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Everything posted by Bryan @ The Aviation Agenc
I can't sing the praises of the TBM 900 enough... I fly it more than any other plane I own...
I If you want help, courtesy and respect goes both ways. Goran... I didn't mean in any way this was your fault in my statement. I didn't believe it was your aircraft... I figured (and still believe) it's the core Xplane engine. Whatever they did after the update... really screwed up people who aren't on Intel... (I have AMD and Raedon cards). My FPS went from 30 to 20 with your model... but it went from 40 to 20 with Carenado ... the only planes that perform reasonably well on full detail... are the Laminar aircraft... like the Vision Jet... Basically if I'm flying anything but the 172 or the Vision Jet... I need to tone back all the detail levels... because whatever they're doing now... my Raedon card hates it... and my system crashes for absolutely no reason. I'll be at cruise... flying... doesn't matter if it's you or Carenado... or even one of the Laminar planes... it will just hang... and crash without warning... Hasn't happened too much lately... but when 11.30 was pushed out to Steam... it was awful. I don't think that's you at all... Goran. Sorry if you felt that. B
Maybe this got answered someplace else... but there's a little white box band over the TRQ% that I hadn't noticed before. I presume it's got some significance? Ideal cruise? Looked in the G1K manual... can't find anything... then again - it is like 900 pages and I only skimmed it looking for an answer. Bryan?
I played it this morning... intentionally put the override on... and had an immediate flame out... so that's what must have happened. I must have had the override key mapped to something and bumped it. That said... the engine still continued to burn even with full cutoff... full shut off.. and man override to zero... I had everything shut off... but the gas was still full open and the flames everywhere as I descended. One would think... that wouldn't happen... but what do you think? B
Looking at the logs... I must have bumped something (admittedly I was flying in one screen and watching a YouTube Video in the other while the plane cruised)... The ITT went from 600 to 1200 in about a minute (if I understand the database interval)... as soon as I got the fire warning... ITT drops when I shut off the engine... it was at 350 Degrees C before the game crashed... Fuel flow by the way never stopped... even at max cut off. When the game crashed... I was still drawing 62 GPH according to the logs... if I read that correctly. That would certainly explain why the plane was still on fire... even with the engines allegedly shut down. The nozzles were full open throttle as I descended... even with the throttle set to full cut off? LOL. Guess I'll need the simTSB to recover the black box... log_190122_194502_KFCM.csv
So... was flying tonight when literally the engine overheated without warning and had a serious fire at FL300. Immediately went into emergency procedures... oxy, throttle, etc. Immediately started descent... with fire shooting out the engine exhaust even after the fuel was cutoff (which strikes me as highly unlikely if the fire was in the engine.) No fire in the compartment (some clipping issues when I went to descent - fire in the engine showing momentarily as in the G1000). No smoke in the compartment... ... then Xplane crashed as I was busy looking for an airport and coming down from FL300 like a freaking meteor as I must have also had control failures... it was rolling left suddenly too... ... seriously weird. Never had that happen before. Engine just spontaneously decided - "yeah - time for you to die." Even tho its a sim - still pretty jarring to hear FIRE. FIRE. (and the CAS lights up like it's Christmas). I was pretty certain the fire would have gone out once I killed all fuel... Thoughts? I'm guessing the crash is just the marvel of Xplane. I have no idea whatsoever would have caused a sudden fuel fire. The plane's frame was brand spankety new. Was pretty dicey keeping the plane stable... lol Kind of glad the game crashed.
Someone has a plugin... I forget who... it's on the Xplane forum... where you can add female co-pilots... to any plane.
LOL! I have had this happen... I just put like 400 pounds in the luggage compartment... put the nose down... deleted the frame... and started over.
My fps sucks... and it crashes all the damn time.
I mapped a button that engages the reverse thrust... which has the effect of as if you pulled the throttle over the detente so you can do the taxi (ground fine on some aircraft like the B200). Basically, you need to bring the throttle to flight idle... then you "toggle' the reverser.. (x plane command is "toggle thrust reversers")... once toggled... if you pull back on your throttle at that point... it will move from flight idle... through taxi (1200 to 1350 or so RPM)... and then reverse and then max reverse. If you toggle the reverse when your throttle is all the way retarded, you'll go max reverse. If you toggle it with your throttle just below flight idle... you'll be in that "ground fine" type mode... ideally... taxi speed is about 1250-1300 RPM... you'll want to feel it a bit... but you want the props essentially JUST before they go reverse... unless there's headwinds or something while taxing... in which case... increasing the pitch by moving from just before reverse to flight idle.... will create more torque and you'll go faster... Make sense?
