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Everything posted by Kesomir

  1. I mean work with a modeller, not buy a model - Peter bought the model and then reduced the complexity, added animations etc in x-plane himself. It would be better for the model to be built for x-plane by someone working with Peter, and for me - including a 3d pit. Same goes for the textures. I don't think Peter thinks that the absence of a 3d cockpit is a feature. I'm saying Peter haz mad skills™ but they don't appear to lie in modelling and texturing. Partner with someone who does and the products could be amazing. Might not be worth it economically for him yet though. The point about real life airbus pilots is an argument from authority and is irrelevant, it needs to stand on it's own merit. I'm not an airbus pilot and whether they do or not (or use another sim altogether) has no bearing on my enjoyment of, or how complete the product actually is. I also disagree with this, as I think trackIR + 3d pit (done well) is way better than 2d panels for immersion. Regards,
  2. tasty indeed.
  3. That lighting shot from the radio - wow wow wow ;D Stunning work.
  4. Before you read this, x-plane is my sim of choice. MSFS is more 'mature' and built more from a consumer wishes rather than the more quirky austin-centric x-plane. Default scenery in FSX far surpasses x-plane currently. AI traffic (not everyone wants to fly online) ATC (not everyone wants to fly online) Flight Lessons UI is more straightforward - I'm used to x-planes, but would change the aircraft loader for one like msfs image based - although, just improving the folder navigation controls would be a start. Higher quality of default aircraft (being addressed in v10) X-plane controls based on order usb plugged in means you can have them 'forgotten' Big one - Add-on market is far more mature in msfs and offers glorious choice (hopefully gap will get shorter) Wider hardware support X-plane simulates 'flight', msfs simulates the other stuff around flight more The killer x-plane features for me are: Performance, performance, performance More controls assignable to levers Higher resolution textures - better looking ground scenery over distance (big one) More fluid gauges and flight feeling
  5. I think there's a better scenery tool coming with XP10 that claims to make it easier to model airports. Wait and see
  6. From what I have read: Peters simulations side of things is fairly top notch. His 3d isn't and the a380's model was bought in and then converted for use in x-plane. This made the model inefficient in sim and resulted in no 3d cockpit. If you are into high-sim and fly with 2d panel, and really want an a380, then this is probably of value to you - get it. If you are used to MSFS add on standards, and want the 'whole package' including 3d pit, then you're going to be disappointed with it at the price - but there is no A380 to compete, so if you want that plane and money is no object, this is the one to get currently. I think peter would do well to team up with a modeller in the way that Anton works with Javier and Goran/Theo's programmers work with them. This would allow his to put out a complete product and stay competitive as the x-plane add on market matures and moves on.
  7. It was on x-aviation first, after cameron wrote their installer for them I understand, nicolas swooped in, got distribution rights and then <an unknown forum ninja> edited all the links to x-aviation off of the org and changed them to point to the .org store. Get it from here if you would rather support this site: http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=23&products_id=55
  8. The saab is a ways off yet, I think it's going to be a secret project announcement - maybe one that's finished, maybe not. Want that damned twin otter that was previewed a while back
  9. second these, own em all - love em. Still waiting for my va to open the new hub so I can clock hours in this region, but oh boy when we can
  10. For a longer term thought - it would be nice for a user to be able to regain keys to deal with moving to future hardware. While one method is to deauthorise in-use keys, I appreciate that this would not work as your drm doesn't dial home after activation. The alternative is how adobe does it for digital editions - over time, keys accrue to a max level to handle machine upgrades. Something like 1 key per 6m / year up to the max of 3 or whatever - technically this could be achieved by only counting keys issued within a set timeframe (year - whatever) against the total. Any beyond this could be handled by support.
  11. /agree
  12. My follow up reply was:
  13. Sent this to Ben:
  14. The mac is for work, so won't be simming on it - the pc's actually faster despite being a year old, so will be sticking with win 7 for that. Specs in my sig. The mac is one of the new mid 2010 off the shelf base spec 27" i5. Was tempted to grab the i7 and extra ram, but needed to buy creative suite.
  15. Good catch sully, I'll make some time to test that over the weekend. Have a karma point on me
  16. Check out the cockpit http://karrsisters.com/MM&SpruceGoose.html
  17. This counts as crippling the software - the feature being that you don't have to click the button. This is not donationware, it's shareware. Not a criticism of the product.
  18. You built the Spruce Goose didn't you! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hughes_H-4_Hercules j/k
  19. Aye - there are a few gems at the org - I love the Canadian rockies Inside passage final frontier scenery add ons too. Ddenn's Seabee and goose look worth picking up - although I own neither.
  20. Single powerful nvidia GPU if you're on windows, ATI if you're on mac
  21. LOL@Indie. While I have never experienced this issue - as you can set it to download but not install updates without promt - I might argue that the windows approach would teach you to take more care of saving open work, as a power cut can do the same. I do use terminal windows a fair bit and take a lot of care with the 'power to really screw things up' approach - so those things don't bother me too much. I'll grab your recommendation -as cameron and indie picked up, I'm looking for a programmers text editor - with syntax highlighting. I can't find a decent sftp client with a norton commander interface like the amazing winscp - from what I've searched this does not exist right? Fugu has the interface but is buggy and abandoned code, and cyberduck is the better choice but no commander style interface. As for os x vs windows.. hehe (this isn't my first mac, but last os I used was system 8) They both have advantages and disadvantages - quite frankly I prefer gnome on linux, but want/need the convenience of buy app, run app and am hooked on creative suite - photoshop, acrobat pro and indesign really, although flex builder and illustrator occasionally (illustrator's ui sucks, I've used much 'better' vector packages). My opinion only from 1 day of playing only - no flame please Task bar > dock (linux or windows task bars) Enter on a folder to open it is quicker navigation than to edit it. I miss double click on bar to maximise/demaximise Mac and Linux connect to windows shares is vastly superior to windows connect to nix and mac shares. Setting up shares using the Command K, smb:// appears to give faster access to remote folders than navigating through the mounted shares on the filer. gnome/kde are far more configurable than osx or windows gnome/kde have more special effects than os x (2 choices for window minimise on mac - no choice on win - gazillion on compiz et al) windows 7 has more ui candy than os x currently os x looks much cleaner win 7 snap feature is missed legacy mac os drivers work on osx in a way that legacy windows drivers do not. I need to find a list of ui shortkeys and hints and tips I'm hoping not to see the general slowdown over time effect you get with windows
  22. He's using the Open Source (free) 3D Modelling app Blender: www.blender.org
  23. So, I just received a shiny 27" imac i5 for work and been playing with it all day. Sadly it has a faulty hard drive so is being collected and replaced (hopefully tomorrow). Now, I have set myself up with a shiny new copy of CS5 Design premium, open office, fugu (might change that), parallels and rdc 2 but would like a good, free text editor a la notepad++ for times when powering up dreamweaver is an overkill. would be mucho interested in any recomendations, as well as other generally good recomendations of 'must have' utilities and apps.
  24. I own the md11, cs757 and a few other study sims and to be honest, I generally prefer flying the 'simpler' aircraft. That said, I'm all for choice and x-plane needs a few.
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