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Everything posted by hobofat

  1. I also vote for the Quest Kodiak. An amazing plane. The only downside to it in terms of creating it is the G1000 it uses.
  2. hobofat

    Project 3

    Nice to see a wider view of the panel! Seeing the little bits and pieces reminds of watching the scrambled channels when I was a kid...
  3. Scubajuan, I was a former VPA member who left the group because I was studying for my bar exam and couldn't maintain the one flight every 60 days requirement for membership. Sad, I know! But it's a fantastic group and the guy who put it all together is an avid X-Plane user. Wait out the queue for awhile, it may take a couple months but joining it is worth it. Additionally, being a member doesn't stop you from joining any other VAs as well, so in the meantime if you like other options feel free to sign up for those as well.
  4. hobofat

    Project 3

    see, there you go. that just made my night! still has that new plane smell to it ;D
  5. hobofat

    Project 3

    thanks for the screenshot updates...anxiously awaiting that which i look forward to the most in a strong payware release: the upholstery!
  6. This was a wonderful write up with nice pictures to boot! I really enjoy stuff like this, thanks for sharing.
  7. Great video! That shuttle looks simply stunning. The CRJ-200 as well, cannot wait for that one to come out. I'm really looking forward to the future of X-Plane! Absolutely do not regret leaving my FSX disks behind when I moved this last August.
  8. hobofat

    Project 3

    Sweetness. I've been looking forward to this plane more than any other. I hate riding in 'em as a passenger, but I sure do love the idea of piloting them!
  9. Just took a flight on a Japan Airlines 747-400 from Honolulu to Tokyo Narita. Besides the awesome service, nice plane (small seats though) and free booze, the wheel cam was turned on the entire flight! Was able to watch the entire approach, all the last second adjustments to line up, and perfect center-line landing. Kind of neat in that it validates what I've been doing in flight simulator all these years! Did I mention economy class cabin had individual monitor screens with a choice of 12 different movies to watch at any time? I'll buy American on some things, but when it comes to flying...
  10. I'm good at looking at awesome too
  11. You can't take away from my achievement in identifying the right area darn you! I've never even been to Reno! Alright alright, so all it took was booting up google earth to confirm my suspicions but still...
  12. Nevada ... The major airport in those pics is KRNO (Reno Tahoe International). The fourth screenshot is near Pyramid Lake.
  13. I have both the x-plane remote for itouch and the wi-fly one. At the moment I prefer the wi-fly because it has rudder control as well as helo controls preset. Plus the moving map doesn't work on the ipod/iphone version, which is super lame.
  14. Oh wow, just checked out the SkyChartsPRO program, definitely thinking about getting it. Will rectify the nasty lack of GPS in X-Plane, at least for the U.S. As I do most of my flying in Hawaii, that'll work just fine.
  15. Yes, yes, and more yes! Looking forward to the full 3d instrumentation.
  16. He said Saab! Hehe, just excited is all.
  17. Sorry, been on vacation. I just tried it out and it worked. And more quickly as well!
  18. My personal favorite in a study-level simulation: DC-3
  19. Not sure what happened, cleaned everything up and re-installed gizmo -- which I had already done many times! -- and lo and behold, gizmo is now working. Computers are weird. And the Falco flies again.
  20. Yes, and program being run as administrator as well.
  21. I, too, am having this issue with REX on Win 7 64-bit.
  22. Aloha, I've sent Cameron support requests to which he has responded (crazy fast!), but it so far a solution has eluded, so I thought I would put here as well and see if anybody else has experienced this. I recently bought a new laptop, windows 7 64-bit. I installed all the necessary files for gizmo to work, including the openal files. Openal supposedly installed correctly, and I see openal.dll in my windows/System32 folder, and in the SysWOW64 folder. But according to my x-plane log file, it's not finding openal. I scoured the net regarding this issue, and all I can see is that there might be an issue with 32-bit files being placed where the 64-bit ones should go (System32), but I'm not sure how to even tell if that happened.
  23. boat planes never get old. looking forward to seeing your progress on this!
  24. hobofat

    bang for buck

    Thanks for the advice, Indi. I went with the Lenovo Ideapad Y460. It has the i5-520m (2.4 ghz); ATI mobility Radeon HD 5650 1 GB; and 4 gig DDR3 sdram at 1066 mhz. 14" screen, but I was going for portability. Not a hardcore gaming machine, but all in all pretty good specs for an entertainment laptop methinks that still has some juice for games! And X-Plane is all about scalability right? With the Father's Day sales, came to $850 which was right in the price range.
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