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Everything posted by hobofat

  1. Thanks for the info. Sorry, I wasn't trying to be obnoxious, a genuine interest. I play around a lot with GIS software/data, just for fun. I'm glad you're putting it all together for X-Plane!
  2. Yes. Please see this post for an example of the amazing difference between the default terrain and the new enhanced terrain in the Oahu scenery: http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php?topic=833.msg7282#msg7282 In looks good. Are you using the 5m proprietary NEXTMap data or the 10m public access data?
  3. That's my home! The scenery looks gorgeous. Has the mesh been redone? The default X-Plane Hawaii mesh is absolutely awful, it completely misrepresents land formations such as diamonhead and kokohead? I re-did Hawaii with publicly available elevation and contour data and it comes out much better
  4. hobofat

    bang for buck

    Greetings, I'm looking for a new laptop for my wife, but since it will be our primary computer for the next year while we're working abroad, I also want it to be able to handle X-Plane reasonably well. It's a tight budget, she says $600 (all she does is surf the net and watch movies) but I'm willing to go up to $900 to have something I can run some games on. Unfortunately it seems I can't have it all. At that price point it seems I have to decide between two factors: i3 with a better graphics card (ati mobility radeon 5650) or an i5 with a lower rated graphics card (ati mobility radeon 5470). i5 with the 5650 seems to either not be available or just out of range. I figure waiting a bit would bring them down into the right price range, but unfortunately our time is up, we're headed overseas in the next month so need to purchase soon. In short: for performance should I put out for the better processor or the better graphics card?
  5. Alright, please forgive the shameless request. I had to pack up my flight simming computer while I study for the bar exam and when that's over I'll be headed abroad for a year for a job, so no flight simming for me for a long time. I'm completely missing out on the new v.4 of the x737 and would love to see some pictures of it in action. Would anybody be willing to post some screenshots in this thread? Pretty please?
  6. Go check out the REX website too, and take a look at what they've actually done. It's hardly a mere "texture replacement." All professional high-definition photography. My simming computer is dead in the water atm, unfortunately, but I used REX on MSFS before switching to X-Plane and at least for that platform it's "game-changing" if you will. If I ever get it running again this will definitely be on it.
  7. Nice smooth corners on the glareshield! It seems like the glareshield is a hard thing to get right, as it is often not done well--but this looks great! Thanks for the pic.
  8. The wiper effect is pretty sweet! And fun to see inside the cockpit. Keep up the good work Javier and Anton!
  9. Alright, knowing that people hate requests, I'm still going to fourth this, that way even if Javier has no interest whatsoever in this, if another person were contemplating making one they know there is lots of interest!
  10. No worries, I wasn't trying to be critical, just point out that navigraph specifically states that they do not want people converting or re-parsing the data from the formats supplied for products which Navigraph does not as of now support, (i.e. taking PSS data and converting it for use in X-Plane, since Navigraph does not yet officially support any X-Plane products, which of course will soon change). In general I agree with the other poster that the legitimate subscriber may modify products s/he has purchased for personal use only (without intent to distribute), that this is within the copyright laws of most countries. I did feel it necessary to point out the "official" word from Navigraph however so each X-Plane user who is contemplating using Navigraph's PSS data to replace X-Plane's default data may make an informed decision.
  11. From the Navigraph forum, please note the second sentence: "Any copies of the Navigraph FMS Data other than for personal backup is illegal duplication of the data and against the terms of service you agreed to when charging credits. You may not re-parse or convert the data to any other form than what is provided on the Navigraph website. If the data originating from our data provider is circulating outside of a license agreement this means that our data provider is not getting anything in return on distributing the data through Navigraph. This reasoning, taken to its extent, can lead to that the data provider decides to cancel our possibilities to get data from them since we are not able to control piracy and see to that our end of the license agreement we have with them is met. In short: Circumventing the license agreement, where possible, is not only unlawful, it is also counter productive as Navigraph serves to represent all flight simulator enthusiasts towards a larger enterprise that normally would not devote resources to make relatively small business with individuals. This is the comment we have for now on whether convering to X-Plane format is a solution. We will return with further comments on the development for X-plane users a bit later on. Regards Magnus" http://forum.navigraph.com/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=181
  12. The CRJ will be groundbreaking, but I'd be careful about talking about "the" aircraft. But don't let that stop you from trying out X-Plane now. There's a demo you can download. A few of the default planes are good, many are not. But there are gems amongst the payware and freeware and you'll find on this site lots of gems yet to be released. As for $100, sssshhhh, some of us future customers aren't made of cash ;D
  13. I'm not sure about the U.S. and Europe, but in the regions I fly (mainly Oceania and the Far East) X-Plane is frequently lacking major routes, VORs, NDBs, waypoints, etc. I work around it just fine and I like to find real world charts and hand fly the approaches, but despite the frequent updates X-Plane's data is far from current.
  14. Yet still more accurate than X-Plane default, and widely used. I have several add-ons (not for X-Plane of course) in which I use the 2006 navigation data, works just fine--seldom have to make any adjustments.
  15. hobofat

