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Everything posted by Diego747s

  1. Even with a GTX 970 or 980 you can´t max out settings without having a massive fps drops, and we are talking about one of the most expensive and nice cards you can get on the market.
  2. Can you share your SkyMaxx Pro settins? Can´t get those clouds colors
  3. No one said the ability to change, the clouds were brighter. As you already said, it may be the fact that RWC generates clouds that could make shadows between them
  4. I was a user of skymaxx v2, the clouds were way more brighter, but as you said it could be the fact that RWC is working. Hoping for an update to correct colors, anyway great product!
  5. It works fine for me. Just to make sure I'll run it again lol
  6. The plugin works like a charm. Nice performance. However from my point of view the clouds are too dark. Summer, just a few clouds over Portland A photo of real clouds I used UltraWeather, this is how the clouds looked.. Just trying to make RWC a perfect product.. Sorry for my bad english
  7. Same happened to me after install, just closed the window and started x-plane. No issues at all
  8. Almost 2 am, not available yet. The only thing updated is the description
  9. Please release it soon
  10. I don´t know but I love it.
  11. Seems logic, but a date?
  12. I need to ask.. ETA?
  13. It's just amazing. Can´t wait for the release!! Will the 1.0 version be compatible with AutoGate plugin?
  14. Such an amazing feature, can´t imagine landing with IXEG's 737 classic on a foggy night. Looking forward to RWC!
  15. I wouldn´t be surprised at all, but let's hope not as you said.
  16. I think that it will be IXEG in 2017 or december
  17. Does the 1st versión will be AutoGate (plugin by Marginal) ready?
  18. Maybe you and xenviro developer (FlyingByWires) can share that info? Just an idea. Maybe he uses major airports nearby to determine if it's a big city or not in order to do such effect. Keep up the great work! Sorry for my english
  19. It would be nice that the city lights could be reflected on the clouds. Like xenviro does
  20. definitely you misunderstood my post. I didn´t say LNAV and VNAV are unnecessary, it´s about how complete they are.
  21. X-Plane for me its just a simulator, and I believe that for most of you it is a simulator too. I fly in X-Plane because the realism you get you won´t get it in FSX o P3D, also because the performance is better. I just fly for fun, to enjoy the flight, to feel the environment. Although adding more FMS features it's great, it´s crazy to keep delaying the first release to put some staff that it would be hardly to use, maybe only on a professional way or doing some flying tests. I thought that you will develop a full FMS for first release and then adding more features to it for further versions. Just my opinion, great work.
  22. No one here is trying tu set up a deadline. Just an estimated time, relax ...
  23. Any news about the release date? Almost february...
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