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Everything posted by Goran_M

  1. Exception handler crash. Saso is in the process of fixing these. They were fixed for a large number of people in the last update, but some people are still getting it. An update should be out very soon.
  2. I showed Saso this post, and he's going to investigate whether anything in any weather add on could be causing this. Same thing with the Saab. It'll crash when run with xEnviro, and Andrey, from xEnviro found out it was, indeed his software causing it when run with the Saab.
  3. Very impressive work @cpuwolf
  4. Thanks for letting everyone know. Much appreciated
  5. An update is at the tail end of being finished which should address this bug. I have to ask one question. Are you using Windows 7?
  6. The latest update (1.1.6) has improved ground handling.
  7. Would I be asking too much if I asked you to remove xEnviro and try again?
  8. I can say it is definitely compatible. I just watched a streamer fly it last night with no problems. 1.1.6 on 11.32r2 Sometimes, a persons PC configuration or their plugins can cause minor hiccups. As long as we get logs, then we'll keep the updates coming.
  9. This is, unfortunately, the problem with most CTD's. A conflict with another plugin. Thank you for trying a 100% clean install of X-Plane. If you find out what was causing the crash, PLEASE post back and let us know, then we can figure out if it's the plug in conflicting with the TBM, or vice versa. If it's the TBM's fault, Saso can code around the problem or even find a fix.
  10. You need to completely remove the plugins. Disabling them still loads them.
  11. We put the call out to random volunteers, as well as our regular streamers who test builds, willing to test the TBM every time an update gets built. The last callout went out today. They are definitely thoroughly tested. Going by the number of support posts here, compared to the number of sales, these errors are isolated to a small group of people. Personally, I have yet to experience an exception handler error, but I also don't have many plugins or ortho installed, so the error could be anything from a PC build to corrupted scenery being installed, to a rogue plugin (free or payware). If it's really getting frustrating for you, you could install a completely clean, scenery free, plugin free installation of X-Plane on another drive. Then if you have a crash with ANY add on in the original install, simply install that add on into the clean X-Plane, and see if the crash happens there. If it does not, then the problem lies with your original X-Plane installation. If it DOES crash in the clean version, then it's the aircraft OR X-Plane itself, in which case we do a follow up and either fix the add on or provide Laminar with a report. With aircraft getting more and more complex, it might be an idea to have those 2 X-Plane installs as a just in case. I have 3 of them.
  12. That's a bizarre error that I haven't seen before. I'll pass it on.
  13. Need the log.txt file from your root x-plane folder. You can report faults either here or in discord.
  14. Legitimate question. Why wouldn't you just download the installer from your X-Aviation account, unzip that, and run the enclosed installer? I'm not familiar with this updater you're using, but I would actually suspect it's what is causing your issues.
  15. You should be able to run 2 monitors. Triple monitor issue is getting looked into. A log.txt file will be helpful. Most people are having no issues. I may be able to fix a problem you are having. Just a footnote. If your installation is crashing, and you're not sure of what it is, feel free to start a new thread.
  16. Official word is it's still being investigated. A build will be sent out to testers as soon as it's ready.
  17. Windows updates can sometimes make the DRM think you are on a new machine. In which case you will have to add a new machine to the activation and maybe freeze the "old" one if you have no slots left.
  18. This is strange. Nothing has changed in the DRM of the TBM. Have you moved anything or modified anything in the acf file? Have you done anything even remotely small that may cause the DRM preventing you from activating? Any new hardware? Any new Windows updates?
  19. You're pointing it to the wrong folder. The TBM should be installed in [Drive Letter]:/...X-Plane 11/Aircraft/X-Aviation/TBM-900 Yours is pointing to X-Plane 11/X-Aviation
  20. Baptism by fire. (See what I did there?)
  21. Very interesting. Thanks for posting that. I'll get Saso to take a look at that.
  22. Please go through everything. It's definitely something on your end, because I just watched a stream of the TBM, done by "Brettsan" (feel free to watch the VOD) with the new update, and it was a flawless flight.
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