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Everything posted by ilias.tselios

  1. I don't want to be a ...downer (eh? Sundowner->downer, see what I did here?), but the market for such products is very niche. Even the work on updating C23 for XP12, with all the additions, was free, so there is any incentive to expand on that project.
  2. Yes we can pump up the brightness, but can you post a picture with the lights at full intensity?
  3. You can grab by the bottom and move it around as shown here:
  4. @diamonddriller if you want please do an experiment. Duplicate the C23 folder. Rename the new folder with a "_500" at the end. From the original folder, delete the rsg_g500 and OpenGPWS plugins, from the C23/plugins/ folder. Also from the top C23 folder, delete the LES_Sundowner_G500.acf file. From the new "_G500" folder, delete all the .acf files, except the LES_Sundowner_G500.acf one. This way the G500 is separated from the other acfs, and the other acfs, separate from the G500. Test it if that's works better. If so, in the next update, I might separate the acfs to each own folder. Programmatically, I am disabling the G5 when is not in use. But, because the G500 depends on another plugin and and using multiple threads, it is impossible to disable them without crashing X-Plane. So G500 will be enabled, even when not used.
  5. C23 comes woth libradio plugin, to provide better simulation of signal reception, but seems to create this issue. Remove the plugin from the C23/plugins/ folder, and reload the aircraft.
  6. The manipulation of the master radio volume, is a part of the very complex audio/headset simulation we have implemented. I should have thought that better, and I will add it in the next update, to store user's volume setting when the aircraft loads, and return it back when the aircraft unloads.
  7. Some knobs, and I noted that recently, work only the you "press and hold". We are using X-Plane commands for this, so we don't have access into the logic. I will have a talk with Laminar, and probably send a bug report on this one. Landing Lights switch and avionics switch, because they have custom logic, are following custom datarefs, and not X-Plane's logic. That's why the default commands have no effect on them. Probably I will do another update and bug fixing soon, to add some custom commands that you can map your controls. The fuel tank selector is driven by 2 commands: les/fuel/int/tank_selector_right les/fuel/int/tank_selector_left This commands rotate the switch clockwise or counter-clockwise respectively. The switch will go, first command, from LEFT TANK -> RIGHT TANK -> OFF -> LEFT TANK...
  8. 1) As @Matchstick pointed out is the carb heater lever. Works, may be, in an odd way. Cold is forward and heat is aft. 2) If you don't remove the chocks and tie-downs, the aircraft will not move. Also, if you start the engine, and the engine covers have not been removed, the engine will overheat and die. Check the oil temp!
  9. There 2 knobs that controlled via 2 custom datarefs, for left and right wipers respectively. les/dc3/iceRain/mnp/wiper_switch_L les/dc3/iceRain/mnp/wiper_switch_R Also the landings lights are controlled via those datarefs: les/dc3/elecSys/lighting/L_ldgLit les/dc3/elecSys/lighting/R_ldgLit May be, some time in the future, change the controls to be custom commands, but because many systems has been customized, might not be possible to use default commands.
  10. The OpenGPWS plugin is needed to run the G500 plugin. Won't function without this.
  11. I don't for what reason, but in your Log.txt file, does not show to load the G5 plugin. Please check that the plugin exists in the Sundowner's/plugins folder. Must be a G5 folder. If exists, inside there is a version.txt file. What version of the G5 plugin says?
  12. I'll check what going on. Not hard to miss things with 4 sets of manipulators!
  13. Click the inner knob to go to nav freq mode, and turn on the volume. Then the NAV radio is powered. If that does not working, try to plug in the headset. Might not be quite the right way, but because we support 3 different units, plus the audio simulation with the headset, it is a small trade off, to have everything working. Btw, I've asked the author to add a couple datarefs, so I can know the state of various functions on the unit, but he was not willing to help. For example, when you go into nav freq mode, the volume knob controls the nav 1 volume, but after a few seconds returns to com mode. I have to track your clicks and run timers every time you click this knob to figure out what the volume knob is doing.
  14. Noted to be fixed. Might be a peculiarity of the Autopilot. You have to be below the glideslope and in ALT mode. Then press the APPR button and you should get both ALT and GS indications. When the glideslope needle is about 1/3 above the center, you must press the ALT button. The ALT indication will go away and only the GS will be visible (regarding the vertical navigation). Then the aircraft will follow the GS to the ground.
  15. Yes. Wiper operation is fully custom. I'll have a look for the custom controls and get back to you.
  16. Known bug, and will be addressed in the next update.
  17. https://www.thresholdx.net/news/rwdc93
  18. You are doing nothing wrong. There are some dataref changes regarding GPU, that make it not to work. We will fix this with the 2.0.4 update, in the next weeks.
  19. When will be released, you will download the new version installer, and that one will take care of everything.
  20. I have fixed the issue I had, and already tested in 12.1.0b2. Needs a bit of clean up, testing for any unforeseen bugs, and then getting into release procedure. Here some late captures.
  21. Currently, we are at the final stage before releasing the XP12 full compatible version. We will make sure that will be VR compatible, when will be released.
  22. Show tablet, and go into Avanti menu and make sure that the Condition Lever Mode is set to HW AXES and not VR/MOUSE.
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