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Everything posted by Defiance_co

  1. Hiya, You could try this if you haven't already The downloaded 1.07 hotfix, make sure you extract it before you install it It can cause problems if you use it's own temp extractor folder Also, when in-game, don't choose steam gauges or visa versa, you get a similar problem If anyone has had this no doubt you'll get an exact post pretty soon from a helpful forum user Tony ps : If you still have this, when in the sim, choose another airport, then once there, close/exit game, fire it up again and see if that fixes it
  2. Heya mmerelles, Exciting times most certainly I don't think a day's gone by that i'm not thankful of finding x-plane 10 (well this last week i could of done without lol) Then for it to give me the impetus to finally upgrade my rig, and open a new eye-candy world up with the betas Should never wish time away ever, but roll on 10.50 and eventually version 11 If i can find howto input radio 111.70 for ils at ksfo, i might try filing my second attempt in the ssg 747-8i hehe Will edit this post with one vid i do today at worst, maybe something i'm more familiar with i guess Have Fun Tony
  3. Hiya Frank For what it's worth, i can max the new cloud area to i think is it a max of 47, obviously in NY for insyance my fps go below thirty, anyways, amazing as usual But cannot enjoy them again until rig is solid again grrrrrrrrr (still inb kjfk ksfo 747-8i though, no error yet ! (touches head err wood)) When i am sure windose has spat its last dummy out of the pram, i'll do a vid to show the hard work you've (and others i assume) have done, and obviously continue to do Have Fun All Tony
  4. Hiya's, Albert, obviously post back any findings I fired up x-plane, for a change i chose the SSG 747-8 Had to re-activate her (OS change caused it obviously) Spent 5mins getting SN etc, x-plane crashed while i sorted activation !!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr Error was, 'Kernel Security Check Failure', quick google on yet another windose 10 error code i had never ever had, through up, 'rollback gpu driver', install one of your choice (very limited choice, only 2 drivers for the 1080 series so far lol) Did that, had a quick fly in the 747, then realized i had to update my navigraph for the plane, in/out like a fiddlers elbow, voila, now my fmc is working as it should, and here i am, gonna test for a crash This fresh OS install is the spawn of satan i swear, never ever ever ever had any grief like this in 20+ yrs of computing So yet again, i can only test for x-plane stability first, then move on to other testing Have Fun Tony
  5. Beta 5a Only a small one (said the vicar) The Glorious DC-6 With a total idiot controlling her, or rather, trying to Have Fun Tony
  6. Hiya's, I think i've sorted it ! (though i've said and thought this previously) The culprit seemed to be the gpu driver So far for the 1080 and i guess the 1070 we only have a choice of two drivers After some fiddling and many searches online It came down to a forced installation from nvidia even if you choose a custom install !! From what i've read, nvidia say this will be fixed, as-in when you choose not to install it, well it/they won't install lol mmerelles, i'll try some testing tomorrow, it's just gone 2am and i'm shattered hehe I know the DC-6 taxed my old gpu, i can have a try at staying in the air with her lmao, surrounded by smp clouds if that works i guess A i'm stable again, B i can get back into the ixeg again with smp+rwc and see if i can get some problems I just need to be back at 100% OS/Sim stable, or any conclusions won't mean nowt ! .................................................................................................................................................................................... Anyways ........... to make things clear for others casually reading, SMP+RWC had no issues for my crashing I just seem to have such crappy runs of bad luck lately Well, if it wasn't for bad luck i'd have no luck, that's me hehe Sleep->Stability test sim->stability test different planes->Stop pulling my hair out->Back to having fun Adios All Have a Good'un tony
  7. A helo trip in gale force winds at jfk, stick config setup for the ixeg, never again lol I was like a fly in a wind tunnel !! To cap it off, a trip in a Phantom Tony
  8. Andy, A nephew of mine had is laptop battery go south two month ago Got a quality replacement, been fine since, i think his battery wasn't charging or very slowly Maybe similar to your problem Also, x-plane really really pulls out whatever a cpu and gpu have to offer, amazing how much 'juice' it wants to live on lol Tony
