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  1. Not using the latest Nvidia driver are you? Some serious issues with them such as locking up computer, BSOD, crashes, etc. You can see the complaints on the Nvidia forums - Game-Ready Drivers Community | NVIDIA GeForce Forums
  2. Is it Friday yet? Great work all
  3. https://afmsim.com/g5-user-guide/ https://afmsim.com/g5-integration-guide/
  4. Press MENU when on the main screen and then ENT.
  5. @Bernardo_Gui https://discord.gg/yGeVUTJ
  6. Brunlea

    Stuck Mic.

    Microphone sensitivity being too low and people not using PTT (Push to talk). By they way, this website is not related to xPilot or VATSIM The correct website is below: https://forums.vatsim.net/forum/352-xpilot/
  7. Downloading at 114KB/s at the moment also. Obviously a few people are downloading
  8. I like how the landing lights show in the clouds but I don't have any lighting effects with strobes and nav lights. Do I need to adjust anything or is that normal at the moment?
  9. RWC connects your weather injector (ASXP in this example) to your cloud / scenery rendering software (SMP). If you just want default clouds, default sky colours and default effects then just use ASXP on its own.
  10. I edited my post as you posted: Just make sure you go into ASXP Options > Simulator Depiction options > Use SkyMaxxPro depiction mode and turn it on
  11. Yes you need SMP to use RWC. RWC will not install without SMP installed. I use RWC, SMP and ASXP and the skies look beautiful. Just make sure you go into ASXP Options > Simulator Depiction options > Use SkyMaxxPro depiction mode and turn it on
  12. There are a few bugs that have been fixed. Update is coming soon apparently
  13. Enable Vulkan. Load default Cessna 172. Let the sim load and wait a few seconds or so and then load the SR22.
  14. Sorry to jump in. Is it best to use default sky colours in SMP settings during the beta or does it not really matter?
  15. The link just says:
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