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wain last won the day on March 4 2019

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About wain

  • Birthday 09/14/1965

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  1. just 2 shots as I look around my new addition to the virtual hanger...
  2. Update.... bought this yesterday, watched a lot of videos to help me decide... looking forward to learning this one.... can't wait to get home from work later and take a long walk around followed by some intensive training....
  3. this is great news, I have missed this plane since moving to XP12....this was the first thing I bought when I had XP10, I also think it's a fair upgrade price, we all need to earn a living...oh and congrats to Jan on the 747 cert...
  4. Okay thanks for clearing that up, Great link there, thanks..
  5. Oh does it? Sorry Cameron I didn't see that, full tutorial? Just want to make sure before purchase.. thanks..
  6. I am looking at this and hoping it will appear in XP12, however I am actually a little concerned that I may struggle to learn, I understand it's a very intensive and thorough add-on. Just wondering what kind of tutorial/instructions it comes with for someone coming from airlines? As a guidance of my ability I test for Just Flight and have been involved in the likes of the 146 and the Vulcan if that helps to show my level of competence...
  7. Yeah missing this, just XP12 now, be glad when we can get it back in the air...
  8. Great news, I also have moved to XP12, waiting patiently..
  9. Me too, I have patience though...
  10. I have a new drive just for XP and addons, hope to move it at the weekend, do I just copy / paste or uninstall and reinstall everything? will this be seen as a new machine? I also use MSFS (I test for Just Flight), would that be easier to move? I know XP doesn't install files everywhere but some addons might and I don't want to break the sim if copy / paste causes me more issues.... Thanks for any advice in advance...
  11. am I right in thinking this is 5pm UK time tomorrow?
  12. fantastic piece of news, when I fly XP11 I always use SMP4 with RWC and Activesky, on the odd occasion it may be a little slow but my system is 3 years old.......I have tried them all and still come back to SMP as this to me usually looks great and especially lately performs very well.... can't wait for release and also feel the upgrade cost is good to....
  13. A couple of shots from a recent flight, loving the weather depiction now......
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  14. Toliss A319, ORBX TE US regions & Skymaxx Pro weather....this version of SMP for me is great, looks fantastic and amazing smooth fps....lovin it!!!!!!
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  15. for me I have found that 4.9.3 is the best FPS I have ever had with SKP, and I go back to begining of v3.....I was using Toliss A319 over ORBX TE UK with my average system, GTX 1070, i5 9600K & 16gig RAM, I am getting consistant 45-50fps, but crucially it was very smooth.......I guess setting will also make a difference to.....
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