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Ben Russell

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Everything posted by Ben Russell

  1. All of this is nice but without PMDG making products for it people will never take it seriously as a flight sim.
  2. X-Plane is already plausible enough.
  3. One of the biggest issues I have with Outtera is that every single screenshot that people post looks like cold wintery alpine conditions. Nothing like where I live. The other problem that they have is that the more detail you have, the more detail you need. Things like a razor sharp river bank edge... No roads leading to the random shed placed on the side of a hill... One single cloud type in all those screenshots in this thread... It's like plastic cheese.
  4. What's up with the water textures in this shot:
  5. A quick google tells me that UE4 has a default tile size limit of 5k squared. (absolutely tiny for flight sim use.) You can stream more in and the engine will do location shifting, similar to what x-plane does. No mention of round-earth that I could see. Details. Important details.
  6. Time to develop a smaller Proof Project on the side. Minimal mesh required to demonstrate the problem. "Throw away" content of no value so the Proof of Concept can be shared freely.
  7. https://hg.assembla.com/almixer_isolated/file/358b0bd5df43/Isolated/luaal
  8. The 747 will be released in 2029 and WILL be compatible with X-Plane 10 if your name is Sarah Connor. We promise.
  9. Correct. Almost all of OpenAL documentation can be applied to working with Gizmo64. I've added a small placeholder element to the API docs: http://www.gizmo64.com/Gizmo64_API.htm#al.readme This is worth reading: http://coronalabs.com/blog/2011/07/27/the-secretundocumented-audio-apis-in-corona-sdk/
  10. Gizmo's sound gain control is a direct-mapping into OpenAL gain controls. No value adjustments are made.
  11. http://forums.x-pilot.com/topic/6350-gizmo64-1401160253/?p=82745
  12. "How a Book from 1961 Makes Realistic Virtual Reality Skies" http://sundog-soft.com/sds/2014/06/book-1961-makes-realistic-virtual-reality-skies/
  13. Will be pushing a Gizmo64 dev-beta out to the team later today... pretty happy with where it's at. Some minor stuff left to tweak but it won't be too much longer!
  14. The Fail is strong in this one.
  15. No Log? No mention of which aircraft you're flying? No screenshot of your rendering settings? All this from a reasonably experienced member of the community. Fail.
  16. Click-drag with two fingers. Works fine for me.
  17. As demonstrated already it's years beyond anything else available for X-Plane.
  18. Turn world detail distance down.
  19. They're set to "etc etc"
  20. Terms are not quite that permissible. There are several restrictions. https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/tos.html http://help.sketchup.com/en/article/3000049 (One of multiple) License Restrictions: Basically a whole pile of legal grey goo. Not something I'd choose to touch by creating some kind of plugin for X-Plane to provide integration. Tempting as it may be.
  21. A single thread with meaningful information that properly describes your problems, questions or desired outcomes is far more useful than two half assed "cant be bothered" threads. Help people to help you. Use your words.
  22. http://forums.x-pilot.com/topic/7582-gizmo64-for-linux/
  23. SkyMAXX, not really. Maybe tiny fractions of a % in theory but nothing in practical use. SkyMAXX is a self contained XPL that only uses Gizmo for DRM license validation. MU-2, DC3, etc. Yes. These products use Gizmo64 for the bulk of their systems and will all improve.
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