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Everything posted by Tim013

  1. I can still manipulate all the knobs with the mouse wheel, but not dragging, on the MCP through the popout menus. I hide the menus as an option, and use the "/" key to pop them out.
  2. Very cool to have the FMC updated. Time to try and break it....LOL. I plan on doing some offline flights with it before I screw up the courage to take it online.
  3. So, help me understand....Will the eventual move to the XP1100 format, remove the mandatory runway selection for navigraph users?
  4. @Goran_M I'm happy to read that V2 is still moving along. Any word on the "imminent" release of the update for the current version?
  5. Thank God! I hate those windows. I use a two monitor setup like most flight simmers, with my non-XPlane monitor on the left. Every time I would move the mouse cursor to the left monitor, it would trigger one of those flyout windows. Super annoying. Glad this will be an option to disable.
  6. The only solution since v1.5.1 is to "help" the autopilot in the roll channel. You can use your joystick to manually input more bank, and the AP won't disconnect. It's the only way to intercept a course change, or LOC, without scalloping across the course. Realistic? No. Does it work? Yes.
  7. Nice picture. I've flown this bird so little over the last year plus, with much of my flying being online, that I don't see what the difference is. I will fire it up and look. Hope my license is still active!
  8. The picture posted is of the "Soup Nazi" from the TV show Seinfeld. National Socialist German Workers' Party is what Nazi references. It's not funny when I have to explain it.
  9. Gotta love the soup National Socialist German Workers' Party member.
  10. Just curious @Incubus ......why do you expect March for the 1.5.2 update?
  11. Correction; the update from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2 is in it's second year of development, not months.
  12. Jan, I didn't say X-Plane will be obsolete. I do believe that if Asobo continues to deliver the base world they've created, and continues to add features like they are doing in the technical alpha build, then I will have no issue with making FS2020 my primary flight simulator. Especially with PMDG already commiting to the platform, and others soon to follow. As I said in the post you selectively quoted me in from "the org", I am not going to delete X-Plane. I don't see how this could confuse you, nor do I personally see any humor in it. I think you are technically correct. The aircraft is useable in X-Plane 11. I was confusing the FMC bugs with XP 11.41 compatibility. It's a known issue, and running community joke, that when flying the 733, especially online, that a re-route from ATC is the worst case scenario. There is a very real possibility that altering the route will result in the FMC failing. In any event, I'll continue to wait for any planned updates. I'm sure they will be worth it, and I will certainly welcome them, even if X-Plane is no longer my primary flight simulator. Regards.
  13. Yes I did say that, and I stand by it, without hesitation. I also said: "Will I delete X-Plane when FS2020 is released? No! Am I open minded, and going to buy FS2020? Yes!" So, there is that too. I've not jumped on the band wagon of people railing the IXEG team for literally years of no updates. I don't think it's right for an addon that costs $74 and change, but that's my personal opinion, and up until now, I've kept it to myself. I haven't complained about it, because frankly, there's nothing that can be done about it, from a consumer standpoint. I'm just recognizing another users frustration as being valid. When the IXEG 733 was released, the X-Plane community gave it great support, both financially, and praise as the best addon ever released for the sim. It's not surprising, looking at how things have played out, that some of that support has eroded. I'm sorry if I triggered you with my comment. That was not intended. I extend my most sincere apology.
  14. Jan, I'm not quite sure what you mean by that. In any event, I'll welcome any updates that come down the pipe for the 733.
  15. I understand what you are saying. Of all the addon aircraft I own for X-Plane, the only three I don't fly anymore are the LES SAAB, the IXEG 733, and the MU-2; all X-Aviation products. It's not that they are totally broken in XP11.41, but they are all in need of some work to make them compatible. I guess the exception is the MU-2, an XP11 patch to fix the engines was being worked on, but I think tkyler pulled back on that, in favor of working on version 2.0 instead. So I'd consider the MU-2 v1.0 no longer XP11 compatible. I think what triggers some people are differences of support for the products out there. The Hotstart TBM is updated frequently, and features are also added, making it arguably one of the better addons available for XP anywhere, then you have the 733, which is just as complex, and has languished.
  16. I know....I was just making a funny, since the update has been in the works for a year now. LOL.
  17. What is this update you speak of?
  18. It's not available yet. I've noticed a couple things I need to touch up first. Tim
  19. Thanks for that information Goran. It's appreciated. While waiting for the update, I decided to break out the paint brushes, and whip up one of my favorite liveries ever for the SAAB.
  20. Yeah, in most all SAAB 340 operations, the aircraft is rarely at a gate where it needs to be pushed back. When they flew regularly as commuter aircraft in the United States, most large airports had one or more terminals that were set up for boarding from ground level. In other words, the aircraft was parked sideways usually, and you, as a passenger, would just walk out a door on to the ramp, walk to the aircraft, and board. Take note of the 5m20s mark in the vido.....LOL. We need this modeled in V2. Also, take note of the white gloves in the cockpit, for increased visibility to the ground crew.
  21. Air Florida fictional for Zibo 3.31+ View File Fictional repaint for the Zibo in Air Florida livery. No winglets or satcoms painted since this is a retro livery, and such folly did not exist back then. Submitter Tim013 Submitted 06/09/2019 Category Heavy Metal Livery For https://forums.x-plane.org/ X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 11  
  22. I think I'm going to start doing this as well. I've had a couple instances under XP v11.34 where I've gotten the white Gizmo popup, and then sometime after, both engines quit. Last time was during a VATSIM event......LOL.......so I just disconnected. Small price to pay for a fun aircraft though. I know V2 is a looooong way away, so hopefully this last update will hold us over. It sounds very promising.
  23. I've had this happen a couple times. Flying along in cruise, everything nominal systemwise. Engines rollback and the fire is out on both sides. Happened again last night during the ZOB FNO. Sometimes a simple engine restart (engage starter) will get the engines going again, sometimes not. Anyone else have this happen? I should note that early in the flight during climbout, I had the Gizmo text box pop open. I closed it, and everything continued to operate normally, until I started my descent into my destination. That's when the engines shut down. I ended the flight at that point, because I didn't want to be disruptive to the FNO. Tim GizmoLog.txt Log.txt FlyWithLua_Debug.txt
  24. Future Airbus pilot.
  25. Well, there is a work around for the bank angle issue. The fix is a pain in the ass, especially when you're flying online, while operating this aircraft designed to be flown by two pilots. Your yoke/joystick can override the roll function of the autopilot, without the AP disconnecting. So, if you're being vectored to a localizer intercept, you can "help" the autopilot by increasing the roll with your yoke to a 30ish degree bank angle. The downside to this work around is that you're already likely doing 3 other things when you need to "help" the autopilot make a turn. When the update gets released is out of my control, so there's no use complaining about it. But, I can see how people are upset about the AP issue. Prior to the 1.5.1 update, the autopilot bank angle worked. After the 1.5.1 update, the autopilot bank angle doesn't work. I think a lot of people expected a mea culpa attitude, followed by an autopilot fix within a few days after breaking the bank angle function. In any event, the autopilot is usable with some extra effort. Hopefully, soon means soon. Tim
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