    Project 3

    Looking forward to seeing the finalized textures (and the entire project of course!). Keep up the good work, we're all biting at the bit of course. For those interested, another small carrier that exclusively flies the Saab 340A: Air Aland http://www.airaland.com/ Aland is a set of Swedish-speaking autonomous Finnish islands that is part of the EU but doesn't pay VAT (how's that for international confusion). Anyway, a few good flights between Mariehamn in Aland and Stockholm or Helsinki.
  16. hobofat

    Project 3

    This is resolution level, 37px/m doesn't look good on any size aircraft, in my opinion. The more px/m you throw onto a larger size aircraft, the more textures are required, is all. But for a comparison, McPhat Studios creates payware paint packages for MSFS, which are absolutely stunning. There highest resolution package comes in at 283px/m, and the next highest one is 253 px/m. The amount of detail one can create at this level is enormous. So 200px/m for this Saab is most awesome! Will give repainters a lot of options for the small details, and super sharp textures. Thanks for this!
  17. I have to admit, I do not understand your logic MdMax. I'm not trying to be argumentative here, or to put down you legitimate feelings regarding DRM (your post brought up a really good point regarding the user license), but let me hash this out for a second from my perspective: 1) Your message essentially states that DRM does nothing to deter piracy but only causes hassles for the legitimate purchaser of the product. 2) DRM on the MU-2 allows you to fully use the product, and in the event you change your hardware or computer, the license you purchased ensures that you the legitimate owner will be re-issued the password to unlock the product. This may lead to a short delay, but you privately contracted for that when you purchased the product. Under no circumstance does it lead to a constitutional deprivation of your property rights (at least under the U.S. constitution). You can argue this point if you want, but do please bring legal authority to the debate if you choose to do so. 3) So, the DRM which is in fact and in practice very non-restrictive (you are having some major issues if you need to keep on getting passwords reset), enables you the user to fully enjoy the software you legally purchase. 4) But would not allow you to share the software with your friend. 5) Rather than being irrelevant, Cameron's statistics show that the MU-2's DRM has limited piracy from torrent sites. 6) So really the only hassle to the legitimate purchaser would be if they wanted to share the software with their friend, which is in fact piracy. But you don't do that, because you are a legitimate user who respects the license. 7) Instead of looking at it as an accusation against your honesty, it would be better for your mental health to consider it a measure keeping honest people honest. I lock my bike when I ride it to the store not because I wish to accuse everyone of being a thief, but rather to deter those people who see things they like which are easy access and just take them. Similarly, those of you so fortunate most likely lock your cars. It is a slight inconvenience (especially if I change my "hardware" and have to reset my bike lock password), but is in fact a viable solution to several problems. 8 ) The end result, you bought the product and are clearly enjoying it! Compare that to the person who has stated they will never buy the MU-2 because of the DRM. Not only do they not have to go through one of the most hassle-free DRM activations on the market, they also don't have to enjoy this wonderful product like we who purchased it do. But I feel safe knowing that they also won't be able to just go and download the product I spent my hard-earned cash on. 9) I do agree that it would be best for X-Scenery to post a copy of the license agreement on their website that you can see in advance. But even if they did people wouldn't read it. I encourage you to go read your cell phone/internet/insurance contracts and go check out all the wonderful ways they are screwing you over that you didn't even know about because you failed to read the fine print. There are equitable remedies in U.S. courts at least for contract provisions that are "unconscionable" that you the end-user didn't have any ability to alter, but it's a really costly and difficult thing to prove in court. 10) While I do not condone software piracy in any form, I do agree with the sentiment behind the posts on the "spirit of the law." I am studying to be a lawyer (4 more classes and one bar exam to go), and too often people get caught up in the text of the law, rather than the effect the law was intended to have. Luckily most universities have contracts with Adobe and Microsoft for students to get heavy discounts, so this type of "educational purposes" software testing isn't as necessary anymore. For those who have graduated or never went, I feel the pain. $699 for photoshop? Really? I'll stick with TheGimp tyvm. 11) Tirade over. Not sure why I enumerated my paragraphs.
  18. Wonderful to hear that you are going right to Moo 2.0! I'm curious if you have any plans for the GPS. I know a custom GPS is probably well beyond the scope of this project, but is there any way to increase the clarity of the default display? I find it to be very fuzzy, an issue not isolated to the MU-2 of course, any plane utilizing the default GPS.
  19. This pretty much is that thread; and they are always quick to post with status updates. No status updates means work in progress...
  20. Updated fairly often, allows one to look up real world routes via a variety of options including equipment used or airline. http://arm.64hosts.com/ Of course one has to verify the route still exists via another such as OAG or Amadeus, but if you're trying to find out where all the CRJ-200 routes are, for example, or what airports still have Saab-340As flying in and out of them, this is the fastest way to check that I know of!
  21. hobofat

    Project 3

    Yup! Already have a whole series of flights planned out waiting to go.
  22. You're not bringing up trouble, I thought I was going a bit crazy too and making things up.
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