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N313GM last won the day on February 18 2018

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About N313GM

  • Birthday 03/13/1962

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  1. Agreed. I put in a waypoint on LSK R2, got a console box pop-up (like a couple post above) then LSK R2 would not function rest of flight. Using stable Gizmo.
  2. Awesome! Thank you Tim013. I'll re-download today.
  3. Thank you.
  4. Hey, Am I missing something? I've seen no talk of "stuck in half bank" for a while, Is there a hot fix? no? how are you overcoming this auto pilot 1/2 bank only? I really want to get back in this bird.
  5. I am not having this breaking issue. I also have very few add-on's.
  6. Normandee. You'll have a better chance of getting an answer in the following sub forum. http://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/forum/158-saab-340a/
  7. I don't have it.
  8. Assuming you're using Windows 10, JetNoise is correct. This picture may help to understand.
  9. You're on a roll.
  10. It's known that the pushback that comes with this bird does not turn. Better Pushback works great with her.
  11. You might be thinking about the "PCA" Pre-Conditioned Air? If so your assumption is correct. https://aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/27114/what-is-this-tube-connected-to-a-757-for . For what it's worth, that's what I thought the "connect air supply" radio button was for.
  12. I second the question. I'm never sure when I've touched down. No noise, no camera shake. I always thought I was the smoothest SF34 landing pilot ever until I saw someone else was in the dark on touchdown.
  13. Yep! Thats my issue as well.
  14. I'll be happy to. Which log.txt do you want to see? XP, Gizmode ... ?
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