  9. Hiya, Thanks for the detailed reply I'm just about on vapous in the 737 from KJFK to KSFO, on beta5a, all stock except the ixeg and free A380, no added plugins or hd mesh so pretty vanilla So far, no more damned windose 10 errors !! I'll put smp+rwc back in after landing and a food run and give the old bird another long run With me getting a new gpu (nvidia) and having ati installed, after a few days and then yet another hdd fubaring on me, i thought a fresh install was the best option, been years since i had nvidia, so started w10 errors, now i've just got a warning about memory, well rather that was lastnight using beta4 Obviously with so much w10 problems coupled with nvidia driver errors too, i really didn't have a clue what was causing what lol Anyways, Thanks Again Gonna land and grab food Have Fun Tony Edit : seconds after posting this, sim crashed lol, here i go again
  10. No idea what i was doing so just winged it Obviously a vid of what not to do FATO Dion Tony
  11. daemotron, Forgive me, i'm so tired and in pain ...... But what you're saying is in beta4 smp was taking a hammering performance-wise, but all seems well now in todays Beta5a ? Cheers Tony ps : I had performance issues with smp and maybe rwc in beta4, but and it's a big but, i had hellofa game sorting fresh os install for a fresh ati to nvidia gpu, so wasn't sure wth was going on, but beta5 today i'm flying solid at stock mind you so no smp/rwc back in yet, but now sim's been running 4.5hrs using the ixeg classic 737 pps : I mean, i was sure it was to do with the beta not the new smp release, but on top of windose crashes it was hard to tell right off the bat
  12. Hiya, Lol, well the 1080 is 'thicker' than my older gpu, girth n all that Sim's been running since my son and grandson turned up dinnertime, not had any windows errors so far today after 3.5hrs of it running Anyways, some pics, freebie Airbus and ole Classic ps : you get B5 installed ? that's what i'm running today Take Care Tony
  13. 10.50 B5a out now Dion Some simple pics Hoping i'm getting a stable rig back again lol Who'd of thought ati to nvidia would be such a pita Doing a 737 classic test flight taking in as much scenery as i can to test for stability in x-plane/gpu/nvidia control panel grrrrrrrrrrr Tony ps : Dion, i left rig on uploading large vids to YT, i used the Stock Cessna around NY, wokeup to the uploader hanging grrrrrrrrrrr, might try later
  14. Awesome !!! Did i just say that ? , i mean, well done old chap, t'is absolutely spiffing old chum, that's better, english kicked back in Yeah real nice Red Thanks Tony
  15. Looking Great there Dion Did a funny film days ago, everything went wrong so i just had a blast, just goofing around NY area Have a look on YT Dion, i fubared though, had AA etc maxed instead of my usual x2 lol Jittery but shows decent low level fighter err 373 action hehe, towards the end i just thought 'feck it' you'll see what i mean if you skip 2/3rds way through i think Will add pics in this post later. i might at last have a stable windose 10 again, no doubt as i get back in the cockpit the sim will crash Doing KSFO KHOU, so pretty bare along the way, did a 1k level over some areas to see nice complex housing auto gen Just loving the plane the clouds the auto gen Have Fun Tony
  16. Jim, Amazing scenery isn't it now for stock Beta4 for was stable, but now i'm fighting windose errors after a totally fresh OS install (go figure ! , nothing to do with beta as i'm trying to run stock 10.45 which is even more perplexing lol) Kepp them pics comin, helps show others what the new gen does for the stock game Have Fun Cheers Tony
  17. Hi Again ! Looks fantastic Will try it asap i get new OS+X-Plane running stable !! lol Many Thanks Have Fun Tony
  18. Seconded Bravo Guy/Guys/Gals Tony
  19. Hiya Colin, Hoping a manager appears for you asap And you can crack on with the project Havr Fun Tony
  20. Thankyou to All involved Have Fun Tony
  21. Hiya's, I had a version number ending different, so downloaded again using my login/account Anyone know if it's the same as SMP, i mean 3 slots/installs ?? Cheers Tony
  22. Hiya Dion, Great pics Again Windose and sorting my data across drives has been a right pita !! Few quick pics before i get some zzzzzzzzzzzz's KSEA Area - PMDG DC-6 Have Fun Tony
  23. Hiya, Having to clone/swap hdd's at the moment so no game running but .......... Tony
  24. Hiya, Thankyou Another cool cargo Cheers Tony
  25. For a guess he's pushing on with his home built cockpit, hopefully nothing to do health/family Tony
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