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Everything posted by cmbaviator

  1. No issue for me in beta 3 Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
  2. Need to update XP11 Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
  3. How to assign auto pilot off, athr off, toga thrust on my joystick Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
  4. Nope. Just rip your Xaviation and Ixeg and gizmo into XP11 Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
  5. Good news. Same for the toolbar, I've noticed that I can access the toolbar when in 3D cockpit ( pressing W: azerty keyboard) If I change the view by pressing C for example I can't access the toolbar anymore Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
  6. Sorry to hijack the topic but I need some info: I have appalling performance with the xP11 demo: 25 FPS on ksea on medium Hight setting no FPS boost on everything low. 1440p Gtx980ti 4790k@4.6ghz My GPU was below 50%, it always on 99% on XP10 hence the FPS issue. Plus it looks shit*y I was wondering if the full version is better in terms of performance and graphics ? If yes, where can I buy XP11 knowing that I have the steam xp10 Thks Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
  7. Ok that's why it can download wind alots currently Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
  8. Hi guys, As I always been an airbus fan, I stopped flying ( not definately though) the IXEG since the FSlabs Early adopters version got released. Not gonna lie its a true piece of art like the IXEG. But as sometimes it has some flaw with the flare law making the landing very unconsistent which can become very frustrating, I'm waiting for the SP1 but in the meanwhile, I'm back flying the IXEG, and it never felt so good especially with the 10.50 updates, seems that performance is better, getting 30-70FPS in very dense and detailled scenery :). @ Jan, as I think you are now a A320 captain, I think you should buy the A320-X form Fslabs, very usefull for your sim check xD
  9. Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
  10. My GPU usage got lower when I got my 980ti with my 4790k @4.6ghz. No point upgrading if you have a 970 Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
  11. Universal answer ? Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
  12. how many copies did IXEG sold ?
  13. Why did you initially make the videos links private lol.
  14. 1.4.2 is working like a charm for us CMB Sent from Tapatalk
  15. I can translate if you want
  16. Did another flight yesterday with the " with weather cfg file " from 1.4.2, and it worked pretty well, the wind data was perfect but it seems that the slave didn't have the same cloud position, we both have NOAA, SMP V3 and RWC.
  17. Well the other simmer had the 1509 from aerosoft lol, something went wrong when he tried to update from the navigaph software.... So you were right, making another flight tonigh, we will check if there is any more bugs but it seems pretty solid so far
  18. its correct on my side, i'll check with the other person and report back
  19. hmm Im pretty sure our airacs matched, gonna check today. We don't use coroute as it's not working anymore with PFPX with 1.0.5, the flight plan has been entered manually
  20. Hi guys, I did a flight yesterday using Smartcockpit 1.4.2, and there is a huge improvement compared to 1.0.5, however, the only Bug I saw is that even if both FMC has the same SID and STAR entered, the slave one doesn't display the correct SID and star. For example if the master enter SID XX and Star YY, the slave will see that the SID XX and star YY has been entered in the DEP/ARR menu but in the leg page, the waypoint entered are from another sid and star like from SID ZZ and STAR GG. So that's mean that the slave can't be the PF as when activating his AP with LNAV and VNAV, it will follow the wrong path. We both have the same airac 1606 from navigraph and that's with the no weather CFG 1.4.2 CFG file
  21. Ah okay, thanks, yeah I did enter a value in plan as i used realistic fueling time
  22. Well i still have the issue that during descent, in the int ref page, the GW for the landing was still the one calculated when i entered the ZFW during the pre flight. Hopefully i can "force a value" by manually entering a value. Shouldn't the GW automatically updates or the pilot must manually enter the estimated LDW ?
  23. Jan said that you never disengage A/T during normal operation, you shoulkd just press on N1/or speed to disable the AT and synch the ghost throttle and you are good
  24. Is that a custom shake software made by IXEG or did they implement one already existing ?
  25. Ah okay, thanks for the info, i'll wait until it gets in xplane 10.50 if that's correct
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