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Everything posted by McBlemmen

  1. great
  2. Probably digital because i have spent a lot of time in the 732 and could use a change of scenery , but in the end it will come down to wich one is easiest to read at a glance
  3. When people answer with "when it's ready" that means there is no date.
  4. I know you're joking but i'm honestly concerned the site is going to go down on release day haha
  5. Jan adressed that in the video, it's temporary so testers dont have to wait for long flap animations
  6. Hi i know speculation about release date is pointless , but i was wondering at 30:50 Jan said "hopefully in not too many days we will be able to release this". Is this a rough translation from a German saying or did he actually mean release is days away at this point? (posted the same on the youtube vid comments but i figure it's a better shot if i post it here)
  7. To be fair it was worded quite poorly. I had to re-read it to understand what you meant.
  8. Ah ok my bad sorry !
  9. Sorry if i missed something here ... "buy"?
  10. I love the shine on that southwest livery
  11. I don't want to start an argument over price here since i'm sure whatever they end up charging it will be worth it. But when you sell a product charging more money does NOT mean more profit. Max profit is achieved with a balanced price to attract more customers.
  12. Thank you !
  13. Hello Simple question : will you make liveries in-house and sell them separately , or will there be a paint kit of sorts available to allow community made liveries? Sorry if this is getting ahaid of things a little and/or if this has been stated somewhere before. Thank you
  14. First of all thank you for being up front about this , none of these shortcomings really bother me, but i do hope you're being honest when you say you plan to add stuff later. Secondly i'm in the minority probably but thank you for not adding scrollwheel support , planes with scrollwheel support are a pain in the ass to fly since you always mess a knob up when looking around , and dragging the mouse works just as well. If you do end up adding it i really hope there will be an option to choose to disable it. Cannot wait for this , day-1 buy. I don't think i'll ever need to buy another airliner after this. Well , atleast not untill the next IXEG plane comes out Counting the days ( weeks , months ? :S) untill release! Good luck.
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