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Everything posted by charraeus

  1. I have just started the IXEG again - now the license has been validated successfully and the plane is working :-) Whatever you have done one the server-side - thank's a lot. The only change I've made: I've installed the X-Aviation BN-2 Turbo Islander (which seems to use GIZMO as well). Best regards, Christian
  2. I did a fresh install because I moved to a new PC with X-Plane 12. Find the file dates in the attached screenshot. In the log.txt I can find the following version info: Best regards, Christian
  3. Today I downloaded the 1.5.2-installer and installed the Ixeg B737. On first start of the Ixeg I filled out the licensing form and got the reply "Your License has been updated". But after a restart of X-Plane and even after rebooting the pc I always get the licensing issue: I already tried a reinstall, removed all plugins but nothing seems to help. Can you help me please? Find attached the log.txt. Windows 11, X-Plane 12.0.8, IXEG 737 version 1.5.2 Thank you and best regards, Christian Log.txt
  4. Another issue when using hardware-levers: It is nearly impossible to set the right condition lever from "cutoff-" to "start"-detent. When using hardware levers the detents for the power levers and condition levers seem to be gone. I use the Honeycomb Bravo Throttle.
  5. Thank's a lot for this update!
  6. Commands and/or datarefs for the speedbrake would be nice and very useful with additional hardware like the Honeycomb throttle quadrant: up down arm(ed) Flight detend Thanks a lot, Christian
  7. And again I am not able to start any engine ... :-( Any ideas? I do not want to do another 2-3 installations again.
  8. When clicking on the face of the pilot's side altimeter the baro display becomes black instead of showing mmHg (QNH). Clicking again shows the InHg again. It worked correctly In version 1.0. XP 11.42, Islander Version 1.1.1 with Gizmo Beta. Best regards, Christian
  9. I did another reinstall of the Islander with Gizmo Beta and now it works. Don't know why...
  10. Since update to version 1.1.1 I am not able to start any engine. Behavior is as decribed in the first post by @tbaac. I've tried every solution posted in this thread without success. I even tested with both Gizmo Beta and Gizmo stable. There are no errors in log.txt. Any other ideas? Thank's a lot in advance, Christian
  11. Nevertheless the DME is needed for some approaches or departures, because sometimes a turning point in the charts is only stated e.g. D3.5 ILUE (as in LUGE1K SID at Lübeck).
  12. I think the sound is the hydraulic pump which builds and maintains the hydraulic pressure. You should see the hydraulic pressure rising as long as you hear the sound.
  13. seems to work after reinstallation. Thank's for your support. Christian
  14. Hi, for testing purposes I removed most of the plugins - even flywithlua - but it did not help... Find attached the log.txt, GizmoLog.txt, Cycle Dump.txt and the list of my plugins (plugin-list.png). Thanks, Christian Log.txt GizmoLog.txt Cycle Dump.txt
  15. to moderator: pls delete this item. I used the edit function to add some logfile info but it duplicated my post... thank's, Christian
  16. to moderator: pls delete this item. I used the edit function to add some logfile info but it duplicated my post... thank's, Christian
