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Everything posted by birdy.dma

  1. You are usually fantastic. Now you are incredible. I can't believe what i just read in your post. PS: have i any chance to write a smartcopilot.cfg file for this bird?
  2. No problems since the 0.42 release of BP ( https://github.com/skiselkov/BetterPushbackC/issues/17 ) . PS: i did the tests for WP 10 and 11. May be a plugin conflict. Can you join your log.txt?
  3. Page 193 of the system.pdf
  4. I have just removed the ground equipment, and parking brake when requested. As usual, we can suspect conflict plugin and scripts (FWL, Python). If you have time, download the Demo of X Plane, then install here only the SAAB and BP.
  5. Hello, Just tested with: X Plane 11.21 final, Win 10, Saab 1.5, BP 0.47. No problem. Have you removed the ground equipment? Also tested after an auto start. No problem.
  6. Again and again. A recent Morten post: The aircraft will get further updates, we apologize for the delay which is mainly a result of us doing this a as a hobby besides our "real" jobs. A recent Tkyler post: I'm just now reading this and as a IXEG member and mod here, I have permissions to respond and will. Especially since I'm the one who programmed much of the features Shobhan is lamenting and also the one who has not worked on it in some time. First off, Shobhan complaints seem to be 100% focused on the FMC and indeed that is plausible enough as it it centric to airline operations and a big appeal for airliner sim enthusiasts. But there are also other aspects of a airliner simulation to consider that others find equally important as well and worthy of value. Other products, while having a more complete FMC implementation, might not have as good of visual or aural fidelity....and who's to say that "immersion of FMC accuracy" is more important to simmer A or B than "immersion of visual accuracy", or "immersion of aural accuracy", i.e. I myself enjoy the cockpit immersion, visual and aural more than the FMC usage. I know this is not the case for you here Shobahn. In the end, we want it all to be accurate no doubt. A thorough FMC with a cartoony or disproportionate 3D looking airplane is very disappointing to myself......BUT....I also know the FMC is the centerpiece for most customers and worth the discussion. At the end of the day, Shobahn is entitled to his opinion and I fully respect that....what I don't respect is his calling us lazy. Shobahn doesn't know me, Jan, Nils and Morten from Adam. He doesn't know my wife, my daughters, their trials and tribulations, my brothers, parents and all the things in our worlds that will be important and relevant long after X-Plane is gone from our worlds and sometimes there are things that need tending to at critical times in life that have no other options. Its just the way things can be in life. Now I certainly would not call Shobahn lazy because I don't know him, nor will I call him ignorant....I will say he's made some ignorant statements here in this forum though. IXEG is made up of very very good and talented individuals....so good that each is in demand and always candidates for promotions in their own professions and they honor those committments they made there before IXEG. I also realize there are committments to customers, especially when money changes hands, and I will continue to honor those over time as best I can. The whole team have a long history of longevity and committment to X-Plane. I myself am disappointed at the timing of updates too, but things are what they are for the moment. The alternative was to what? say, "well we won't make the 733 100% accurate for some years and some folks will be upset one day....so lets just not do it at all?" I do not subscribe to that strategy as i've learned that any good thing takes time and you have to start somewhere and always keep moving.... and listening to folks like Shobahn voice their criticisms and opinions along the way come with the territory. If things don't move at a pace to satisfy all, then thats just the way it is. In the meantime, Shobahns comments are very much noted and understood... I even agree with about 85% of them.... and myself, being the prime author behind the FMC....will return to working on it and improving it further quite soon enough. My situation is well documented elsewhere. If nothing else, IXEG have demonstrated tenacity and committment to this project over many years and it will not languish as is. If there's one group I trust to keep moving and improving the 733, even in the midst of the occasional update draughts, its Jan, Nils and Morten! -tkyler
  7. Also, YD must be engaged before the AP.
  8. Hi, Cameron or Sasso, Does this mean a crew of 2 (smartco like?).
  9. Datarefs also. You can try to convert them with this tool: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/11720-xjoymap-joystic-to-dataref-mapping/
  10. Sorry, LES/saab/ias_bug_dial and LES/saab/ias_bug_dial_pos are datarefs, not commands.
  11. Probably one of those. LES/saab/ias_bug_dial LES/saab/ias_bug_dial_pos
  12. Again, better with AP: https://sky4crew.com/download/
  13. Hi Nexter, of course, Goran_M is right. Post the logs of both pilots.
  14. Weird. Already reported by a couple of pilots ( Major96 ) I will try to catch the bug again. Difficult as i can't reproduce it. PS: please about smartco post in the right thread.
  15. As said by J Gregory, it is only a label. Same to turn a knob. It is not for up or down, but for right / left. Chose the command which will give the effect you are looking for. Does not matter its name. LES/CMD/autopilot/APCP/turn_knob_pos LES/CMD/autopilot/APCP/turn_knob_neg
  16. First post updated:
  17. Tick Vertical Speed Selection. Assign you coly hat (or buttons) as described on the picture. _pos will be the up position, decreasing VS. Even cold and dark, activate your button up (decrease) then down (increase) the VS value will be displayed in the upper left corner of your screen. Are your values inverted?
  18. I have no specific idea. As usual, conflict plugins (mainly XPUIPC, FWL), X Plane failures, a switch assigned to something wrong and unannounced, an assignment to a condition lever. Launch a speed test: http://legacy.speedtest.net/ The best upload will be the master. If your connection is established thru Hamachi, try a direct connection with the Wan IP. If necessary, redirect port 56897 from you box to your computer. Check your fps: 25 fps or above. No AI planes with plugin (select only stock planes).
  19. Good day, You must have same : Release of X Plane, Saab, BetterPushback (or no BP at all). Bp is probably the culprit. Only a small bug with the digit lights. The knob can be turned by the master only. If I share this knob, it automagically turns full right. May be because it’s minimum value is never 0. Some thing is specific with this one, I don’t understand what (it’s the brightness of the GPS, NAV/COM, XPNDR). PS: don’t assign any axis to the condition levers. Mouse only. smartcopilot.zip
  20. Sorry, i have no time now. Will reply tomorrow (for me zulu + 1 h), and provide a new good file.
  21. Yes, the pump is operating correctly without SC. There is something new since X Plane 10 and the Saab 1.41. There is no problem with this combo. Please, can you explain me the values or events involved to start/stop the pump? Thank you for your attention.
  22. I have a problem with the hydraulic pump always running. For now, there is a workaround: disconnect, reconnect smartco. JGregory or Goran, if you read this thread, have you an idea? There is a no writable dataref, sim/operation/failures/hydraulic_pressure_ratio, which does not reach 3000 when the connection is established, and jump to this value when smartco is disconnected. At 3000, the pump stops. May be not related? Every thing else is perfect. CRS, Garmin (2D and 3D), tiller, etc smartcopilot.zip
  23. Hi Wiil, Should work, but let me 1 or 2 days to check: The Garmin. In this area, X Plane 10 and X plane 11 are not completely similar. Also there is may be a way to sync the 2D panel. Else, what about the new CRS1 logic? Tiller. Manual start and auto start (Because of the new PID logic).
  24. Thank you. For years my movement was too rough!
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