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Sergio Morozov

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Sergio Morozov last won the day on August 20 2020

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About Sergio Morozov

  • Birthday September 6

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  1. I completely redesigned the livery https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/74866-avia-traffic-company-ex-37012-ixeg/
  2. Avia Traffic Company EX-37012 https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/71236-avia-traffic-company-ex-37012-ixeg/
  3. 737CL на 2020 год, например
  4. How does it look like NG?
  5. Как изменить количество пассажиров в ixeg?))
  6. There won't be -300 or -400 in the near future
  7. How unexpected and pleasant)
  8. Естественно, двери будут. Смотрит на эту тему:
  9. In a couple of days, I will receive these books from Moscow. I will write about my studies)
  10. Hi! I just bought FCOM, QRH, FCTM and other documentation! Role-playing flights on 737CL
  11. Why is the painted-over window orange?
  12. I want to transfer the cargo to 737-300f as soon as possible
  13. You can fly with the NL-10) Soviet technologists
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