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Everything posted by birdy.dma

  1. Also, there is no wind on the right PFD.
  2. Here is is a vantskruv idea: It could be nice to have a simulated SEEGEE for our plane.
  3. Why do you export the flight plan in all formats in the coroute folder? For exemple, the path of X-Planeflight plan should be for you C:\User\woodsie50\Desktop\X-Plane 10\Output\FMS plans (by the way, the IXEG don't need a flight plan here, only in the coroute). iFly Boeing has nothing to do in the coroute folder, etc Then the IXEC should be installed in X-Plane/Aircraft/X-Aviation, not in ExtraAircraft. Claude.
  4. It is not the case. It happen only if there is is any weather on the scope, as it is on my picture 3, not without clouds.
  5. Green boxes? They are différents with different scale. See pictures
  6. Thank you JGregory. I was missing the step 4 (the doc page 208 is not complete about the right procedure. Anyway, your Systems.pdf is great). Claude.
  7. Sorry. I am often unclear in English (probably also in my native language!!). Picture1, just after battery, gpu, avionics on: Picture 2, i select chanel 1, and want to store 136.10 in it. Picture 3, i push on the STO button. Picture 4, 136.10 is not stored.
  8. It is explained page 208 of the system.pdf, but i am not able to store 6 frequencies. Only one is stored in each channel. Am i missing something, or is it implemented? Claude.
  9. Hi Walter, open your eyes, here is the Livery List: They are not in the list, so....
  10. Commands you are looking are: sim/engines/mixture_down_1 sim/engines/mixture_down_2 sim/engines/mixture_up_1 sim/engines/mixture_up_2 Claude.
  11. The answer is probably in this topic:
  12. Run your X-CSL-Updater. It will catch CSLs for the Classic, with and without winglets. Claude.
  13. If you have not enough fuel for your flight with the wings tanks, ad fuel in the center one, and activate all pumps. The center tank will be automatically used first. As it is empty, stop its pumps,
  14. SystemB Slow Leak: switch ixeg/733/failures/hydraulics/systemB_slowLeak from 0 to 1, ixeg/733/failures/hydraulics/systemB_leakTime2Empty_mins from 0 to 20, and ixeg/733/hydraulics/hyd_quantity_B from 1 to 0 very slowly (1, 0999, 0998, 09777 etc). But, if you switch the dataref manually (write 1 instead of 0, which is the job of your script), ixeg/733/failures/hydraulics/systemB_leakTime2Empty_mins switch from 0 to 0.1, This is the job of the System B Fast Leak, There is no specific custom dataref for this button. So as it is, i see no way with the script. SystemA Slow leak, same as above, but works with the button as it works directly with the dataref. Good for the sript.ixeg. SystemA Fast Leak, Both ixeg/733/failures/hydraulics/systemA_blowout and ixeg/733/failures/hydraulics/systemB_blowout are switched from 0 to 1, but only ixeg/733/failures/hydralics/systemA_leakTime2Empty_mins is set to 0.1 (ixeg/733/failures/hydralics/systemB_leakTime2Empty_mins stays on 0. So only ixeg/733/hydraulics/hyd_quantity_A decrease). Writing ixeg/733/failures/hydraulics/systemA_blowout, or ixeg/733/failures/hydraulics/systemB_blowout with the script should have the same effect. Good for the script. EDP A Fast Leak = ixeg/733/failures/hydraulics/engine_pump_A_blowout. Should work with the script. EDP A Slow Leak set ixeg/733/failures/hydralics/systemA_leakTime2Empty_mins to 20, decrease ixeg/733/hydraulics/hyd_quantity_A. But, no custom command, no custom dataref = nothing to do with the script. Same with EDP B. Is it clear? Probably only for me, hope also for Tom. Claude.
  15. It's my pleasure, No time wasted! My install of FlyWithLua was not correct. I have to redo the test. Claude.
  16. Strange. With the experimental combo, hydraulics failures are ticked on both planes as son as we launch the connection. (cold and dark, or engine running) Any pilot can untick them, as any pilot can tick/untick failures during the flight (It was with the script of Tom Stian). Anyway, managing failures with a friend is a great experience.
  17. Flight of 1 hour and some minutes, FailurePercent set on 40, Nothing happen (version 0.103).
  18. In the Experimental 1.1.zip is the smartcopilot.cfg and the 2.06 beta of the plugin. Read the 3 or 4 last posts. Or in the very first post of this thread is a stable release and a read_me.
  19. A typo about hydraulics failures in my file. Thank you Tom Stian. Here is the new one. Experimental 1.1.zip
  20. Hi Tom, Here in my .zip is a smartcopilot.cfg file. Open it with your favorite text editor, and search "failures". You should find the custom failures somewhere. (Experimental.zip, posted 08/01). Claude.
  21. Hi All, Datareftool could be useful: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/82960-datarefeditor-source-code-and-some-new-features-i-would-like/&page=8 Claude.
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