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Everything posted by Defiance_co

  1. LFML EGCC Settings in vid cpu@4.7 (5820k, and yep, i'm cpu-bound now) gpu@stock (no need to oc the puppy lol) Tony IXEG 737-300
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  2. Fell lucky on pressing pic key lol Vid up of it Cheers Tony
  3. Hiya's, She uploaded so slowly lol Tony
  4. Fell lucky again ......... LOWI Tony
  5. Vid while i was messing with about every setting i could lay my hands on Talk about swings and roundabouts settings-wise, seems it's never ending in search of smoothness and eye-candy Tony
  6. Messing around the Alps Messing with RTH+SMP 3.3.1+RWC and also Realistic Sky Colors Messing with new plane lol
  7. Hiya, Besides rcmarples great advice, if you have any other plugins, try removing them, and as some have found disabling them doesn't always cut the mustard and can still show problems, so back em up if any installed, remove, and go from there Only thing i do is the obvious, install smp then rwc, and i do have a few plugins but nothing like the ground handling etc that could/can/have caused a niggle Hope you get it sorted Here's a random bit for you ......... I can bench my cpu/gpu overclocks on the 'main' benchers fine n dandy, pass forever and a day, but now i use x-plane 10 as my stability tester !! she can sniff out an unstable oc in seconds to a matter of minutes, as i say a random comment by me, but knowing this can help figure out what seems to be another another issue as i once had to lol, only if you oc of course Have Fun Tony
  8. Hiya's, Been playing with a different visual setup So before Frank and the crew do a patch lol, here's a vid Of course the stutters are generally there as fraps sucks some of my go-go juice (processing power) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oITLVFtqHzk&feature=youtu.be Since uploading, i've changed some RTH settings, almost got that perfected (for me anyways) Have Fun Tony ps : 5820k @ 4.7 and FE Gtx 1080 at stock, in 1920x1200 res
  9. Hiya Jean, Many Thanks Have Fun Tony
  10. Hiya, Was just putting out what i read thinking it may help Not having had the problem myself, i didn't have to search for a tool from M$ Tony
  11. I read it doesn't effect the W10 x64 pro version, but other versions it does It's one of two updates or both, and it seems thanks to M$ evena fter removing them they get auto installed again lol Good ole M$ Tony
  12. Wherever you downloaded to .......... Copy then paste it to say your desktop Now unrar/zip/7-zip it Then once all is unrarred/extracted then use the installer Once done iirc you need your purchase email and password to verify Hope that helps Tony
  13. Hiya's, Here you go Frank (and everyone involved) Short vid of smp 3.3 Great Work People Tony
  14. Some quick pics May do a vid in a few Looking great with distance maxed out Tony
  15. Hiya's, Same as Tom for myself Installed just fine So if you didn't extract the folder/file, then make sure you do so As some of us found out some time back, not doing so can cause all kind of weird errors If you did extract, then i'd suggest hanging tight for Cameron or Frank to advise Tony
  16. kjhkent, Still backing up a massive sim folder ............ When done, i'll install smp and report back Don't waste another dl until i report back hehe Tony
  17. Hiya, Thanks again to all involved, and for all the hard work and effort you put into smp Have Fun Tony
  18. Hiya Tom, I too have CH peds, but i've not used them since getting back into flight simming last december I did watch the video on the assembly side, nice vid actually, well done and clear These are on my shopping list, and dare i say it, my xmas wishlist hehe Many Thanks Tony
  19. Lookin good there Dion (burned my reps so hangtight) Getting to grips with this old gal Around the area of 'that old gal' Tony
  20. Heya, Thanks for the livery Have Fun Tony
  21. Hiya, Been busy, got behind on the liveries So ............................ Many Thanks Tony
  22. Hiya, Been busy, got behind on the liveries So ............................ Many Thanks Tony
  23. Hiya, Been busy, got behind on the liveries So ............................ Many Thanks Tony
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