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Everything posted by Orcair

  1. Unfortunately Asiana 214 was the first fatal flight. Hope to the crew and passengers.
  2. Support for that plane is only available at x-plane.org. I would check your downloads on the .org store on contact ramzzess himself.
  3. But we do Coca-Cola MD-80
  4. Sometimes I really wonder about my generation and the future ... Back to the topic!
  5. Likely the XPP A330-200F, although they closed the project about a month ago. Not sure if the links are still valid...
  6. I cannot either
  7. The 737-200 is fairly different - older systems, cockpit, wing?, engines vs. the 737-300 which has more modern technology. Vive la competition!
  8. Its the DMO S-92 from x-plane.org
  9. It seems to be a tough time for developers XPP and XPJets. May I wish both groups the best of luck in their future endeavours and thank them for their positive contributions to the X-Plane community!
  10. Wow. I did not see that coming what-so-ever. I am inclined to predict an increase in sales ASAP > EDIT: It seems like it might come to Steam from what I have read. Not a done deal...
  11. You are likely clicking the [x] in the top right corner - which makes X-Plane view it as a crash. Go File?> Quit for X-Plane to close properly.
  12. While I don't mean to offend I would definitely put my resources into the NG when such a fine (IXEG) classic model is nearing completion! (The x737 is awesome too though!)
  13. New Graphics Card Bliss JRollon Boeing 747-400 at default TNCM
  14. Hehe didn't see that he was talking to you sorry. Thought he meant someone else
  15. You do not have the rights to distribute that file. Keep that in mind.
  16. E190 - awesome plane when in coach! A346 - quiet, well-proportionned etc.
  17. Well they are currently working on the 747s
  18. ¿Puede publicar su log.txt? Es importante que comprender su problema. *Soy de Canada, lo siento si mi español es malo!
  19. *insert comment about SFPR* anyway, looks awesome!
  20. I think he means higher core speed - which is more useful to X-Plane than # of cores (I believe).
  21. Having seen the incredible difference V2 made I cannot wait for this next version!
  22. Some VA flying
  23. http://www.airliners.net/photo/Virgin-Atlantic-Airways/Airbus-A340-642/1088680/L/&sid=8d1dbbcc35fdab9f963624e0824b6469
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