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mcog25 last won the day on May 9 2017

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  1. Thank you mmerelles. Your help is much appreciated.
  2. Hi teofilo. Would you mind posting how you fixed the scroll-wheel zoom please? I have a similar problem but in my case the GPS is fine. Thanks
  3. If you use a joystick axis or external hardware for flaps lever control rather than a key / joystick switch to control flaps then even though you set flaps up they may not in fact be up fully. With flaps still deployed the airspeed will be restricted by the autopilot. Not speaking from first hand experience but I have seen other posts in the forum where users have reported the same issue.
  4. mcog25

    Xplane 11?

    Great how " No offence intended" can be translated as "I know nothing about what I'm talking about but will plough on regardless causing as much offence as possible".
  5. Camera zoom can be switched on from the preferences menu that pops out on the right side of the screen (gizmo menu)
  6. It has been said countless times that update 1.1 is for xplane 10 only! This aircraft was designed and coded for xplane 10 and in my opinion is reason enough to keep a copy of xplane 10 installed. If you want to enjoy the IXEG 737 at its best then stick to 10. This aircraft is a fabulous achievement for IXEG and the systems simulation goes to depths most of us will never understand. Development of this product began in the early days of XP 10 and continued until the year before XP 11 was released. The fact that people on these forums seem to think that 5 years of work can be gone over in-depth and pushed out as a complete product for XP 11 is just plain silly. XP 11 brought huge changes which all developers were given very little time to tackle; not just IXEG. The team are to be applauded. Michael.
  7. My technical know-how is unbeatable in all areas except phones and computers
  8. Hallo, I demand the XPlane 11 update by yesterday at the latest. I also demand to know what progress is being made for the XPlane 12 and 13 updates. I have listened to much nonsense about progress being delayed because of storms, floods, hurricanes, meteorite showers etc. Do you think I am stupid!! Everyone knows that weather can be switched off on the settings page! Do not make any further silly excuses! Finally; if wing flex is not fully implemented immediately I will throw my rattle out of the pram!! Get to it now!!!! Kind regards, Michael
  9. Perhaps you could just shake your monitor up and down to simulate the experience you seem to be after?
  10. I would like to offer my congratulations to both X-Aviation and IXEG. The 737 Classic is a brilliantly realised aircraft with systems depth and accuracy which I have certainly never experienced in any flight simulation software. Given the level of pre-release expectations from your customers I think you have all performed admirably in releasing such a fine product. The superb level of after-sales support you are providing and the efficient manner in which the current update has been delivered is something which places you right at the top of the heap in comparison to other developers. Congratulations again and I wish you continued success in the future.
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