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Bryan @ The Aviation Agenc

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Everything posted by Bryan @ The Aviation Agenc

  1. Ummm.... a thought. You might not want to start this habit of using trim controls on takeoff and landing. Rudder is what you want... not rudder trim. Pedals. Typically on TOGO and Landing... your neutral trim on all surfaces... it's the safest and most stable situation for the plane. Check the maintenance manager like Goran said... Your trims could essentially be broken because you're trying to control takeoff forces with something roughly the size of a half-sheet of legal sized paper. That all said... assign buttons to rudder... pedals or the stick or whatever... that's what you should use as you move down the runway. You'll find you need very little right rudder until about 60 kts... then slowly increase to Vr... then hold that position as you rotate... and after a few seconds of smoothing out... you'll control everything just through main controls again. I'd also not engage AP ahead of 500 AGL... but that's just me. I realize you can do it in the sim... but typically it's dangerous to engage AP head of 500 feet on take off... and disengage it below 200 feet on an instrument approach. I usually pop that AP trims button at 500 feet on landing... and don't put it on ahead of 1000 ft agl (basically just before I have to contact Approach). Just a thought anyways... B
  2. When I tested my reverse thruster the first time... I totally flipped the plane... I had just landed... went max reverse... and boom ... flipped it ass down... crack. Totalled it... broke the frame... the tail... the lights... the pressure cabin... banged up the wings... the gear.... ... totally busted. Ooops. Thankfully my insurance covered it when I deleted the airframe and assigned a new one.
  3. The fuel calc is F'ed... and it's something in the xplane interface on the G1000. I calculate fuel using simbrief.com and I look at the GPH in flight... to figure out what my optimal cruise N2 has to be... usually between 95 and 99% depending on the ISA and the altitude. The CUM on the G1K in Xplane is basically correct... so I look at the GPH and look at the CUM time to destination... and do some quick math... I know in gallons how much the 45-minute reserve is... (or whatever you're flying)... and I usually add in a 20-minute route contingency as well... again - simbrief can do all this for you. Simbrief can also give you like the basic TOD/BOD and ascendency parameters as well... it's a nifty little planning tool for sims if you haven't seen it... (it's similar in many respects to professional IFR planners... but simbrief cannot be used in any way for real navigation...) It seems like if the journey is more than like 700 nm... your G1000 calculations are going to show you always bingo (or less) fuel... in the Vision Jet... if you fly from KMSP to KORD or KPWK... the fuel it says will be remaining is off by as much as 100%.... The little fuel rings (the green band ring and the green and black ring) are also dicked up... again... I presume that's Xplane and not Hotstart... since I see it in other aircraft. Bryan
  4. This... and someone making a joystick thingy to simulate the TBM 900 throttle and center console... ... and shut up and take my money. WOOO!
  5. Before asking a bunch of questions... Are you a sim pilot or have you actually flown in real life? What you are describing... can indeed happen... but I'm really quite confused on this one. First obvious question is what's the TCAS say? Assuming you have the AP Trims properly engaged (that switch to the left of the ELT)... in a real G1000/3K system, the AP disconnect is going to happen only when the data coming into the G1000 avionics system doesn't match what the GPS system is telling it about height/speed/pitch... etc. If you get a mismatch like that... then the AP will automatically disconnect and you'll get a AFCS error and usually a bunch more caution and warnings - airspeed, pitch, altitude, etc., mismatches. Second... Now since you're talking about having your de-ice stuff on... I assume that's because you're flying in known icing conditions? I will say this... I've NEVER been able to make the alleged de-icing capabilities of simulated aircraft work in Xplane... doesn't matter if it's the TBM or whatever. I've intentionally tried taking off in known icing (I fly out of KMSP and KFCM - so it's freezing here all the time)... and the planes always... ALWAYS... go face down in the dirt right at takeoff... The Cirrus planes have TKS.. aka the "weeping wing" of propylene glycol... the TBM has I believe a pneumatic boot and electrics on the prop and trim surfaces. I've done proper de-icing conditions... Planes still go flippity flop right off the runway... with a nice error message from Xplane saying, "You died dumbass - too much ice on the wings." I flew the Vision Jet a few days ago... in known IMC icing... and started the deicing immediately... and it looked like the ice was gone (wasn't all bright white)... Kapow... still died as soon as I tried to lift off... the plane literally did a freaking cartwheel down 12R and I crashed landed about 200 feet before a 320 at the terminal (I use x-life as well). Now obviously if it had been real life... and I saw that much ice on the wings... wouldn't have taken off... but the game fooled me. Soooooo... I've concluded that whatever goes on with the sim on icing... either a) I'm doing it wrong... or b) the sim is just kitty wampus ... It's a sim... not reality land... so I just roll with it. Take a video of trying to take off so we can watch it.... that would tell us more... Bryan
  6. I noticed tonight on the splash screen when the G3 starts up... that the charts were only good until December 6.... same with the objects and avoidance. I use navigraph... so my navigation is always the current airac.
  7. Flying right now... departed KMIA to TNCM.... No joy on charts.
  8. Hey ... I have the same problem. None of my charts work... they used to all work... I fly only the US... and the Caribbean... now nothing. No charts for anything... Soooo... it's not just you.
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