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Everything posted by Kaphias

  1. Should be fine on any computer, just make sure it's well ventilated and kept cool, especially if it's a laptop.
  2. Great to see the flight model updates. I'm getting closer and closer to buying this plane.
  3. Only one thing to say to you regarding that first picture: you're a screwed-up nut.
  4. You need three things for a competition to work well in the X-Plane community: -Organization -Promotion -Prize Sadly, there are none of the three here... put some time into planning things out before jumping into them and you'll succeed much more often.
  5. Have you looked at Horizon at all? If so, why aren't you considering them?
  6. If you want to fly Saabs, come up here and fly for PenAir... they have a fleet of two 340A's and ten 340B's- with no retirements anytime soon.
  7. Really? What?
  8. The feature is still there: click on "View New Content" in the top right corner of the page.
  9. The next high-quality airliner release by anyone smart enough to include a 2D cockpit.
  10. It's getting farther away!
  11. Oh yes I know he put it on there himself, just found it funny in relation to the situation.
  12. ...using a $1,000 program which you have hundreds, if not thousands of hours of experience in. I'm jealous. Thanks for your insight nimi. From your examples I'm a fan of type 2; the higher resolution textures really make it for me.
  13. Oh dear.
  14. Wonderful move by United.
  15. No lies. SketchUp is so unbelievably easy to learn, not to mention very quick at doing basic squares (which is all the hangar is, except for the door knob). Thanks for your input. Ah yes I remember reading about LOD groups a while ago. Once V10 comes out and I understand it more I'd certainly be willing to give it a go.
  16. There's a huge difference between modeling for purely an artistic purpose and modeling for a flight simulator. Sure it looks great, but don't expect it to run on your computer if it was in X-Plane.
  17. I flew on this aircraft a few months ago, so I have some close up shots of the engines and nose if anyone is interested.
  18. Yep, that's what I've got now. Thanks Cameron.
  19. I think you may have your numbers mixed around Cameron; it seems that 500kb is the amount of space I have, not per upload. Regardless, I've always considered it good practice to use a external host such as Photobucket to store my images. It takes a little load off of the forum's servers.
  20. Must be fairly large then; the second shot in my above post is 1440x900 and 200kb.
  21. Testing: ...seems to work just fine here. ...and so do large images.
  22. Normal maps aren't something I have looked at at all, thanks for the idea. Seems like they would work great for the corrugated stuff. Well at this point it would be for V9. Ideally I'd provide a version for V10 as well as V9, but that all depends on how many people move to V10 and how much of a difference the new features will make to the scenery.
  23. Hello aerot, Please read this topic: http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php?/topic/2369-x-aviation-buyers-to-x-aviation-and-org-to-org/
  24. So here's where I'm at. I would really like to start putting a little more effort into my on again, off again scenery project. For the benefit of me and other scenery devs, I'd like to try and get some idea of where the X-Plane community is at as far as what you like to see as detail. I did this hangar in just under an hour to try and give some visual reference. The biggest question for me is whether to rely on textures for detail or the 3D model. Ideally you'd have both of course, but I'd rather see if your opinion sways to one direction or the other. As you can see in the above hangar, I've modeled the man doors with a fair bit of detail; the only areas lacking I can think of are the sill plate, hinges, and a more round doorknob. I see this as relying on the 3D model. Would you consider this too much detail for a man door? On the other side of the spectrum is the bi-fold door. Metal hangers are made of a corrugated metal, but I left that detail out. I also didn't add any sort of gap or seal around the door. This would be a case where I would rely on textures to give the corrugated appearance. (For reference, here is some corrugated metal:) My final question: What kind of textures (photoreal or not) should be used? Personally I'm a huge fan of photoreal textures if the resolution is high enough. Do share my opinion or are you totally against photoreal textures being used in scenery? Thanks everyone.
  25. You haven't won anything lol.
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