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Everything posted by Mateyhv

  1. (SOLVED as per Gorans post) Hope so as the throttle is stuck at the position shown in the image. The scheme is weird as you can see the LOW-IDLE position and also the silouete on the left side. Initialy I was able to move the silouete up and down "grabing" the throttle with the mouse although it did not move phisicaly from the LOW-IDLE being stuck as shown in the image. In the end the scheme get freezed either. Since installing v1.1.2 I have only managed to move the throttlelever once and that was to the LOW-IDLE after a dozen of tries with the mouse. After that the lever didn't move any more. As this was during a startup in some way I managed to flood the combustion chamber, everything else is in perfect shape. Side menu is there and works well in windowed and full screen modes.
  2. Guess it is an issue with the square character.
  3. Tested v1.1.2 on 11.30r1. Have serious dificulties to move the throttle from IDLE-CUT to the next postition. In v1.1.1 when hovering over the throttle there was double sided arrow and movement was easy even sometimes too easy, now I can see a hand but no matter what I tried after a long time I was only able to move the throttle to IDLE-LOW. So no flight test here. P.D: second test, same result but the handle is stuck at IDLE-LOW from the begining. Phisicaly its not moving from that position but the scheme on the left shows the stick at IDLE-LOW and the stick silouete on the left side moving up and down, mouse only. That was in windowed mode. In full mode both stick and stick scheme became freezed. The rest of the buttons working though.
  4. She?? The TBM is a girl!
  5. Thanks Goran, that is a much nicer response than Camerons "nothing of this is going to happen..."
  6. I have a work around for this problem, mapped all rotating knobs, at least the much used like altitude, heading and HSI to the keyboard. Saying that I will also like to have some change to the knobs to make them easier to use with the mouse. For example for the double knob RealityXP has used upper and lower clikable spots for turning the large and small knobs instead of outer and inner clickable areas + a hand portion for pushing the CRSR that makes all areas smaller and harder to aim at. Thanks
  7. Definitely a LR but, the circles make no sense at all if not centered on the aircraft.
  8. Same here, probably not hard to be fixed by the devs ☺
  9. SMP?
  10. If the HD mesh solves the issue thats great, there is HD mesh and UHD mesh for certain parts of Europe and the World available from Alpilotx.
  11. I have also noticed that. FPL is accesed via FPL button and SYS via the Sistem MFD softbutton, same for NRST.
  12. As I said in another post my X52 pro has to be recalibrated on the left aileron axis each time I load XP11 regardless of the plane used. No need to go through the calibration menu though. Just go to full deflection to the left and neutral so the software know the endpoints of the joystick movement. After that everything is OK. If I forget to do this any sligth movement to the left makes a full left aileron until calibrated as pointed above.
  13. XP11 issue, happens to me every time with the left aileron. If I don't move it to full extension on the ground even the slightes movement makes it snap full left. Not sure why this "every start up" calibration is needed. X52 Pro joystick here.
  14. Nice to know, thanks!
  15. I agree with @felix2 this is a bug and if not its a wrong behaviour. The AP should follow the HSI course on OBS mode and not the opposite course. Unfortunately an excellent plane have been coupled to a not that perfect XP autopilot function. It that was the RXP 430 or 750 its would have been following exactly what you intended to do in the hold. By the way the Lugano IGS is amazing, looks like a dive and if you are not fast enough after PINIK and end up above the GS better turn around for another approach because you will never catch it.
  16. First of all thanks for the excellent plane simulation Goran! Its absolutely fantastic. I just happened to see this thread and recall the issue happening once during landing not sure its supposed to be a normal behaviour. Applied reverse during landing on the runway, the nose lifted and the plane ended standing on its tail until a full stop. Hmmm...
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