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berilojr last won the day on October 1 2024

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  1. Having the same issue here, on vatsim. also I noticed that the pressurization system is also broken on the latest beta, you can climb with packs off, switch on gnd position and no alarm or problem whatsoever.
  2. Hello Guys, is there any update on the next phase of development for this incredible aircraft, would be great to hear something, specially on the fixes mentioned above for the FMS. It will be greatly appreciated by the community. If there is no progress, would be greatly appreciate to know any future plan to restart development, I'm not asking for dates, but just progress (or lack of) notes. Ty!
  3. Can't answer for him but in my case it is in perf page and having the same issue, just made some circuits and didn't happen in this case. I don't know if it is time, distance or just the flow of the use of the code that at some point tends to brake it but it is happening a lot.
  4. Sorry if this is only my problem or if someone had already reported it or was mentioned anywhere that I missed, but for me there is no external lights during replay.
  5. That happened with me one time and I did fix it resetting the avitab plugin via plugin admin
  6. I don't think so, windows in VR are always huge and slap at your face very closely, LR should implement that better, at least let us customize where the window pops up.
  7. You can go to Plugins->Gizmo64->Windows->IXEG B733 (something like that) to access de GUI. There is an option to enable and disable the pop up side menu, yours might be disabled.
  8. This is getting insanely good, loved the roadmap, specially "Look into variants"
  9. Haha, true but for me is working just fine, the only thing I notice is sometime the sim freezes when shut off after landing in SAM's powered airport. Loading the IXEG with SAM seems to works fine for me.
  10. I do, have refined it to the new version... still need some work and I couldn't make the cargo doors to work but you can always use the interface, sometimes the doors get stuck too. XP12_737-300.xml
  11. Wow, that was a quick fix, wonderful work for a wonderful aircraft. Thank y'all for the hard work, y'all made an incredible aircraft and an excellent product!!!!
  12. Not at all, really appreciate it. That is how the community should work, thanks for your effort in tune it up, I'll try yours with the my reverb and let you know how ended up! Thanks again!!!!
  13. Oil pressure and quantity are little low on eng1 :]
  14. Not at all, this is your file after all, I just change few stuff, not needed even to ask, I'm feeling very honored to help somehow. Thank you!
  15. Sure, my pleasure! I'll keep testing it, is basically the XP11 version with those changes above, wipers still not working but I think is not bc of the vr_config. B733_vrconfig.txt
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