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Everything posted by hobofat

  1. Going to go off-topic here and say that I absolutely loved AirHauler for FSX. Queue the shocked gasps ... but it puts a little game back into my simulation. One that I'm entirely in control of, which taps into ones creative tendencies. I spent a lot of time doing repaints for Air Gondwana, my freight company in Papau New Guinea! Alright, back to discussing Macs. ::yawn::
  2. I kept FSX as long as I did merely for A2A's 377. Would love a high quality 377 in X-Plane...
  3. Yes, which I did on purpose to enable me to click on the bottom left or right corner of the X-Plane window to resize it. The window just won't resize.
  4. Thanks for the responses. That is exactly what's not working. It won't let me click the corner and drag. @gil: The X-Plane toolbar is there, I was referencing the bottom menu bar of Windows 7 itself.
  5. I'm trying to increase the size of the window to fill the screen without using the "fullscreen" option so I can leave my windows toolbar uncovered to rapidly switch back and forth between sim and documents. When I uncheck "fullscreen" in the rendering options the X-Plane window shrinks down to 1024x768 and I can neither move the X-Plane window or resize it. If my explanation is not quite clear I can take a screenshot of what I'm talking about.
  6. Note: I've done a full search of the .org for a solution, but the only pieces of advice offered (RTFM and reset preferences) have not worked for me. I don't dare ask there as the automated "old-timer" response system will undoubtedly point me in the direction of aforesaid already read manual. I'm trying to resize my x-plane window. Normally I just use the "full-screen" mode option, however, I'm trying to work through a pdf tutorial and only have one monitor (a laptop actually) and switching in and out is a pain. Apparently you can resize the X-plane window via clicking and dragging the lower right hand corner, but this does not work for me. My laptop resolution is at 1366 x 768. I've tried different resolutions, to no avail. I've moved my windows toolbar out of the way to make sure I could click the corner, no go. I'm using the latest version of X-Plane, 9.67. Any advice appreciated.
  7. GIMP is a wonderful resource, much more powerful than most payware paint programs short of professional packages. Plus you can find plenty of how-to resources around the web for it.
  8. It is the same helicopter as was sold from ifly.it, just under a different name. Take that for what it's worth, if you've followed the history at all. http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=44777
  9. It's looking fantastic! Incidentally, just checked out your armchair aviation website, very organized and easy to read. Looking forward to more "how to" articles.
  10. Thanks for the new paintkit! Opened it up and played around with it a bit, will try to work on something when I get the time. Not sure when that'll be. But have a particular livery in mind if I can manage it!
  11. hobofat

    Project 3

    Phew, I was scared you were about to announce the release at the start of the work week, and that just would not be good.
  12. Now that's music to my ears!
  13. hobofat

    Project 3

    That's what sucked me into flight simming in the first place. I bought my first flight sim because I was at the comp store and saw it on the shelf and said, "I like airplanes." Fiddled around with it, then dropped it for a bit, as it was too sandbox. Then I picked up a tutorial on navigating via NDB and VOR and tried it out in the wee ol' Cessna 172 and have been hooked ever since.
  14. You would be amazed at how fast my students "unlearn" absolutely everything. :-\ Although I guess it would be more appropriate to say they never learned it in the first place...
  15. I bought X-Plane solely because I wanted to fly the MU-2 and Tyler's was the only one on the scene. After that I got sucked into flying helicopters which felt so much better to me in X-Plane than in FSX. Once the BK-117 came out, and other high quality products started appearing (I love the SeaMax and the T-34 is next on my purchase list [can't get everything at once after all]), I more or less dumped my FSX and solely fly in X-Plane now. The whole point being that innovative products can pull people in, at least it did for me. I think that you, Javier, are well positioned to attract more people like myself. Of course I have no idea what actual sales numbers are like for X-Plane products, and the pay-off for time invested ratios, etc. But no need to be depressed I'm thinking!
  16. I haven't seen this much drama since the last time Desperate Housewives was on tv : You could always go fly that "other" simulator, you know, the one with "PMDG-quality" products. I'm not sure I see the utility in getting your knickers in a knot over a digital model--the CRJ will come in due course.
  17. I was involved for quite some time in the creation of a photoscenery package for FSX (still unreleased), and we were also working on it for X-Plane as well. I had to pull out of the project due to real world circumstances that had (much) higher priority. Anyway, with the amount of coverage the UK (rather, England/Wales) photoscenery offers it's hard to imagine a higher than 1m resolution. We were working on a 30cm/px resolution for the FSX scenery, but had to scale it back to 1m/pixel for X-Plane for two reasons: 1) file size. FSX compresses textures into a propietary format so compiled sceneries are quite a bit smaller than the pile of .DDS files an X-Plane photoscenery has. 2) Legal restrictions: our aerial photography supplier would not allow us to use the higher res for X-Plane since the texture files remain editable by the user. FSX once again had the advantage of rendering the photoscenery uneditable. They were however fine with us doing a 1m/pixel resolution, as the difference is quite noticeable. Sidenote for the ultra-sensitive: this is not a "better than/worse than" thread, just my offering of a possible reason for the 1m/pixel resolution on the product we're talking about.
  18. Nothing substantial to add to the convo except to voice my excitement at the thought of a high quality DC-3 being created for X-Plane.
  19. hobofat

    Project 3

    looks immersive. am very excited for this one.
  20. Nice! I've been enjoying your F-27, exciting to see the ATR being added to the pot!
  21. Bit of a sidetrack here, and apologies for bringing up the "other" sim. I absolutely hated 2D panels, getting into flight sim only after FSX was released. But then I purchased Digital Aviation's Fokker 70/100 and the 2D panel was sooooo well done, it quickly became my favorite tube to fly. The panel was immersive (a word I would hardly ever use with 2D panels) and well-designed for flow so busy situations were easily handled as far as calling up the necessary panels and such. It's crisp and super legible, something I am having a hard time finding in most 2D panels. They put a lot of development hours into the panel. Long story short: a well-designed, visually-appealing 2D panel can be extremely immersive and fun to fly--even for an avid 3D pit fan like myself. The x737 seems awesome, I just can't get used to the panel.
  22. hobofat

    Project 3

    Gorgeous front office! Hope the coffee is strong and bitter ... kind of a small cup
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