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Everything posted by Goran_M

  1. Are you referring to using the mouse to steer the aircraft?
  2. Are you installing to your root X-Plane folder? Do not install to a custom folder.
  3. Check firewall and allow the installer to access x-aviation for the installer. Make sure X-Plane is not running when you're installing the TBM.
  4. There is actually a custom filter for PBR which gives an indication on whether something is too black or too white, and the blacks are well within the range of acceptable black. But it's not always the color. It could also be the reflective properties adding glare when the sun hits the texture, resulting in brightened blacks. In any case, I'll experiment a little more and see what I can come up with.
  5. This one looks like it crashed after reading faulty scenery for Nantucket. I'll link Saso to this one.
  6. Hi John No need for the bold text. I'm not that old yet, and I can read normal text just fine. One thing I really want to reiterate is that the TBM is VERY complex. When we help people with their problems, comparing it to other add ons doesn't help us at all. Not all add ons are created equally. "There are several people with the same matter. No solution out there so far. ???" The percentage of people who are having these problems compared to total sales is less than 1%. This is not a common problem, by any means. There have been streamers who have successfully completed many flights, with many plugins, including flywithlua, while streaming. I never told anyone they HAD to reinstall X-Plane and their scenery. I asked if they could do this to see if the problem still occurs on a bare X-Plane installation, and if it does, then the problem lies in their original installation. We've already identified a few plugins that were the original cause of the crashes. Reshade was one of them. "Your code use global handlers dataref access wich all say it cause crashes and not recommend to use in coding." Could you post a link where it states everyone says this? Could you please follow the correct procedure for all support related to a CTD and post a log.txt file immediately after the crash.
  7. Goran_M


    Please do not run X-Plane while updating the TBM. X-Plane needs to be shut down while Gizmo gets installed.
  8. This is usually caused by some kind of external script. Possibly flywithlua. Make sure no scripts are interfering with your electrics.
  9. Interesting. If it happens again, post back. Saso has a debug build, just in case.
  10. X-Plane 11/Output/TBM900/state Delete the contents in there, then reload the aircraft.
  11. Usually, clearing the state folder will fix it, but that's a rather drastic measure. By all means, try it if you like. The contents get rebuilt on the next load.
  12. We don't support beta's, but I'll notify Saso so he can look into this in case it's something that could be fixed.
  13. If it's struggling to start, then it's definitely an electrical issue.
  14. I don't think so. I can check into it, though.
  15. Saso has seen your post, and he's investigating. It's a weird one, and not common at all. Still investigating.
  16. I've sent Saso a link to this thread. He's afk at the moment, but as soon as he gets back, he'll respond to your problem.
  17. Before I go further with this, can you try a reinstall. It's crashing as it's loading the TBM plugins, which shouldn't be happening. If it still does this after a reinstall, I'll link Saso who coded it.
  18. Are you crashing after it loads, or does it crash DURING load of the sim?
  19. I’ll need to see a log file, with a crash and all plugins removed. That will tell me a lot more.
  20. I think it varies from PC to PC and the brightness settings. I know someone made a mod for the switches, with white dots on the ends. I don't know the link, but it's found at x-plane.org.
  21. New update coming out with steering "fix". Time stamp to the point Brett landed with the nose steering update (Not available to non testers yet) https://www.twitch.tv/videos/412344888?t=02h22m41s
  22. Goran_M


    In most cases, if an add on stops crashing because of removing another plugin, it's the other plugin causing the problem. The TBM has almost definitely exploited and revealed a bug in the xlife code.
  23. Reverse 2 and 3. CTOT will kick in at 64° Power Lever angle. This can be seen in the 2d pop up for the throttle quadrant.
  24. Needing the log.txt file found in your root X-Plane folder
  25. (Sorry, was half asleep. Just saw now in your first post you were in flight) You've definitely missed something then. If it happens again, can you post a screenshot of your ECS panel so I can see exactly what is going on.
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