycomb Bravo I can set the Prop levers with the curve starting at 10% as suggested in the documentation and then use the switch below the bottom of the lever arc to trigger the Emergency Stop events. Now, I've no idea if this is a) practical from a coding position or b) any use to anyone else who isn't using this specific throttle quadrant, but I though I would throw the idea out there just on the off-chance it is
  9. No problem - this plane is well worth a bit of effort helping to test and identify any issues
  10. I've tried it with 1 and I'm still seeing the same thing. As you suspect I am using the standard hardware toe brake mappings - is there a different mapping to be used instead ?
  11. It appears that using the mouse wheel on the AP Pitch Wheel rotates it to full deflection with a single click in either direction which is a bit of an extreme reaction and the only way to recentre it (or just move it less than full deflection( is to drag it with the mouse.
  12. Always a relief to know other people are seeing an issue rather than it just turning out I'm doing something wrong I see what you mean about the starting and stopping or jerking motion.
  13. I'm liking the new Mu-2 a lot but I'm noticing that the Toe Brakes seem very ineffective at low speed. With prop at taxi and throttle at ground Idle the plane creeps forward even with full tow brakes and similarly they can't hold the plane stationary on a slope like Runway 05 at LPMA. The parking brake works fine in these situations so I'm not sure if this is a bug or a quirk of the real thing.
  14. Unfortunately that does mean you can't use the mouse to move them to Emergency Stop just by dragging.
  15. It looks like the condition levers do have a clickzone until you move them with the joystick at which point it which turns off the clickzones and only allows you to move them with the axis.
  16. Is there any indication what are other devs doing differently that means they avoid the issue ?
  17. If we're talking about then the Vulkan API then isn't that a close-to-the-metal OpenGL replacement developed by the Khronos group that's implemented by nVidia, AMD and many others in their drivers, rather than being nVidia specific tech ?
  18. Brilliant I suspect I know what I'm going to be buying next week :)
  19. If modelling EVS became possible in XP12 is it something you would consider adding ?
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