Sounds like you've got some kind of actuator stuck. Check a couple of things: 1) Still got the TO flaps on after 3K feet? I'm guessing you do... and that this is the problem. 2) Are your controls neutral on take off? (not trying to trim, your joystick isn't going wonko sending signals). This could also be the problem. Some joysticks and controls send "noise" to the computer. There's a sensitivity adjustment in Xplane you can do. If the noise is in your throttle... you can increase the tension knob and reduce the noise going to throttles. This isn't an AP problem. AP will not override the physical settings of the control surfaces if they're locked, jammed, or being manually actuated (while flying in AP - grab the stick and try and turn... AP will fight you... but you can still maneuver... hence why that big ass red button is on the yoke for AP/TRIM disconnect if the crap hits the fan... you grab the stick... disconnect ... and start aviating. But in a panic... the plane will override the AP controls with your control inputs). Sounds like the plane is fighting between something being manually actuated and what the AP profile is for cruise. My guess... flaps are on after climb. You can keep those flaps on all the way up to 31K... and since the profile for climb is 124 kts... you won't have any issues until the airspeed tries and rip the flaps off. B
Nothing to worry about... fly with the mask on. LOL! I don't know what happens in the sim... but if you tried it in real... flying with a cracked pressure hull... you could suffer either explosive decompression if something suddenly goes... or at the minimum... suffer a crack that leads to a negative pressure situation despite the ability of the pumps to overcome... If you'll recall... that's what happened to the "Ghost Plane" incident... also known as the South Dakota Lear Jet Crash. Basically, they had some kind of failure in the pressure hull... and all the air was sucked out through depressurization. As a run of bad luck, the plane had just been serviced... and as a part of that servicing, the maintenance crew shut off the valves that provide the bottled oxy to the pilots and the passenger masks. When the pilots recognized the hypoxia (hence why we all need HA training to fly an actual TBM)... they put the masks on... but the oxy wasn't flowing. They had no way to put the oxy valves from off to on from inside the aircraft (a defect that has since changed). At about 75% oxy... that was it... they all giggled their ass off from nitrogen narcosis... then passed out... then literally went into brain death... As a consequence... the plane flew along at FL 390 and was intercepted by the US Airforce when they became non-responsive. The CAP found the plane on course, unresponsive to their commands (visual and radio), and the windows were all frosted over from the decompression... Bottom line... you crack the hull... it's game over in real life. Thanks to HS/LES - all you do is repair the sim and you're GTG. Real life - total hull loss... plane would be worthless if the pressure vessel cracked...
I've never had the warning after touch of the nosewheel... I have had it when main gear touches and I am slowly bringing the nose down... seems to happen on an approach when touch occurs at less than 90 kts... which one would expect...
Pagination on SID, STAR, APP in the MFD Charts?
Bryan @ The Aviation Agenc posted a topic in TBM 900
If this has been asked already... I apologize... couldn't find it... But on the charts... ok, I understand how that all works... and I realize it's working again... But on the SID, STAR, APP charts... why do we only get one chart? Take my home airport KMSP. There are 11 STARs and 15 SIDs. Yet, I always only see BAINY or COULT7. (See Pics) Same is true on the approach plates... I only get one... 12L. Would be nice if these charts actually worked the way they would on a G1K with overlays... but I realize that may be a bridge too far. It's not a super big deal to me... I use primarily Navigraph to use my charts... including navigation of SIDs, STARs, and Approaches... But am I missing something? Is there a way to paginate and see the other pages on the FAA charts and I'm missing it? BTW - this isn't a dig or anything... I mean you guys have more true functionality in your models than anyone else does... which I love... Just wondering if I'm missing something and I can actually do the things I'd expect with the real deal here... Thanks. Bryan -
I think the issue revolves around sending so much thrust under the wing... especially if you have flaps down from having just landed... and that airflow essentially causes the airfoil to pitch at the flap point or behind the wing. It lifts up the wheel... and since you're not actually "taking off" since the flow above the wing isn't going to be sufficient... it's like rotating before rotate speed and you just smash the butt on the tarmac. All that thrust going against the flaps then being directed downward causes the plane to want to rotate behind the gear... and boom - next thing you know you're poppin a wheelie and you smash the butt on the ground. That make sense?