  17. Hi, until today I've had no problems like this. But now the following error occurs after loading the plane: How can I solve this? My system: Windows 10 Pro Version 1511, build 10586.494 X-Plane 10.45 And off course: I did not make any change in the X-Plane config or installation. Part of FlywithLua_debug.txt: (..) [000833] FlyWithLua: User switched to a new airport (or changed the plane). Script files have to be reloaded. [000834] FlyWithLua Info: Load exit file. [000835] FlyWithLua Info: Lua engine (re)started. LUA_RUN = 4, SDK_VERSION = 210, XPLANE_VERSION = 10450, XPLANE_LANGUAGE = English and XPLANE_HOSTID = 1 [000836] FlyWithLua Info: HID access initialized. [000837] FlyWithLua Info: Discovered 14 HID devices. [000838] FlyWithLua Info: Load ini file. [000839] FlyWithLua Info: Searching for Lua script files [000840] FlyWithLua Info: Sorting Lua script files [000841] FlyWithLua Info: Start loading script file Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/reload scenery.lua [000842] FlyWithLua Info: Finished loading script file Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/reload scenery.lua [000843] FlyWithLua Info: Start loading script file Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/zzz_Meine_Assignments.lua [000844] zzz_Meine_Assignments.lua: Start zzz_Meine_Assignments.lua [000845] zzz_Meine_Assignments.lua: Saab 340A settings applied. Aircraft-Filename: LES_Saab_340A.acf [000846] zzz_Meine_Assignments.lua: End zzz_Meine_Assignment.lua [000847] FlyWithLua Info: Finished loading script file Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/zzz_Meine_Assignments.lua [000848] FlyWithLua Info: All script files loaded successfully. [000849] FlyWithLua Info: Loading time for all scripts is 0.156 sec. [000850] G64: 262.827: Trigger: ScriptedReboot.. [000851] G64: 262.827: Run('OnBeforeReboot') [000852] G64: 262.827: GizmoCore::Stop().. [000853] G64: 262.841: GizmoCore::Start().. [000854] G64: 262.843: Boot Count: 4 [000855] G64: 262.867: deployment.key contents:(58ddb93269c683f3b7d1975434ffbf66) [000856] G64: 263.264: Trigger: Run('OnBoot') [000857] JARDesign Ground Handling 3D Sound Engine Disable [000858] FlyWithLua Debug Info: Debug file written to "<<x-plane dir>>/FlyWithLua_Debug.txt". [000858] FlyWithLua Debug Info: Debug file written to "<<x-plane dir>>/FlyWithLua_Debug.txt". [000859] FlyWithLua Debug Info: Debug file written to "<<x-plane dir>>/FlyWithLua_Debug.txt". *** History of code you entered directly into FlyWithLua *** -- Welcome to FlyWithLua running Lua 5.1 (for more info see SYSTEM, SYSTEM_ARCHITECTURE, XPLANE_VERSION and XPLANE_LANGUAGE). -- Get mouse, keyboard and screen info from MOUSE_X, MOUSE_Y, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HIGHT, VKEY and CKEY. The last part of the log.txt: JARDesign Ground Handling 3D Sound Engine Disable 0:02:46.995 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 0 with Aircraft/X-Aviation/Saab 340A/Passenger Variant/LES_Saab_340A.acf G64: 228.351: Cleaning up:(Aircraft/General Aviation/Cessna 172SP/) G64: 228.351: Run('OnBeforeReboot') G64: 228.351: Aircraft Changed. G64: 228.358: deployment.key contents:(58ddb93269c683f3b7d1975434ffbf66) G64: 228.358: Aircraft Details: G64: 228.358: Author: (Leading Edge Simulations) G64: 228.358: Description: (Saab 340A Published by X-Aviation) G64: 228.358: Relative Path: (Aircraft/X-Aviation/Saab 340A/Passenger Variant/LES_Saab_340A.acf) G64: 228.358: MD5 Hash: (52b89d8c2ee165038d840e04daa2f7f3) G64: 228.358: Plugin Mode: Pro G64: 228.358: Trigger: ScriptedReboot.. G64: 228.358: Run('OnBeforeReboot') G64: 228.358: GizmoCore::Stop().. G64: 228.359: GizmoCore::Start().. G64: 228.360: Boot Count: 3 G64: 228.385: deployment.key contents:(58ddb93269c683f3b7d1975434ffbf66) G64: 250.418: Livery Details: G64: 250.418: Folder: (Aircraft/X-Aviation/Saab 340A/Passenger Variant/liveries/Alitalia/) G64: 250.418: Name: (Alitalia) 0:02:46.995 I/GPS: Added 23648 airports to the GPS database 0:02:46.995 I/FLT: Init dat_p0 type:loc_ram apt:LHBP rwy:13R FlyWithLua: User switched to a new airport (or changed the plane). Script files have to be reloaded. FlyWithLua Info: Load exit file. FlyWithLua Info: Lua engine (re)started. LUA_RUN = 4, SDK_VERSION = 210, XPLANE_VERSION = 10450, XPLANE_LANGUAGE = English and XPLANE_HOSTID = 1 FlyWithLua Info: HID access initialized. FlyWithLua Info: Discovered 14 HID devices. FlyWithLua Info: Load ini file. FlyWithLua Info: Searching for Lua script files FlyWithLua Info: Sorting Lua script files FlyWithLua Info: Start loading script file Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/reload scenery.lua FlyWithLua Info: Finished loading script file Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/reload scenery.lua FlyWithLua Info: Start loading script file Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/zzz_Meine_Assignments.lua zzz_Meine_Assignments.lua: Start zzz_Meine_Assignments.lua zzz_Meine_Assignments.lua: Saab 340A settings applied. Aircraft-Filename: LES_Saab_340A.acf zzz_Meine_Assignments.lua: End zzz_Meine_Assignment.lua FlyWithLua Info: Finished loading script file Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/zzz_Meine_Assignments.lua FlyWithLua Info: All script files loaded successfully. FlyWithLua Info: Loading time for all scripts is 0.156 sec. G64: 262.827: Trigger: ScriptedReboot.. G64: 262.827: Run('OnBeforeReboot') G64: 262.827: GizmoCore::Stop().. G64: 262.841: GizmoCore::Start().. G64: 262.843: Boot Count: 4 G64: 262.867: deployment.key contents:(58ddb93269c683f3b7d1975434ffbf66) G64: 263.264: Trigger: Run('OnBoot') JARDesign Ground Handling 3D Sound Engine Disable FlyWithLua Debug Info: Debug file written to "<<x-plane dir>>/FlyWithLua_Debug.txt". FlyWithLua Debug Info: Debug file written to "<<x-plane dir>>/FlyWithLua_Debug.txt". The lines starting with "zzz_Meine_Assignments.lua" are are little script which assigns the axes and buttons. Bye, Christian
  18. Hi, until today I've had no problems like this. But now the following error occurs after loading the plane: How can I solve this? Bye, Christian
  19. Hi, until today I've had no problems like this. But now the following error occurs after loading the plane: How can I solve this? Bye, Christian
  20. Just want to pop up this topic again, since there seems no anwer given yet. The Pages 32 to 37 describe the v1, vr, v2 speeds. But which page to use? I assume, the different pages apply to different weights, engine A/I and/or flap settings? There are no headlines on the charts which might help to figure out which of the 6 charts to use.
  21. Hi, today, I've worked through the charts and have some questions: Page 12 (speeds, single engine) seems to be the same as page 108, right? Page 12 then seems to be at the wrong place. Same for page 109. Just to be sure: Pages 13 to 16 are "Max climb power" for two-engine-operation? Pages 32 to 37 describe the v1, vr, v2 speeds. But which page to use? I assume, the different pages apply to different engine A/I and flap settings? No Headlines... Pages 115 and 117 are empty. Intentionally? Does page 111 belong to "Speeds single engine" chapter instead of "speed and sar single engine?" What does "SAR" stand for? I suppose not for "search and rescue"... Thanks's a lot for this great airplane - i really love it! Christian
  22. Just for info (for bug-hunting): I have the same problem as shown in post #1, too. I don't have the IXEG 737 and no Skymaxx Pro installed.
  23. Thank's a lot. The rule of thumb is very helpful. And I will check Simbrief.
  24. Hi, ... did not find it in the "charts-document". How can I determine/calculate the optimal cruising flight level when the route distance is given?
  25. Where can I find the AOM / FOM? Does anybody know?
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