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dlrk last won the day on August 4 2024

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  1. This has been an issue for quite a few versions now....
  2. I'm not sure if this is an intended modeling of a real issue with standby altimeters, but it is off fairly significantly.
  3. Got it, thanks!
  4. This is slightly confusing - there is a SF50 being developed with custom avionics, right?
  5. Since the new update, I'm getting the default x-plane "thunk" sound when using the trim commands or pressing the G1000 buttons. Is this an issue others are having?
  6. What about just replacing the current destination with the new one in the active flight plan?
  7. I've been advocating the "interim" radar for a while
  8. Figured this question might be of interest to a lot of folks , so asking here rather than Discord: Could any of the more experienced folks or RL pilots here suggest some good save state configurations and airport/weather combinations for takeoff/landing practice scenarios?
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  9. @VictoryAJWhen approaching from the opposite direction, how much distance do you leave for the base?
  10. Any chance you'd be interested in posting what a typical flight day is like for ya?
  11. It's flaps 20 at minimum of vRef, then flaps to zero at minimum of VFTO, right?
  12. The FO Go-Around procedure can be disabled on User Settings -> F/O Assists -> Automatic First Officer -> "Do Go-Around Actions on Go-Around" (:
  13. I'd love a go around walkthrough video
  14. Okay, so if I understand correctly, while the ODP does not account for OEI terrain clearance, the FMS calculator does (provided the necessary data is inserted)?
  15. Thanks for all this great information! I agree that FlightSimSoft will probably never update TOPCAT, but perhaps Apsoft's Toolbox will add a CL650 down the line. I do have a one question. I thought the climb gradient on an ODP would be that required to avoid terrain. So, why isn't it required to meet that with OEI?
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