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Everything posted by ilias.tselios

  1. This update won't be a system specific, but one on the general status of the project. One of the small things have been added. is the tablet to access the Avitab content. You can show/hide it via the DC3 Menu, and rotate it around as you like. The battery on the tablet will last about 5 hours, enough to complete any flight! Will be fully recharged every time you load the aircraft and will consume power while is visible. One big thing I'm working on is the Sperry A-3 autopilot. At this point the basic operation is working fine, I need to added a couple of things and fine tune it. Most of the rest of the systems are around 70-80% done. Without giving any ETA, I can say that we are moving towards the completion. Enjoy! Here some captures from the last test flights.
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  2. I don't know if there is one, but Avanti has been around the FMC, so I'm not sure, if exists such thing, how well will work.
  3. Do you have Gizmo installed? Please check the description for the download. Also please post any images and the Log.txt file to be able to understand what's going on in your X-Plane.
  4. First of all you haven't "paid" for support. A donation is as a thank you to the developer who spend his/her time to give you a free, high quality aircraft. Second, the released version is the 2.3.0. There is no other version beyond that. There are stuff as work-in-progress, but nothing is ready to released.
  5. Post here for LES Saab 340A support: https://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/forum/158-saab-340a/
  6. The Gizmo version you are using is old and probably does not work with the later X-Plane versions. If you own an X-Aviation product, rerun the installer to get the newer version, otherwise I don't if @Ben Russellcan help here with making a new version.
  7. OFF: Turns lights OFF DIM: Enables the FLOOD R PNL knob to adjust the dimming BRT: Lights on on full power.
  8. I don't see how this could work. And I'm talking only from pilot's perspective, when half of field of view is blocked.
  9. Maybe. You can build the symmetric part as normal, and add a misc body, or engine nacelle.
  10. Do you have Gizmo installed? Do you own any other X-Aviation product. If you don't have Gizmo, or mayby, and older version might have troubles working with Metal.
  11. Avanti has the default FMC, except the very top page that gives you control to some options. By clicking the left top button you get access to X-Plane's FMC. The FMC is a different thing from a GPS unit, with more capabilities. If you don't know how to use it, here is a video that might help you.
  12. There is no GPS unit. Only FMC.
  13. @rhalunenno worries my friend. It is also an omission from my side not to provide any current documentation that you can refer to. Been a side project many year now, I just add a few things when I have some spare time, leaving documentation out. I hope to find a few hours to put together a small pdf file with a few tips for such things. Also I hope that I can be able to push soon a newer version with some extra stuff I have done a bit of work, like a custom ND with weather/terrain radar, and some FMC customizations.
  14. @rhalunen have you looked at this? https://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/13851-general-aviation-p180-avanti-ii/?do=findComment&comment=148360
  15. As the night falls!
  16. It has been a while since the last update, so let's see another system; the navigation equipment of our DC-3. Since this is a vintage bird, you should not expect less than vintage navigation equipment, and this is what you'll get. The aircraft has 4 navigation radios located in the middle of the overhead area. There are 2 VHF NAV radios (VOR) and 2 ADF radios. On the Captain's panel are installed two DME counters for VOR1 and VOR2, one Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI) with #1 needle (green) showing the NDB station tuned into ADF1 radio, and the #2 needle the VOR1 station. Also, there is an ILS indicator which source is the VHF NAV1 radio. It will show deviation only if the source radio is tuned into an ILS frequency, and Localizer and/or Glideslope signal is received. The localizer deviation is displayed automatically, and there is no option to set course, like in a course indicator. Over the First Officer's side, there are also the same two DME counters, and one RMI with needles for ADF2 radio (green) and VOR2 (white). This is the standard navigation equipment of the aircraft, and as you see it is typical of DC-3 era. But we know and understand that some pilots might need a bit more "info" available in the cockpit. For that reason, we've added a couple options for you! Starting with a tablet to display the Avitab plugin. You'll be able to show the tablet when you like through DC-3's GUI, as well tilt and turn it to your preference. You can also select a GPS if you like! Will talk about this below! The option to have a GPS on the panel, is for pilots who want to have a better situation awareness, from that they can have using only the standard instruments. Must be noted here that the GPS is only advisory. Not coupled in any way with the autopilot, and not meant to be used for flying RNAV approaches! You can load a flight plan or approach, but you have either hand fly it, or use the autopilot to follow the flight plan line. Use the GPS as a moving map. There are 3 options. First, go vintage and do not use GPS at all! Second is the GNS 430, either X-Plane's default or Reality-XP 430, if you have it. The third is the Reality-XP GTN 650. In the last two options, the FO's VOR1 DME indication goes away. In the case of the use one of the GPSs, the #1 VHF COMM and VHF NAV radio controls will become inoperative and will be controlled via the GPSs. That's for now! Stay tuned for more...soon!
  17. Move your mouse to the right side of the screen and click on the "Show Tablet" button. Power up the iPad and use the icons to remove them. Colored icons means the items are installed, greyed out are removed. I need to update the iPad manual for the next update. By the way, post Sundowner support question in the respective forums, which I monitored them continuously and can reply faster. https://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/forum/235-beechcraft-sundowner-c23-v2/
  18. @new1@mac.comseems that you haven't Gizmo installed in your X-Plane. Go where you downloaded the aircraft and read the description how you'll get the Gizmo plugin.
  19. Librain works only in OpenGL. You don't need to do anything.
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