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  1. Hi Brad, I'm sorry for the late reply. Has been a rather busy week for me. Looking at your Log.txt it seems that the plugin was loaded correctly. Unfortunately, I cannot read the XMIdiCtrl_Log.txt - it shows some Chinese characters, only. The most important thing is to configure your Loupedeck in order to send and receive MIDI messages. I don't own a Loupedeck and cannot really help, but others in this forum have been successful and there is even a little tutorial available. The profiles should be placed in the folder .\Output\preferences\XMidiCtrl\Profiles - then you have all profiles in a single place. That's much better than placing them directly in the aircraft folder. Each profile has a section called [[device]] which includes the two parameters port_in and port_out. You have to enter here the correct ports for your device. Have a look at the documentation, please. I tried to explain how the creation of profiles works: https://mauer.github.io/xmidictrl/#/create_profile A screenshot of your MIDI Devices screen of XMidiCtrl would be useful, too. Thanks, Marco
  2. I will also buy a MacBook later this year. Afterwards I will be able to notarize my plugin.
  3. Hello Jeff, It's difficult to say what wrong without an log on debug level. It could be that your Midi Fighter Twister is sending range messages instead of relative messages. You can try that very easily by just adding the mode parameter to your mapping. It would look like this: { ch = 1, cc = 0, type = "enc", mode = "range", dataref = "sim/cockpit2/controls/elevator_trim", modifier_up = 0.0125, modifier_down = -0.0125, value_min = -1, value_max = 1, value_wrap = true } When you commands instead of a dataref no negative values are required at all. You just have to define command_up and command_down. A correct mapping would be: { ch = 11, cc = 1, type = "enc", command_up = "sim/instruments/barometer_up", command_down = "sim/instruments/barometer_down" } Please enable the debug mode in the settings, turn the knob a couple of times up and down and send me the XMidiCtrl_log.txt, please. Then I can see what kind of messages your device is sending. I'm pretty sure that are using the range mode. Have a nice day, Marco
  4. Hi, I believe the X-Touch Editor software is not available on Linux und macOS. You can use the X-Touch with the default settings, as well. Instead of Control Change messages it will send Note messages. You basically have to adjust the aircraft profiles, but otherwise it will be working fine even without the editor software. (I'm a Linux user)
  5. Hi Tom, The new loading dialog looks really great. I know UI work can be quite painful. Great job, cannot wait to try it myself.
  6. Just a quick reminder - if you run into any problems or need support, best practise would be to open a new thread for each problem. Otherwise I might not see your message, which would be a shame.
  7. Hi HussamAli, I think you contacted me on the org forum, as well. I assume that you did not setup your X-Touch correctly. Did you follow these steps? https://mauer.github.io/xmidictrl/#/behringer_xtouch_mini Thanks, Marco
  8. Problem solved, happily flying now...
  9. Hm, just found this line in the log: IXEG: Level-1 PASS / Level-2 FAIL. License invalid I will try the lastest update, seems like I have a license issue. However, the UI said everything is fine.
  10. Here we go... Log.txt
  11. Thank you for the kind words @Pils
  12. I have exactly the same problem, no sounds in the IXEG at all. Aircraft Exterior and Interior as well as Environmental are set to 0 and cannot be set to anything else. Really weird, everything is working fine with other planes.
  13. Dear all, I just created an aircraft profile for the Mitsubishi MU-2 to use this wonderful plane with the XMidiCtrl plugin: This was quite an interesting profile to create, as the Mitsubishi has two GPS devices installed. All GPS related buttons are on layer B of the X-Touch Mini. On the first button row you will find a button labelled GPS 1/2. If the button is not illuminated, all buttons are mapped to GPS 1, otherwise they are mapped to GPS 2. During my test flights I rarely used GPS 2 as it is linked to the instruments on the Copilot side. Using GPS 1 was more then sufficient. The autopilot buttons are all on layer A and illuminated. That's quite useful to quickly check which mode is currently active. Luckily the developer of the plane provided datarefs for each button light. Please let me know if there are any problems or errors. Thanks, Marco
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Aircraft Profile for the XMidiCtrl plugin Aircraft: Mitsubishi MU-2 MIDI-Device: Behringer X-Touch Mini
  15. XMidiCtrl - Aircraft Profile for the Mitsubishi MU-2 View File Aircraft Profile for the XMidiCtrl plugin Aircraft: Mitsubishi MU-2 MIDI-Device: Behringer X-Touch Mini Submitter VirtualCPT Submitted 06/08/2023 Category Plugins and Utilities  
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