I've never flown a plane with reverse prop pitch... I've read Daher's manuals and studied how the sim reacts... The training from Daher is more focused on FOD and damage to your plane from the crap the prop kicks when beyond the beta position.... if you watch the video... basically you should apply reverse thrust to the point that the brakes can take over... so let's say you land at like 130 kts (which on some approaches I've tried to fly... like Aspen... you come in SUPER steep and hard) ... reverse thrust could bring you back to 60-70 kts very quickly... and then you beta pitch to zero and apply the brakes (at least that's what I took from watching the video). Ideally, if you're landing at like 90 knots... touchdown alone is usually enough for me... and since I typically am not landing on super short runways (3X 5X what I need to land usually)... I just let it bleed the airspeed off or I'll go light on reverse thrust until I drop below 70 and then taxi down a bit with light brake pressure... Since I haven't broken actual aircraft with max reverse... or even flown one... I have no idea if this is how it just is or what... All I have to go on is my understanding of the weight and balance and loading and how the thrust reverse works given this video (and some others). The fact that the actual TBM manual says like 9000 times... AVOID REVERSE DURING TAXI is probably an indication that you shouldn't go max reverse during taxi. Every time I've let it go max reverse thrust after the plane gets under 30 kts ... I've crashed the stern on the ground... especially if I'm cargo heavy loaded (four pax of normal size with a 40# allotment of luggage gives you 200# in the back... quite easy to flip it then on max thrust below 50 kts ). On landing, the instructions are all about bringing the plane as quickly as possible to BRAKE speed... which seems to be 70 kts or less. On snow or dirt runways... the manual suggests don't use the reversers at all unless you have to... and then, stop using them as quickly as possible... but definitely quit before reaching 40 kts. I've done max reverse thrust for a few seconds after landing... slowed the plane down... and then brakes... no problem... if I'm taxing or stopping on the runway and I'm on max reverse... I always smash the stern into the ground.
I went and tried to read Alpha's website and videos... their model doesn't line up exactly with yours... but ok. That's fine... I've never used their product before in sim or in real. I've had AoA's... so this one works similar to the Garmin readout then... red bars only... you gonna die, stop doing what you're doing and look out the window and adjust. In the previous version, it remained only one bar on the climb... hence my confusion. When I leveled off with a 2.5-degree pitch ... it went back to one bar... Thanks for clearing it up. B
Hey Goran... see the screenshot... This was on a normal climb... 123 kts for optimum climb rate... you can see I'm nowhere near stall... yet I have a full stall warning on the AOA. All climb checklists completed... In 1.1.2 - the AoA was displaying normally. Thoughts? Bryan
The problem perhaps with ultra-realistic sims is... you actually have to have some understanding of piloting that aircraft to make sense of it. As that video explains... AoA sensors and readouts are kinda a new thing. On actual G1K and 3K systems... AoA appears by the airspeed... it looks like the arrows/lines circle one... It's pretty typical on G1K and G3K systems for the past few years... the Cirrus 22T I flew in for training had an AoA system in it... I think it was 2016. The one that HS built for this system has a readout similar to Bendix... but looks like the one Alpha Systems sells... for retrofit. And it's entirely likely the line stays green... means you're AoA is not high enough to stall. B
Yeah... seriously. This is the best damn plane from anyone... in terms of having a sim that is pretty spot on to the aircraft. I won't buy another plane from anyone else... I seriously mean that. I'm happy to pay 80 bucks for a sim that works... versus 39 whatever from "C" (we all know) and like 1/3 of the stuff works... you know... like oh say the navigation hardly works... or like unimportant stuff like the RADAR or the terrain avoidance systems. This plane is a joy to fly... and love how the G1000 and G3k displays more or less are factory modeled. If they do a Beech B series and some medium jets... totally in and buying them. B
It's an Angle of Attack display. The little green line means your aircraft is fine for its speed and air conditions in terms of attack. The one that is in this TBM seems alot like a Bendix King type monitor... That said... I haven't tried stalling it yet... so I'm not certain if the thing is working or not. B
Hey guys... I fly this plane basically every day... easily 200 hours since I bought it. Controls are VERY tricky to manipulate anymore with the mouse... particularly the TBM throttle. On version 1.1.1 I could throw from start to idle to flight idle... no problems... now it's tricky to find that spot to move the lever... Eventually, I found it... but my old habits of how to manipulate the throttle, the switches, etc., was like I had to re-learn everything... Similarly, the above panel buttons... are hard to find the flick spot as well. The other things seem fixed tho - like charts not working etc... I'm running 11.26 on Steam... B
I had charts and now they are gone...
Bryan @ The Aviation Agenc replied to oldflyguy's topic in TBM 900
Ok, I thought it was just me or crosswinds... but yeah - the takeoffs are squirrely.