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Everything posted by Pils

  1. What was the airport(s) that didn’t work? Confirm this is Autorouter charts? Please provide screenshots.
  2. No, they just go to the “top left” as far as X-Plane layout is concerned. But I don’t know how this translates on Macs. Maybe a screenshot of the Graphics settings page would help?
  3. Can you set the weather to CAVOK and try to repeat it?
  4. Is there a way in MacOS to make the external display the primary display so that X-Plane considers it the Main Monitor? If so, try that.
  5. You’ve attached a second monitor to your iMac and are using (only) this for X-Plane?
  6. It’s a bug in the message handling that is fixed for the next update. Thanks.
  7. Probably don’t want to change those particular values. I’m not 100% sure they’d have any effect on the CL-650, but any effect may well be changing the flight model to be something not what the developer intended. If you want to have more “precision“ in the controls (and a lot of this comes down to the hardware one uses), one suggestion is setting up a custom response curve so that the (for example) 90% position of your hardware isn’t the 90% position of the sim controls. Rather flatten the “curve” (linear, straight line) from 0% to (say) 90% input results in 0% to (say) 60% output (or whatever range makes sense for “normal” flight envelope deflections). And then 100% is 100% so you can still do flight control checks, etc. If that makes sense.
  8. It does not. (At least incorrectly/artificially like the other examples.)
  9. That’s probably just the X-Plane lightning/reflection model playing tricks. I’m sure @Goran_M was well aware of their chrome finish.
  10. Looks like the crash was in the Nvidia driver, not the CL-650 itself, so unfortunately not much can be done by the developer, sorry. Can only suggest making sure Nvidia drivers are up to date.
  11. AH2 also has rudimentary GPWS call-outs (for some reason).
  12. Do you perhaps have the TerrainRadar plugin?
  13. Read the Power Lever Auto-Latch section of this post which I think will help you.
  14. You need Gizmo.plugin to be enabled, signed in, and a licensed CL-650. Please post your Log.txt file.
  15. This looks like a familiar crash, you may need to use a new airframe until the next update is released.
  16. Sounds like X-Plane doing X-Plane things… it can struggle at dynamically loading high fidelity objects and textures. Plus the Vulkan texture management algorithm is not perfect, and can get itself in a muddle all by itself.
  17. Please provide a screenshot of the STATUS page from the CDU. Also, what is the content of the …/X-Plane/Custom Data/cycle_info.txt file?
  18. Thanks for the report. Would it be possible to take a screenshot of the LEGS page and illustrate what exactly causes the crash, please?
  19. I’m sorry you’re having trouble, unfortunately this forum has no association with xPilot the Vatsim client. You’ll need to look for support via their Discord. The link is available on their website: https://beta.xpilot-project.org/#/
  20. I believe X-Plane doesn’t count its main thread in this value so that should be considered if necessary to free up additional processors for other uses, including an aircraft’s multi-threaded plugins.
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